
CIII - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> A canadian olympic swimmer has been suspended for -doping roll violations. 24-year-old ruslan gazizov of toronto failed to provide dru testers with his scheduled sample. The canadian centre ethics and sports says he missed 2 tests and had 1 filing failure. He competed forada tokyo games in 2021. He suspended until may 2025. >>> Paris unveiled the podiums for the 2024 over to comparable games iniffel tower. The podiums are recycled wood. The paris 2020 for a limbic spitting c a strong eco-friendly plan that hope so slash carbon emissions. The olympic games held july 26th to august 11th followed by the paralympic games from august 28th to september 8th. >> Ixcited because they are women. Women rule the world. >> Reporter: inspiring the next generation.another major step forward for women's sports in canada. Ise. The. >>> Would atlantic coast conference active hurricane season. E outlook next. >> Airborne traffic brought to you ho hardware. Get a deal on a new deck or fresh coat of paint. To get ready for somerset was on that home hardware building ( ) Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers. But what's wrong with a little dreaming? Especially when it's shared. Wirk, little dreams grow into big ones. At Kubota, we know that your work never stops. And we're inspired by those who dream - But our equipment is built for dreamers and doers, like you. Kubota, built for those who do. Trouble sleeping? Sleep Cycle can help. It's an extended release tablet that's designed to help you fall asleep faster, temporarily promote relaxation, and increase your total sleep time. Look for Sleep Cycle at t stores. - Mama, what's a Dare Veggie... Crisps? - Oh! I'm Dare Veggie Crisps! I'm a little bit of all the things... veggies, crackers and chips. [group] - Ohhs! - Veggify your snack time with Dare Veggie Crisps. - Made with real veggies! We now return to Alpine Credits. (Sigh) One monthly payment would be nice. ntory. Maybe it's time to renovate. Man: Sending help right away. ( ) Approved! ( ) Approved! ( ) Approved Alpine Credits Where homeowners get approved Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home How deep in my scalp does it go? Seven surface layers below. I feel it working! rubbers! Exfoliatingly! Fights dandruff where it sleeps, Head & Shoulders. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set ly $998 including a 2 year warranty! Is that a Cheestring? I'll trade you my bagel for it. How about my pirate's treasure? Mystery Orb? I offer Cthulhu, the World Eater! I'll stick with the Cheestring. Keep it Cheesy. Cheestrings, only from Black Diamond. I'm very good at solving murder cases. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale tonightat 9 eastern on Global. >> Strong storms have moved texas. The cityf temple issuing emergency declaration after a tornado swept the area. That caused widespread damage including downing powerlines tech trees there's property damage. No reports of injuries. Several more u states are bracing for more severe weather pictures alerts stretching from texas to north dakota. Strong wind hail and more tornadoes cohit. Meanwhile we are about a week away from the start of hurricane season and weather experts are predng an exceptionally busy 1 this year. Especiallyor those living in the atlantic coast.

the maritimes are still recovering from hurricane fiona 2 years ago. Residents are preparing for the season ahead. Amber friday reports. >> Reporter: the canadian hurricane ce predicting an above-average storm season for atlantic canada, mainly due to temperatures in the atlantic ocean. Another large factor is the expected shift in the pacific ocean from el niño to la nina. The reversal typically produces more storms in the atlantic. >> The other aspect of thiss rapid intensification and that something we've been watching very closely over the last number of years is just how rapidly the storms go from a tropical storm to a major hurricane. >> Reporter: the us national oceanic and atmospheric administration is forecasting its highest eve outlook and history. The 2024 season and oaa is predicting to 25 named storms including 8 13 hurricanes and 4-7 major hurricanes but it's not clear how many could make landfall. >> At the same time the rainfall associated with hurricanes is protected to become more intact intense and with sealevel riill exacerbate the impacts associated with storm sur >> Reporter: the 2023 prediction slightly lower. There were a few more named major hurricanes in line with the prediction of 1 to 4. >> Trying to achieve a 70% confidence in their forecast. This year it's up to 85 they've achieved with these numbers. So very, very high confidence level it will be an active season. >> Reporter: meanwhile the mayor of cape breton regional news the pallet he says someparts of the region are still in recovery mode after hurricane fiona pummelled the island in2022. She says preparedness the storm season ahead is underway as the musicality creates more designated comfort centres and is using $1.5 million from the federal government to equip a new emergency command centre at city hall. >> Emotionally and mentally people are scared knowing huane season is coming up. That's real. There's a certain type of ptsd that comes with surviving these types o events. >> Reporter: though mcdougall says she's also nervous as the season approaches she's confident thene what they can to prepare. Robichaud recommend people follow the lead sooner rather th later. Amber friday global news, halifax. ] >> Today is a historic day. Women's professional basketball is finding a home in canada. >> Alan: new at 6 it is official. Toronto gets its own wnba team. What fans want to know straight ahead. >> It's a really good tool for

