
CIII - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>> Announcer: next week on "theshions that make a big splash, music stars amanda marshall, carly june and jason blain plus shahzadi's summer grilling series starts and we unpack the basics of thrifting. All next week on "the morning show." >> Oh, my god, what in the world have you gotten >> Mom... It's not a hallucination. I'm here. I'm alive. >> Jeff: "the g and the restless" of course has been captivating all of us for over half a century. >> Carolyn: and kate linder has been a part of y & r for more than 40 years as esther valentine and she joins us now for catch up with all things & r and a great event she's hosting in toron ontario very soon. Kate, how are you? >> Oh, I'm great. I'm so happy to see both of you. >> Carolyn: oh, likewise. Likewise. All right. Let's go back, becausee always have to go back in time. You began on y & rn '82, 1982, after 2500 episodes of this epic show, did you ever think it w going to be such a big part of your life back then? >> Oh, no. You know, I was only hired for one day, and I was so excited to be doing that. An then here we are, 42 years later, and counting. I have to say the "and counting" . It makes me so, sopy, I'm so honoured to be part of our show. >> Carolyn: kate, since we last spoke, y & r had an exciti crossover episode with he bold and the beautiful" and you have described this as j a dream come true. Tell us more about the whole experience for you. >> I haven't seen those pictures, it was great. It was so fabulous. I did five shows over there. Esther went to the fashion show was able to a gown like mrs. "c" had a forester original and I loved every second of it. I loved working over there and it's about family. Here, you know, billl, who is my boss, and -- created esther and then his son bradley, you know, continued on bringing esther over to "the bold and the beautiful" so it was -- it definitely is a dream come true. A dream come true for me. >> Jeff: it's funny, esther is now on two soaps, two shows, you mentioned esther has two jobs now. You have also had twos, we want to ask you, do you still have youre hustle as a flight attendant? >> I do. I actually do. I was actually on the plane yesterday. >> Jeff: oh, okay! >> Yeah, and nationa flight attendant day is coming up on may 31st, and we're doing something for that. >> Jeff: that's great. That is awesome. We want to ask you then, with everything in the headlines, when I comes to air travel,what have you been experiencing on these planes, kate, have you seen more nervous flyers these days? >> Well, I think everyone -- I comes down to, flying is safer than cing the street, especially here in los angeles. So you have to remember that, but you also need to pay attention when the safety demonstration is being done, flight attendants are doing that and people aren't paying attention. I think really need to pay attention so you know what to do. But flying is really safe. Of course it's been crazy things happening lately but that's all going to be sorted out. >> Carolyn: all right. Your name, kate, of course is also synonymous with charity, this time once again for your opportunitea happening in a couplef weeks and this year, jeffrey will be stepping in as co-host this year. Tell us more about the event and at it means to you. >> Well, this is for canada cares and so it's with a different charity this year, it's the fir time we are with them.and, you know, they deal with, you know, helping families and helping families and c givers and being a care giver is not an easy job, and a of people are doing that now. Taking care of maybe not only their children t they take care of every day but maybe theytaking care of their parents as well and this organization provides help I

they need a break, sometimes they're able to bring someone in so that the care giver can get a break. They are able to provide medical equipment and therapy and take them to drs' appointments so it's aulous organization and we're really happy to support it this y >> Jeff: yeah, it is a greatcause, as you mention, with care givers, kate, we gotta care for the care givers as well. >> That's right. >> Jeff:AT to catch up with you here this morning. Thanks so much for this and we'll see all soon. >> Thank you. >> Carolyn: all right. Up next, lookinghead to tonight's full moon with tara lori who j us with a special reading after the break. [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] Parrots are incredible animals. [Parrot] Another overdue bill! Yeah. They're also extremely intelligent. [Parrot] Forgot to pay again! They also repeat things they hear a lot. The new bmo eclipse rise Visa card rewards you with points for paying your bill on time every month to help build a routine. [Parrot] Rewards youints! And you get 5x the points on things like groceries, dining and recurring bill payments. [Parrot] For paying your bill! —But also you can... — [Parrot] Every month! —And just remember. —[Parrot] Build a routine! [Parrot squawking] He is a talker. When a bank helps you make real financial progress. That's the bmo Effect. B What does it take to be aleader in electric vehicles? At Hyundai, it takes acommitment to quality a desire to innovate and show the worldthe way forward. But don't takeour word for it. Take it fromeveryone else. So, what does it take to makeCanada's most awarded fullyelectric vehicle l wah is whatit takes. [Hyundai sting] - Mama, what's a Dare Veggie... Crisps? - Oh! I'm Dare Veggie Crisps! I'm a little bit of all the things... veggies, crackers and chips. [group] - Ohhs! - Veggify your snack time with Dare Veggie Crisps. - Made with real veggies! (Upbeat music) When you're performing at your best, it's hard to imagine anything holding you back. ( ) But performance inhibiting deposits restrict your engine's performance, robbing it of its true potential. Don't let anything stand between you and performing at your best. New and improved Shell V-Power Nitro+Premium Gasoline. Performance unbound. (Shell mnemonic) I'm very good at solving murder cases. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale tonightat 9 eastern on Global. >> Announcer: coming up on monday -- [ Singing ] amanda marshall returns to tms. [ Singing ] >> Car: lori dyan spent decades cultivating a unique approach to tarot, moon ceremonies and other things formed by her indigenous herita tarot lori as she's known tells us about her new book, I have to be so careful with this -- oh, they took me off ra. >> Carolyn: there you go. >> Jeff: burn your -- stuff. And maybe she's going to read a tarot card or two with us. Lori, nice to see you. >> Vely to be here. >> Jeff: I'm going to set this over here. Congratulas on the book and tell us a bit about it and what readers c >> Thank you. Well, it's based on a full moon ritual I've been doing forrs in-person and now on instagram live. And full moons are about releasing,ting go of whatever is holding you back from stepping into your potential, and that was sort of the impetus for the boout I realize that over my 35-year career as a taroteader I've accumulated all these rit always I've been doi new moons, and a morning routines, you can getchy with rit always and get into sacred geometry so it's a culmination of life ace work and it provides guidance to do rituals for theent you're in. >> Carolyn:S funny you're talking to us tonight bse there's a full moon tonight called the flower moon. >> This is in sagittarius and I think it's the juiciest full moon of the year. Because jupiter is doing stuff with neptune, I'm not an

