
CIII - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

the end, because it would have been very easy to get down,trust me. But I kept calling, I kept fighting and that's all you can do when you're out there.>> Jeff: sure. You got to the final three by winning the fire-making challenge. Just how stressed were you while that was taking place, kenzie? >> Oh, my gosh, well, if I had been practising fire at home, I had made fire the whole time up until that point so I really the pressure that I was so close to the end got to me to the point where my hands were going numb. My adrenalin was pumping sohard, I just choked and I had to take a deep breath and recentre myself and be like don't be theone who gets in the way of y winning right now. You have to finish out strong, you can d this. >> Carolyn: now, yesterday on the shin the lead up to last night's finale, we tal to former "survivor" winners boston rob and parvati and asked them for some tips on how to winver the jury. When the jury asked you about what you wouldo with the money, you talked about how you started working in salons at theage of 15. Why do you think your story connected with them as much as it did? >> I think a lot of it is authenticity and that was me to my core. I wasn't trying to fluff it up. I was just like look, I'm keeping the money, you can respect that or don't but it was my truth and I think anyone ut there, you need to speak your truth, stay true to you and people respect au rewarded. Sometimes in a million dollars, someti just in life. I'm very grateful that I was and myself in that moment. >> Jeff: kensy, you recently announced on instagram you're expecting a new addition to your family so congratulations on that as well. >> Thank you. >> Jeff: you also posted some of your wedding photos, so tell us just what this million dollars, what that means to you how much it's going to help. >> Really, I have been working,you know, since I was very g, and it's expensive to live so this is -- and I'm self-employed, I always have been, so I'm goi to keep living my life like normal but thiss my retirement plan honestly. I'vesting all of it. I'm not touching it. I'm goingo take a little bit longer of a maternity l than I would have had I not won, but really, I'm just being responsible the money. It's a very boring answer but I wasn't lying, it'sll going in investment accounts and I'm going to retire someday. >> Carol well, that is music to my ears because that's what I tell the kids all the time, you have to invest, play it for future. >> Jeff: absolutely. >> Yes, exactly. >>arolyn: kenzie, congratulations with that season46 of "survivor" comes to an end. Congrats, congrats. >> Thank you so much. I aciate it. It was so nice talking to you guys. >> Carolyn: likewise. And the new season of "bridgerton" h come with a bigsurprise. >> Jeff: a little bit maybe. We know how popul the show is, "bridgerton," but, boy, is it ever proving to be popular w the fans, they broke a record accog to netflix, the first half of the third season drawing 45 million views worldwide after its premiere back on tuesday. And if you break that down, if you're doing the math, that works out to about 165 million hours of viewing time. >> Carolyn: thank you, because I was actually wondering exactly how many viewing hours. T oh, my gosh, that is a lot. And I understand why. Have to stay tuned because coming up on "the morning show," we have stars of season 3 coming by for a visit very soon, the actors who play collin and penelope. >> Jeff: collin. >> CarolTHERE we go. Paulin love story. >> Jeff: a lot of love for this guy. Broadway audiences soon sweat t the oldies? We're hearing a new interve theatre show based on the life of that man right there, richard simmons, is appary in the works. Richar who's a little reclusive over the last decade or so, recently posting on facebook, just got off the phone with a friend of minewho's an attorney, manages a lot of famous artists in music, she wants to do an interacti broadway show about my land the interactive part we're hearing, care, will be this open spac somewhere in the stage where theatre-goers can join in a bit of a work-out, a work-out dance.>> Carolyn: are we surprised? Not at all. >> Jeff: no. arolyn: it's going to probably be like the mosh pit, right up there at the stage and everyone will be on their feet and moving. Awesome, awesome. We're going to take a short break here on the show. When we come back, the golden gully will join us with an intuitive guide to cooking with your sen >> Announcer: and later, canada's s pitch-me moment working with j-lo on the set of their new sci-fi action flick "atlas."

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oduct here in the far end here? We can give it a try. >> Carolyn: well, before you do, though, you have -- >> Jeff: I'm going for it. >> Carolyn: you have a dessert to go with it. >> It's not really a dessert, it's almost like a pakistani style of business could they.'s a cake that's sliced and baked, and it's crispy on both sides. >> Carolyn: I love that, that's really g >> Jeff: very tasty. So good. The new cookbook, it's available this coming tuesday, is that right? >> On the 28th. What day is that? >> Jeff: I believe -- >> On the 28th it is. >> Jeff: once again called "beyond measure pakistani cooking by feel with gol gully," bilal, thank you so much for this. >> Thank you for>> Jeff: coming up next here on "the morning show," we're looking into the dystopian future "atlas," morganhoffman catches up with simu liu and the director of the new sci-fi thriller. That's next. I'm very good at solving murder cases. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale tonightat 9 eastern on Global. [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in t cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] (vo) If you're finally ready to takea trip without the kids......why stay Get an Airbnb and have the placeto yourselves. When I want to feelmy most powerful, it starts with Venus. With five ultra-sharp blades and water-activated serums for incredible glide. I feel the difference with every stroke. Feel the power of smooth. This is the story of Molly and Sid, retired grandp make Molly and Sid better grandparents? No. But also, yes. 'Cause with affordable plans with guaranteed acceptance, they were covered. So despite his sensitive teeth, Sid knew he could help them finish their sundae. Call 1-877-cover-me to get a quote, like Molly and Sid did. So when their grandkids wanted to do bumper cars, they jumped in, bad knees and all. Were they covered for a neck brace to deal with whiplash? Of course. What about prescription meds for high blood pressure? You know it. Even a relaxing massage after they sent the kids home? Ohh, yes. Molly could take it easy knowing she's covered for her pre-existing condition of diabetes. Sid was taking it easy too. That's Molly and Sid's story. Manulife CoverMe has you covered for yours. Manulife.Where will better take you? Closed captioningof this programis brought to youin part by Benchmark. Built to build. Only at Home Hardware. >> We are simply the better versions of you. [ ] >> If we don't stop -- all life on earth is doomed. >> A clip from the new sci-fi movie "atlas" about a woman who joins a mission to capture a renegade robot but when things go horribly wrong, she must rely the one thing she distrusts the , artificial intelligence. Joining me now is simu liu and director brad peyton. Hey, sim u, hey, brad. >> Hey, what's up. >> Good seeing y again. >> Simu, I looking at your filming schedule, did you film "barbie" and going righto "atlas"? >> I did, actually. It was great. We shot "barbie" in the U.K. just outside london so I was away from home for a little bit and "atlas" shot in los angeles so I got to sleep in my bedevery night. >> We just had to get you out o all the pink clothes. >> Yeah. >> We tly shifted. >> I tried to pitch.i was still very much in my pink ph and you were like no, no, harlan should not have -- no. Not gonna be a pinkie which I understood, it's unfortunate. [ Laughter ] yeah, what a crazy movie toump into right after another crazy movie. >> Oh, I can imagine brad, when you have simu next to you and he looks like such anice canadian guy, what makes you think he'd be the perfect villain to go up againstj-lo?

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