
CIII - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Police have arrested 2 teenagers allegedly involved in a break in and vehicle theft yesterday. Police say the suspect sto a car while the owner was filling up gas near mavis road and central parkway west in mississauga. The same suspects them allegedly broke into a home in the yonge and steeles area and still another vehicle. No injuries reported in the incident. A 16-year-old and 19-year-old are facing dozens of charges. Polire still looking for another suspect. >> Alan: new numbers from the international law enforcement agency about stolen vehicles in canada. According to interpol m than 200 cars from canada have been found each weekcross the globe since february. In total more than 1500 vehicles have been identified partly atuted to the rcmp integrating cana database for stolen cars with interpol. Canada has been ranked among the top 1untries for auto theft. These are acted to our supply of high end cars which are shipped overseas toe traded or resold. >> Tracy: the ford government acing calls to reverse the pandemic policy that critics say gives suspected drunk drivers slap on the wrist. As we first told you yesterday ontario prosecutors are allowed to downgrade nondrinking and driving charges. Is a way to reduce the backlog in the court system. Queen's park bureau chief colin d'mello had the latest on this global news ex >> Reporter: it's a government up a logjam to court system. Alleged drunk drivers in less seriousases could be a for the chance to plead guilty to a lesser charge of careless driving tax bearing them a criminal record. The policy has been in effect since 2021 but during all those years the ford government never kept of how many drivers received the plea bargain. Creek's sahat makes it problematic. >> We know it reduces time. How much time you reducing? They cannot say. How often are people reoffending? Govent cannot say. So none of us can say if it's efive. >> Reporter: the ford government never kept track. Global news learned the option to downgrade charges was used so often that crown prosecutors even had a prepared script tourt. This is a time-limited measure intended only to reduce the court backlog. >> How often would you say you heard that? >> Prematurely time a plea bargain was done. For a little while t wasn't as fulsome an explanation or perhaps in a script but ultimately every prosecutor was essentially saying that to the court. >> Reporter: the attorney general claims the policy remains in effect in order to clear courtrooms from serious cases like sexual assault and gun crimes. But critics are casting doubt. The ndp recently uncovered 1300 sexual assault cases that were tossed out of in 2022 as a result the backlog. >> So by reducing criminal charges when it comeso impaired driving and claiming this is because they want the em to run efficiently packet hasn't happened. >> Reporter: some are calling the government to eliminate the optional together. >> Policy should be revoked because was introduced during a covid pande are not in that time anymore. >> Repr: the attorney general says for now his office is not reconsidering the policy. At queen's park colin d'mello global news. >> Family members of the victims of notorious serial killer robert pickton speaking out after his brutal attack in prison. The 74-year-old remains on condition after he was attacked on sunday and a he was convicted of 6 counts of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison 2007 after being charged with the murders of 26 women. Many of them indigenous. Ra who sister janet is believed to be among the victim so she's not surprised to hear of the ak. >> What he had done to them the care what he gets. Even if dies I would not care. I really wouldn't. I don't want to hear about him anymore. I am just sick and tired of him. >> Alan: police say a 51-year-old suspect is in custody in relation to the attack. >> Call 911 mass casualty. >> A witness recounts a deadly bo kingston over the long weekend. But he predicted a crash like this was bound to happen. >> Toronto city hall considering a question that drivers and thegardiner have been asking for 2

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>> Reporter: to signal displeasure israel it will now withhold much-needed funds to the palestini authority, I move the us police is not just. >> It undermines the search for sety and prosperity for the palestinian people which is in israel's interest. And I think it's wrong to withhold funds that provide basic goods and services to innocent people. >> Reporter: a change in status is stie out if runs counter to immediate needs including getting more aid intoa and securing the release of hostages >> I not very easy thi >> Reporter: to families released graphic hamas body camera footage of women captured on october 7th hopeful it will put pressure on those who can make decisions. >> I just want everyone to do whatever they can to bring it home. >>orter: distrust between hamas and israel hindere cease-fire efforts with every minute that passes bringing more pain to both people on both sides of this conflict. Reggie cecchini, global news washington. >> Alan: iran' supreme leader presided over a fun the country's late president tech forei minister and others killed in a helicopter crash. The service began at tehran university. The caskets of the 8 killed were then taken on a procession through downtown. Iran has declared 5 days of mourning after sunday's crash handset june 28th as the next presidential election. >> Tracy: british payments to rishi sunak has called a national electiohich will happen july 4th. >> Now is the moment for britain to choose its future. This election will take place at a time when the world is has been since the end of the cold WARracy: king charles granted his request today resolve parliament which his office says will be suspended friday. This announcement comes months ahead of what was expected tech with the governing conservative party support dwindling after 14 years in power. >> Alan: the families of the victims of of the 2022 uvalde texas school shooting have announced they've reached a city. They also say they are taking new legal action. >> Wee settled with the city there will be lawsuits forthcoming. Most immediately against the state of texas, blaming the city as if they didn't have how many police officers there? 98? As if they had nothingdo and didn't know how to shoot somebody, as if they weren't heavily armed and the most well-trained. >> Reporter: more than 370 federal state and local officers converhe scene nearly 2 years ago for more than 70 minutes to confront the shooter who killed 19 fourth-graders and 2 teachers. Families of the victims are suing dozens of state policeofficers.

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