
CIII - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> Several people are dead and at least a dozen injured after a werful tornado tore through a small town in iowa. The tornado destroyed much of greenfield, a town of about 2,000. Twister left behind a bleak landscape of businesses and shredded trees. The storms and tornado warnings have moved into wisconsin including a warningor the capital city of madison. >> Alan: new developments in the investigation into the death of matthew police are trying to piece together what led to t after's death. >> Richard: I'm richard martin reporting from the global news chopper looking at a busy drive in 401 west bound through 404 dvp. This is where it starts to bunch up in the collectors just past 404 dvp heading westbound. Get your diy on during the get ready for summer sale at home hardware. With deals on paint and powertools, only until june 5. (Delicate ballet music) It's been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Hi, I'm Frank Leo, of Frank Leo& Associates at re/max. but I'm the only one that has a multi-million dollarmarketinstem that gets your home sold,guaranteed, or I buy it myself. Whew, I'm feeling so good I'm gonna try that again. I wouldn't. Frank Leo. Never duplicated. Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen anEggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the d Genacol® Makes me feel sood! It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set ly $998 including a 2 year warranty! ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. Woman: Can I get you anything? Man: No, I'm fine. (playful music Announcer: For those who really love their vehicle, give them the gift they really want. With over 100 automotive accessories, a gift from WeatherTech is the perfect choice. For the ultimate go to Five stars, forTo Kill a Mockingbird.Unmissableand unforgettable. Richard Thomas isAtticunch in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird." May 28th through June 2ndat the caa Ed Mirvish Theater. Book at Trouble sleeping? Sleep Cycle can help. It's an extended release tablet that's designed to help you fall asleep faster, temporarily promote relaxation, and increase your total sleep time. Look for Sleep Cycle at t stores. We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,all new Thursday at 8 Easternon Global. >> Tracy: there's new developments in the death investigation o actor matthew perry. It's been ny 7 months since the friends star was found unresponsive in hot tub at his los angeles hom now authorities are speaking people close to peary in hopes of pinpointing who gave him the dsed his death. >> Reporter: this morning a new twist in the investigation into the death of friends star matthew perry. The lapd telling nbc news that's working with drug enforcement administration and us postal inspection service to investigatedcumstances of peer eased at. You sent unresponsive in hot tub and civic palisades home in october. Allie conti manacle examiners offices peary died from acute effects of ketamine. A pful anaesthetic approved by the fda to treat depression under doctor's svision but the drug can be used recreationally. E out of see report states y was on ketamine infusion therapy for depression and anxiety. He wrote about it in his 2022 memoir. >> Ketamine felt like a giant exhale. It bring me into a room can sit me down and put headphones me so I could listen to music blindfold me and put an ivy and. >> Reporter: the autopsy report says the ketamine in his system could not have been fromhis last therapy session which was we c have before he died

and the level of ketamine and in his blood was equivalent to the amountd for general anaesthesia. 2 sources close to peary who say they have been interviewed by law enforcem as part of the investigation tell nbc news authorities are trying to determine how peary came into possession of so much ketamine and to track down any drug dealers and ketamine clini that he is. >> Chandler's my name. Imax speaker despite the joy he bought playing chandler bing on series friends peary struggles with addiction were no secret. The actor revealing at 1 point he is taking nearly 5 dozen prescription pills a day. >> It has nothing to do with weakness. It's a disease. >> Reporter: stepfather dateline's keith morrison opening up a peary'seath in march. >> Did it surprise you? >> It was the news you never want to get but you think someday yight. >> Reporter: now law enforcement looking for anyone who may have played a role in peary's recent drug abuse that ended so tragically. >> Hours just hoping not and then I heard the crunch. >> Alan: new at 6 a cottager recounts the horror of a deadly boat crash near kingston. Desperate attempts to save the victims straight ahead. >> It is unreasonable to ask torontonians and folks from across the entire gta to put up with us for the next 3 years. >> Speeding up construction on the gardiner expressway. Can it be done, and why wasn't that part ofhe plan all along? >> This is global toronto. Global news at starts now. >> Topping on news at 6 new des tonight about the deadly boat crash over the long weekend. >> 3 young people were killed, 5 others injured in ash on bob's lake near kingston. >> We are hearing f someone who witnessed the devastating crash and saw the same boat spee multiple times before. Sean o'shea joins us live now with more. What does this witness tell you >> Reporter: hatakka the chaos of the other utter frustration of volunteers rushed to try to save l on the water in the dark onaturday night. About the frustration and about knowing something was terribly wrong at the mt he heard. >> I was hoping not to hear the crunch. And I heard a speaker tony hammond says forget to send as he stood in his backyard at duck bay at bob's lake. Distinctive slam of crashing into metal fishing boat after dark saturday night. >> Of all the b engaging in risky and foolish behaviours in the channel that's the only 1 known as the boat. >> Reporter: whyouldn't she was well-known it bock-mac bay now more than ever. 5 peoplenjured in 3 people killed. Among e who died 22-year-old juliet francisco toho just graduated from college. She was with others on the fishing boathich was stationary at the time according to hammond. He says he heard the speedboat coming even above the loud music on the other boat. >> I heard the rumble like it's him. No is not going to do it the long weekend saturday after dark >> Reporter: a few seconds later hammond says the speedboat struck the other at high speed and then 9 on on calls for health. >> Mass casualty, the water. He andily members boarded boats to the nearb others joined the rescue effort. They fouodies in the water and tried to save lives. >> Signs of life can no signs of cpr. That's what you do. >> Reporter: firefighters and police would show up at heays it felt like forever as they searched for bodies. >> Because you'reking and not finding in the clock is ticking and you're just hoping someone with an actual boat built to search above and below water shows up because I'm using a cell phone flashlight. >> Reporter the owner of the speedboat recently postedn facebook about wanting to get out for the fir rip of the season adding quote its time to put the effing hammer down. He says he had seen the boat speeding in the bay. At bay with a 10 kilometre power spee the net. Says he's been interviewed ontario provincial police giving his account of what happened.he said he believed the collision was inevitable someday given the way he says he witness that speedboat being operated. >> I wish had not been that night but it was going to be some night and someday. So it was pure resignation. >> Reporter: provincial police wrapped up the are on scene investigation but the probe still is in its early stages. No charges have been laid. The families of those 3 and victim coming to terms with the loss and early-season reminder about the importance oft

