
CIII - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>> Kyle: Hold on, you two! [ laughter ] >> Harrison: Mom, guess what? We rode the Ferris wheel. It was so much fun Claire got a little scared, but not too bad. And she laughed a lot. >> Summer: It looks like you've been laughing a lot, too. >> Claire: Uh, why don't we look at those pictures that wok? >> Kyle: Hey >> Summer: Uh, yeah. freak-out about Jordan earlier. >> Summer: What do you mean? What happened? >> Kyle: He thought he saw her. It wasn't her, obviously. >> Summer: But she's still in his head. >> Kyle: I know. I hate it, too. But look at him now. One ride on the Ferris wheel with his pal, Claire, and he's doing great. Seeing her safe makes him happy for some reason. I mean, look at that grin. >> Summer: Claire, thank you r being there for Harrison. >> Claire: We had fun. He's a great kid. >> Summer: We couldn't agree more, obviously. >> Claire: I hope it's okay that I'm hanging out with him. >> Summer: Yeah. I mean, Harrison seems happy, and that's the most important thing, right? Um, look... maybe you and I should get together later and-- and talk about something more regular. >> Claire: Really? >> Summer: Yeah. I mean, Harrison needs someone other than Mom and Dad around, and it's time that we start We can see how it goes. >> Claire: I would love to do that. >> Summer: Anybody that can make Harrison smile like that deserves to be in his life more often. >> Harrison: Hooray! >> Cole: There's a part of me that was ready to let you rot down here forever. But that's not my call to make. >> Jordan: That's right. That's right. Because you-- you are a good and decent man, the best nephew... who didn't let me free before, but you will now, won't you? >> Michael: You're lucky this man has a conscience. >> Jordan: And why are you here? >> Michael: We're taking you out of here and putting you >> Jordan: Oh, thank God! Thank God. Thank God. ictor: I'll be damned if I allow that to happen. >> Announcer: Next week on The Young and the Restless... >> Billy: Okay, so what do we do now? >> Jill:Just keep this to yourself. I don't want anyone else to know. >> Alan: These, um, personalities, they think they're doing the right thing, Ashley. They think they're protecting you. But the fact that they exist at all means that there' something terribly wrong. >> Ashley: Well, what are they protecting me from? Captioned byLos Angeles Distributionand Broating, Inc. Captio provided byBell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Televisionand CBS, Inc. Join us again for"The Young and the Restles >> THE REALITY IS PEOPLE ARE GETTING HURT AND SOME PEOPLE ARE DYING. >> Alan: PUTTING THE BRAKES ON RISING RATES OF STREET RACING. HOW POLICE ACROSS THE GTA ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO SAVE LIVES.

>> Super excited. And glad to have the opportunity to be here and it's only going to grow and get better. >> Toronto tipoff. Basketball icons on hand as wnba officially expands into canada. >> Announcer: you're watching global toronto. Ths global news at 530. >> Think you for joining us. I'm alan carter. Police forces across the gta are cracking down on dangerous driving. E annual campaign called project race which sta for eliminate racing activity on streets everywhere officially launched in toronto there's been a 31% increase in calls for dangerous driving since last year. In 2023, over 1400 stunt driving charges were laid. So far this year's ady been 579 charges in over 200 related criminal charges. This is not just a toronto issue. It's happening across the gta. Crime specialist catherine mcld is in peel region with more. >> Reporter: just last month 2 youn men were killed here in mississauga. After investigators say they were involved in an alleged et race gone wrong. It's this kind of dangerous driving behaviour police want stop. The ultimate goal of projectt was just before 10:00 pm on april the 4th when the driver and passenger in this white audi were killed after a three-car collision at eglinton d dixie road in mississauga. Police say the white audi on the screeni sedan were travelling at a high rate of speed northbound on dixie w both collided with a honda suv turning left. The driver lost control and slammed into this hydro poll. Family have identified thevictims to global news as chris enns' cousin simon. Both originate from albania they have been living in toronto about 1 year. Police say neither man was wearing a seatbelt. Weeks after the deadly collision the driver of the25-year-old was charged with 2 causing death. Racing and speeding. His driver's license was also suspended for 30 days into his car impounded fus driving behaviours put lives at risk and will not tolerate it. >> Reporter: peel police a partner with other police agencies across the province during project erase stands for eliminating racing activities on streets everywhere officers say they will be enforcing speed limits and tackling aggressive and impaired drivers to k roads safe. >> We ask everyone to please do your part and remind drivers about the inherent risks and consequences of dangerous stunt driving and racing. >> Reporter: thankfu in this case the driver of the honda who was struck by the suspd street racer suffered nonlife-threatening injuries. Police are asking for the public's help combating dangerous driving behaviours. If you see anyone driving agsively or observe street racing you're asked to call police or crimestoppers anonymously at 12222 tips. Back to.