astrologer but'm into astrology and where all the other planets are, it's a very abundant, fertile kind of moon. There's a lot of potential there. >> Carolyn: great. Oh, my gosh, we heard about mercury retrograde forever. And now we're going toe hearing, now our team is going on about the jupiter. >> Jeff: flower moon. >> Carolyn: the flower moon. >> Jeff: I canardly wait for tonight now. Who knows what's intore. >> It's so fun because on this instagram live that I do, people join from all over the world, finland, kuwait, italy, australia, and what's cool and intereg from my point of view is everyone feels a cathartic release. Everyone feels this -- no one feels worse coming out of a full moon ritual. You feel lighter and inspired to do what needs to be done because there's an unburdeningt happens. >> Jeff: speaking of unburdg, is that the reason behind the title of book? "burn your -- stuff." >> We all have stuff, you know, and we have -- often we are getting in our own way. And so the ritual itself for the burn your stuff is just writing -- we're not burning, you know, the sofa or t-shirts or anything, you're justriting down on a piece of paper I now choose to release limiting beliefs abouthatever, shame about this, bob, and you could say I now choose to release da, da, da, light it on fire, as it star to burn over your cauldron, frying pan, you just say and s is, I now choose to release la, la, la, and so it is. >> Carolyn: I'm getting together with family next weekend, I wonder if we should do that. Get the family together and we all do that. >> A lot of people do it at the end of the year, too, it can be a beautiful new years ritual to let gof what you're ready to leave behind. >> Carolyn: tell us morebout your tag line. >> Woo without the cuckoo, that's me. It gives people a sense of my approach to tarot and ritual and everything I do. I've been a professional tarot reader for 35 years, I take itseriously but I'm not goofy about it, I'm not precious about it'm not going to scare you or do fortune telling, I never say say good-bye to grandma, there are no bad tarot cards, just bad tarot card readers so my approach is to let people see how accessible this is and how it's a tool. Rituals are a tool, tarot is a tool, astrology is a tool. >> Jeff: listen. We're going to pull a tarot card or two here ourselves. >> Sure. >> Jeff: carolyn, you're first up. >> Carolyn: sure,ure. >> I'm going to do what's known as the awkward stare, your mojo in here a little bit. >> Carolyn: do you need to touch anythin no. >> I want you to say out loud these exact words. What do I know needo know right now. >> Carolyn: what do I need to know right now. >> And just pull one card and don't look. Lete see it first. >> Carolyn: okay. >> Ooh you got a juicy one. >> Jeff: there's a flower moon tonigh >> This is a card that can help you reframe the past ou can recalibrate and move forward a ttle less burdened or it could be something that you're in right now but you got the tower which is one of those cards that everyone looks at and says oh, my gosh and the tower, it's nothing bad about it. It's saying you've had blinders on about something and this I no way to go through life so the tower removes the blinders and lifted and you go oh, my gosh, of course ts what it is, and that's this flash of understanding. The process of those blinders coming off, that can be an ouchy and that's the people thrown off the side but it's not as doom and gloom. I always say if someone w to -- if it is an owe, it's a short term pain, long-term gain. You look back down thed and say I get why that happened and somes you say it was a blessing and other times y say that was the worst but I get it. The fired from his job, you check in a year later, living his best life, wants to kiss the guy who fired him. Because it's not necrily -- it's the rug -- >> Carolyn: lori, I was warned about the tower. I was warned about the tower. >> I'm so happy you got it because this is a wonderful reframe. Fore, a personal tower, I always share, when I was n married, we're blowing our money on stupid stuff, we'll have a family, whatever, knocked up ou of the blue and even though it's a wonderful,ful event and he's graduating college, it's a moment of oh, gosh, blinders coming off. This is a card of enormous growth and it's growth never easy and sometimes painful but always necry. It's the darkight of the soul, hero's journey, it was covid for all of us, we went through a global collective tower whether it's perceived as positive or negative in the moment, you look back at that previous iteration of yourself and say I don't recognize that person. This is how we grow and evolve. It's giving you a bit of a reframe so you can have a higher more objecti view to say even though I know this sucks, I knowit needs to happen. >> Carolyn: okay. >> Jeff: we've got less than a minute. Can I pull a card and get a quick reading, too. The tower, that's one of the view that I recognize, tarot cards. >> I's one of the ones that -- so

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