getting around at low-cost. >> Despite that toronto city council maintains its ban on e-scooters. The reason and wil make any difference the protesters were appalled by the offer the un it's a bit of a disgrace of an offer. >> A deadline set on the university of toronto offer to enmax the encampment at king's college circle. >> This is global toronto. Global news at 6 ss now. >> Alan: topping on news at it was this time last year that e wnba played its first-ever game in canada tech exhibition match innt of a sold-out credit scotiabank arena. There's a lot more games to come now. Toronto has been awarded the first canadian franchise. With more let's go live to global's sean o'she >> Reporter: a lot of young people out shooting hoops this evening at this court and the talk of the town hear the city is this brand-new wnba team whic coming and is being welcomed by those who watchhe team of course and also because of what it means for recognition of women's sports in this country. >> I am honoured to officially announce that we have awarded the city of toronto the 14th w. Nba franchise. [ Cheering and Applause ] >> Reporter: a first for the w&p league outside united states. A new team here in toronto. >> Welcome to the w. >> Reporter: professional women's sports team according to the ownershioup led by larry tanenbaum that will reach beyond toronto. >>s franchise will be canada's team. Whileur home base will be here right here coca-cola coliseum at exhibition place in toronto. We'lly games in vancouver and montréal throughout the season. >> Reporter: today's a historic day. Women's professional basketball is finding a home in canada. >> Reporter: a famous former toronto raptor welcome to league's move. >> Super excited and glad have the opportunity to be here and it's only going to grow and get better. >> 's come to be amazing athletes, amazing basketball stars. I just want to wish you all the best. Go women'srts go. >> Reporter: getting a canadian team means a lot to women of all ages. >> Etiquettes containing great things for basketball and womesport in part of a bigger movement that's really taking us to so many places here in canada. >> Reporter: just ask some of these young players. >> Very excited to see there's finally a woman's team in toronto. Really inspiring to make them have their own team. 'm excited because they are women. Women rule the world. >> This is 1 of the best moments for basketball in the history of this country and I think that's an important statement because basketball was invented here. >> Reporter: the professional team willeed a name and they are looking for ideas. >> We are starting from a clean slate so looking f to talking to canadians and getting their input and figuring out what strong and dominant team name have. >> Reporter: a team that will not hit according to may of 2026 at coca-cola coliseum at exhibition place. >> You guys better be loud. And I cannot wait to rock thatplace. >> Reporter: there is 8700 seats in the coliseum and there's an option for the t to be able to play some of its games at scotiabank if necessary. A lot of details have to b worked out but in a year when the prsional women's hockey league launched with so much success in our wnba franchise is coming to canada to toronto specifically a l of people cheering for the fact that women's sports are being seen as so popular which they have b for so long. >> Alan: thank you sean. >> I don't know what comes next but will be ready for it. >> Alan: video message from former me police coach sheldonkeefe 2 weeks ago after being fired by the team. Tonight he does not comest. He's been hired as head coach by the new jy devils.he says he's excited to lead a young . He says it has a lot of potential. The devils had a bit of fun with his first name on ask. Photoshopped I of him coach sheldon playing off the tv show young sheldon. He'll be formally introduced next tuesday.

>>> University of toronto has made a conditional offer to pro-palestinian demonstrators who have beenped out for 3 weeks. The university says the offer is dependent on students cing the encampment for good. Noor ra'fat iim is live on campus with more. >> Reporter: the university held a press confere earlier this afternoon at simcoe hall just steps away from where the encampment the press conference university president spoke with the media and said the students have 24 hours to respond to an offer that the university has put on the table today.that offer addresses all 3 over the protesters' demands. T on devasting funds from israeli institutions at the university says it will by invite the protesters to present their plea to the business board oferning council in june. University will establish an advisory commi to review the divestment demands and respond no later than october. On the second demand the university has said it will establish a committee to consider disclosing where it divests its funds and the protesters are invited to nominate people to be considered to join that committee. Third the university has refused the third demand which is to cut ties with israelis against academic freedom. However, university says I continueso increase opportunities for palestinian students and scholars at the iversity, work they say beganwell before the encampment. Let's take a lesson now to a the president had to say at that press conference and how the esters are responding. >> Many members of our community feel increasing distressed the presence of the encampment. They feel unsafe. They hav reported feelings and experience of discriminn and harassment. We have also had reports of hateful speech and hateful acts which we have reported promptly to toronto police service. >> The protesters are appalled by the offer the university made. It's a of a disgrace of an offer. The administration claims they want the encampment to come to a peaceful conclusion yet they always attempt to blindside us at a return. >> Reporter: the students say will hold a press conference tomorrow morning to further address offer. The university says the students 24 hours to respond to the offer. If an agreement is not reach the university says it will take further action although as of right now it is unclear what that fur action will be. >> Alan: thank you.

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