>>> Madd canada calling on ontario to adopt a policyhat british columbia adopted 14 years ago in an effort to combat drinking and driving. Called the immediate roadside prohibition program and the bc goment says between 2010 to 2019 itelps reduce alcohol-related road fatalities by 50% savings 522 lives. It comes as ontario faces questions t its own approach to impaired driving. We get more from bureau chief colin d'mello. >> Reporter: for police andutors across the country there's been a years long debate. How best to deal with drunk drivers in nonserious cases. Ring the pandemic the ford government introduced a new policy that crown prosecutors to downgrade the charges from impaired driving to careless driving an effort to clear up court backlogs. Legal sources told gl news the policy resulted in thousands of driverseiving a plea bargain and avoiding a criminal record. >> Most of the people I represent in this ar are hard-workingyourself who had a serious lapse in judgment street or defence lawyers say for those low risk offenders careless driving still comes with hefty fines a suspended license and higher insurance premiums. >> Yan't offer something that will induce a guilty plea that going the person and strongly d them but doesn't endanger the public. >> Reporter: mothe against drunk driving shares a somewhat similar view. The advocacy group says careless drivdoesn't properly identify drunk drivers. They want the province to go in a different direction. >> You can deal with impd driving in a serious way which it absolutelhould be but doesn't necessarily mean going we are conditioned to believe that's how we deal. >> Reporter: madd canada wants ontario target british columbia which prioritizes roadside license suspension san diego impounts over criminal charges. >> That saves police time because they can deal with those things that roadside. It means you're not engg courts and crowns so youe money in your criminal system and divert a lot of cases out but what's really important in british columbia where they've had this for a decade as they reduce the number of injuries and deaths. eporter: the interior association of chiefs of police is set toeet with the ford government to discuss ontario's strategy for impaired driving. Queen's park colin d'mello global news. >> Reporter: the province's top court has upheld a right of ttc workers to strike. A law eliminating the right strike was found to be unconstitutional last year. And appeal of that ruling was dismissed today. 12,000 ttc operators and front line s could walk off the job june 7th if a deal is not reache the union says it could continue to negotiate with the ttc but both sides remain far apart on key issues including job security, wages and benefits.

>>> A long-standing wish for toronto sports fans is now a reality. >>> The city has been officially awarded a franchisen the wnba. For details! Live tobal's sean o'shea. >> Reporter:HIS morning there was an event that drew veryigh-profile politicians, at least 1 former raptor, 1 very famous rapper named drake all here to celebrate the fact toronto will have professionalwomen's basketball 2 years from now. The event this morning took place at coca-cola coliseum. The announcement that toronto will be home to the first wnba franchise outside the united states. Larry tanenbaum's ownership group paid the wnba $115 million us to bring the team here which is expected toe on the court in may of 2026. The move isng heralded as historic not just because it'sbring another pro sports team to toronto but b have a huge impact on how women in this country rticipate in sports. >> The level of change and the rapid evolution of the space is strong and is making a few people's head spin but it speaks to the f that it is time and frankly canada was behind many of our peers in deving this professional space for women's sport in this country. >> Are at dawn amount court in east end. This is a specific courts that was built partly with money from the wnba to promote women's basketball. Map and globa news at 6 will nd out more about how people are feeling about this team coming here, and we went to a practice session with young people and specificallanted to ask them how theyeel about pro women's basketball coming to the city. That's coming. That you think you soxciting for sports fans and the women's gas just booming pick the wnba's first week of play this year attendance increased 14% over 2023. And all 10 games were solt in week 1. Tv ratings are settingew record highs. Espn drew to .1 million viewers for number 1 draft pick caitlin clark spur first game between indiana fever and connecticut sun. [

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