
CIII - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>> He's an amazing actor. There's twongs that I really think about. With harlan, first of all, I wanted an artificial intelligence like nothing I've en in another movie and when I talked to him,is approach was so smart and I think you see in the film, it's hard to get a beat on harlan. His tone, he's like equally friendly and menacing, which like that's a hard thing to pull off, you know, and simu brought that and we talked about that initially and I was like that's a great -- an amazing approach to this. And like the stunts, I don't know how many, three weeks of shooting the an, those are two -- those are two big asks, you know, so it seemed like an obvious ce to me. >> Simu, who in y life had the best reaction when youold them that you were in a movie with j-lo? >> Oh, yeah, that's a great question. There's some, you know, probably the people that I went to high school with who are sti my best friends, you know, I think they tow t perfect line betwee the, you know, like you'll never not be dumb kid from high school so we'll always make f of you no matter what and thenlso just like dude, what the hell is your life? So they do that perly with me and so when I tell them something like I'm going to be in a movie with j-lo, they're like dude, what? They're like maid in manhattan, maid in manhattan j-lo. >> And I'm like yeah, youant to know something else, I'm trying t kill j-lo. They're like what! >> You must get some cred from your frienust a little bit? >> I had a good year for cred with friends. You try to kill j-lo, you're frenemies with ryan gosling, you're dancing withargot, what is your life? >> Exactly. Now, when we're speg about j-lo, there's the a-listers and then I feel like j-lo is in her own lane. Brad, what was it l for you just watching her work because so much of this movie is based on her face and her emotions. >> Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. We just saw her, and she's like -- she's an icon, you know what I mean, s like a living -- she has this au about her, she's just a bornperformer, and for me, when we talked about who needs to star in this movie her name came up, I thought it was perfect. I thought it was absolutely perfect. The thing is that jenn's known for a lot of things but the two things that stood out is the fact she's an incredibly hard worker. You do not get to the top of the mountain unless you have that attribute. And the second thing is the amount of courage she has to have to take on a role like this. She sat inside a mec suit for I think seven or eight weeks acting opposite no one but a voice coming through the speakers of the suit. And there's certain people that would never take that challenge on and by the halfway through the shoot, that like her happy place. Andhe loved it. She embraced it but I also think her being a star performer who performs to sums with her at the centre of that, that's what she took and translated into movie. She got really comfortab and very capable being very vulnerabnside of that space where a lotf cast would not want to do that. And because of that, I think we end up with one of her best performances in a long, long time. >> Wow, well, congratulations onthe movie. I love the canadia representing. Thanks so much, guys. >> Thank you. >> You can catch "atlas" streaming o netflix on may 24th. [ ] >> Jeff: thank you, morgan. And coming up after the break here on "the morning show," we're getting serious aboutshingles when dr. Iris gorfinkel joins us t talk about the symptoms and solutions tofighting the viral infection. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. Announcer: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Tonight... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,all new tonight at8 Eastern on Global. (Song in Italian) ("il geghegè" by Rita Pavone) ( ) Crispy and tangy. The Cuban Crunch, part of new Globally Inspired Subway Series. ( ) Ooooo! (Bip) OoOooo! ( )

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neuralgia and that's where the nerve itself is permanently damaged. And then damage goes ups people get oldero 60% of people who are0, 75% of people who are 70 experience that damage to the nerve. >> Jeff: all right. There's potential for some serious damage and complication from shingles. So what steps can we take, what can we do to try to prevent shingles? >> It is a vaccine-preventible disease and that's the thing. People need to get vaccinated. There are anti-virals available but they have to be started within 72 hours of the rash and I ask, can you even get an appointment with your doctor in 72 hours? >> Carolyn: good point. >> That's if you recognize it and if you have a family doctor. So t key is vaccinate to prevent becau a vaccine-preventible disease. >> Carolyn: o there you go. The facts. Dr. Gorfinkel, I don't know sometimes if you're yelling atus or if you're just telling us information. I promise I will get vaccinated for shingles. When do we do it, though, am I of the age yet, turning 50? >> Individuals who are immune-compromised who are 18 or older can get the vaccine now, but individuals 50 and over should get vaccinated and several of the provinces actually cover it. >> Carolyn: okay. There we go. Thank you, thank you. >> Thanks for hav me. >> Carolyn: always. Allfter the break, soap ledge end and friend of "the morning show" kat linder joins us from the y & r studios to reflect on show's staying power and her high-flying side hustle. [ ] >> Announcer: this portion of morning show" is brought to you by gsk. >> Breaks a mother's heart not having her child in her bed at nighttime, not knowing if she's in a ditch dead lying somewhere at ten years old. >> We took thousands of tips in those first few months. >> For 11 years she's been holding out hope of finding her brother. >> It is also confirmed as a homicide. >> Be ready for the day when we arrest this guy. >> How could you been so sure it was him? >> Because he won'take the polygraph test. >> Announcer: "crime beat" get your dog's tail wagging with the global news dog walking forecast! Get your dog's tail wagging with the global news dog walking forecast! Tune in weekdays with ross hull and the canadian bros in the morning tune in weekdays with ross hull and the canadian bros in the morning tune in weekdays with ross hull and the canadian bros in the morning and anthony farnell and storm the weather dog at 5:30 and 6. And anthony farnell and storm the weather dog at 5:30 and 6. Brought to you by ren's pets,pet food, treats, & toys for your pet's best life. Global news and ren's pets are celebrating storm the weather dog's13th birthday! For your chance to win a $500 gift card from ren's pets for your chance to win a $500 gift card from ren's pets tune in to global ing fun! Tune in to global news at 5:30 and 6 on friday for some tail- wagging fun! [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is her why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managingeight at This is an Oreo. Sorry team, I'll call you back. Dad: Hello. First we twist, then we lick. Dad: Then we dunk. (daughter giggles) Daughter: Roar. What's the Walt Disney World thrill feel like? It's like... Woody: Howdy, partners! and like... (Giggles) and also like... (Screaming) And it feels even better together. And check this out. You can thrill with this special 4-day, 4-park magic ticket offer. Visit to learn more. Disney thrills us like... (Screaming) Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. ( ) Ever wonder what's around the next corner? ( ) ( ) Past the trees. ( ) Over the mountains? ( ) That's where adventure lives... ( ) Take a Nissan suv and go find it. ( ) video of me singing cuz I wanted to see what he thought. I looked over at him, he had passed out (laug) he comes over, he's in the business and he's like I want... Next week on the morning show nautical fashions that make a big splash

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