safety. >> Thank you for that report. >> The opp said today the ctoria day long weekend was also tragicntario roads with 4 people killed in separate vehicle coions. During it's road safety week the opp says it weight 14,700 traffic related charges. That included on the seat thousand speeding charges and 204 stunt driving or racing citations. >>> Dallas ly the leslieville man who admitted to killing his mother before decapitating her body a trying to dispose of her remains has been found guilty of secdegree murder. Crime specialist catherine mcdonnell joins us from the course with reaction to this verdict today. >> Reporter: defence lawyers spoke outside the courthouse after the ver and said they are disappointed. They maintain dallas ly was suffering from ptsd at the time of the killing and did not have the state of mind for murder. They tell us they'll be recommending dallas ly appeal this verdict. Just minutes after ay found dallas ly guilty of second-degree murder his lawyers speak outside court about their 23-year-old client. >> We spoke to him. >> He's ppointed obviously in the verdict and the fac that he's gone to be sentenced to a lie is something that is very difficu for this young man to have to deal with in the circumstance. >> Reporter: dallas ly who testified in his own defence said after years of physical and mental abuse on the night of march 27th, 2022 he tolder she returned home from work at her nail salon he was moving out fromarlaw avenue condo and moving in with his aunt. He testified his mother became enraged, threaten to kill him and his got a knife to scare her. When she began punching and hitting him he said he saw a red and again swinging the knife and struck his mother. He admitted he laid her panicked cut of her head and tried todispose of her body but never intended to kill her. >> Our doctor doctor pat interviewed dallas ly extensively. He felt t he gave an opinion, psychiatric opiniofter multiple assessments and reviewing all the evidence that dallas ly did sr from post dramatic stress disorder at the time of the homicide we see that reduced his mental culpability. He did not have the intent to commit murder. >> Reporter: the judge ruled forensic psychiatrist for the crown was allowed to give up your assessment of that psychiatric opinion without interviewing dallas ly. The defence says that could be grounds for an appeal. >> The crown offered evidence of defence doctord we vigourously oppose that during this child. >> Reporter: based on the verdict the jury side with the crown that dallas ly was exacting revenge on his mother for years of abuse and intended to kill her. Dally never got help for his abuse and only confided infriend. >> The role of mental healthstill has stigma and abuse and neglect we see it. It's out there. It's hard to get young people to help that we needo act that they need attack that our community needs. >> Reporter: secondary murderers automatic like sentence. The judge must decide in period of parole eligibility between 10 to5 years. But for the jury left the judgeasked for them to recommend karen dacian. They came b 4 jers had no recommendations. 3 of them set appear of parole ineligibil of 10 years would be appropria and 5 said 15 years in prison would be appropriate before dallas ly is eligible for parole. Sentencing hearing will be held at the courthouse next week before the judge makes that decision. Back to you. >> Thank you. Despite the fact food prices rose just 1.4% over the past year a new poll so just so most canadians believelation is still a growing problem. A survey conducted by leger found 64% ofs feel the rate of inflation is getting worse at the grocery store. Compared to a year or 2 ago. Almost a third canadians blamed the rising cost of food on an apt to buy grocery chains, to increase profit. 26% so glo economic factors are behind higher prices.

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