
CIII - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #10

east. That's what started up those thunderstorms, but you can see plenty of clear skieswe have high pressure nudging in and we'll stay today and tomorrow. And that sleeping weather. The overnight allows will be much more comfortable too. So near 25 today in tor. We're into the MID-20s around ottawa. So cooler conditions across the area. High 20sN windsor, and, yes, the overnight low will be closer to about 13°. We were staying I the high teens, low TOs as an overnight low. Quiet weather. You can see that today. Plenty of sunshine as we head through tomorrow as well. L have to watch out for a line of showers and derstorms moving through by the afternoon onaturday. That should clear by the evening. And besides that, we're looking at dry condition so, we'll watch out for that onsaturday. 23 tomorrow with the sunshine. 22 sunday with a sun/cloud mix. Looks to be more unsettled next week. And that's a look at your ok tire weather. Candace? >> Candace: thanks, ross.>>> Well, if you feel like your seasonal allergies are worse this year, you are not alone. >> Sinus and my throat. That's why I sound all stuffy. >> Candace: yep. She's just one of millions of canadians sniffling through a difficult spring allergy season. Because the warm weather is starting earlier, so are allergies, and that's creati real run on medications at local pharmacies. >> It's the time of year, so the allergy medication is just goingto start flying off the shelves for the next little while. I actually have to order a completely new stock. Usually just ends up being nose sprays and antihistami can't changing air filters in your house and car, and you may want to consider a sinus rinse. >>> More national news up next, with a snap election in the united kingdom. Prime minister rishi sunak calls a surprise general election. We'll have reaction next. [ ] ( ) Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers. But what's wrong with a little dreaming? Especially when it's shared. Wirk, little dreams grow into big ones. At Kubota, we know that your work never stops. And we're inspired by those who dream - But our equipment is built for dreamers and doers, like you. Kubota, built for those who do. [muffled noise] ( ) When my hearing changed, HearingLife understood. ( ) I don't just want to keep hearing my customers. I want to keep being me. Book a free hearing test with one of our hearing professionals and see how our personalized care can help you - keep being you. ( ) ( ) (i am by your side) (i am by your side) ( ) What's the Walt Disney World thrill feel like? It's like... Woody: Howdy, partners! and like... (Giggles) and also like... (Screaming) And it feels even better together. And check this out. You can thrill with this special 4-day, 4-park magic ticket offer. Visit to learn more. Disney thrills us like... (Screaming) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set ly $998 including a 2 year warranty! This is actuallythe hardest management situation I've ever been in. You need to figure it out,or you're both gone. Damn! (Announcer says words on screen) >> Antony: good morning, and thank you for joining us on this may 23rd. I'm antony robart. Here's a look at youational and international headlines... [ ]

>>> British prime minisrishi sunak has called a national election, which will happen on july 4th. >> Now is the moment for britain to choose its future. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it has been sincethe end of the cold war. >> Antony: sunak says kiarles iii granted his request on wednesday to olve parliament, which his office says will be suspended on friday. This announcement comes months ahead of when it was expected, with the governing conservative party's support dwindling after 14 years in power. >>> A warning: the image in this next story are disturbing. The families of sever israeli hostages kidnapped by hamas october 7th have released newvideo footage in an effort to pressure the government toch a deal to release their loved . This comes as the united nations says new aid is finally reaching gaza. Naomi ruchim latest from the region ami growing international involvement. >> Reporter: in a desperate o israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the families of five israeli women abducted from a military base on released graphic footage from that day. These images captured fromhe video show the young soldiers bound and bloody, ushered into a vehicle at gunpoint. The five women are believed to be in hamas captivity. In gaza, the U.N. world food pr u.s.-builer is now up and running, with the first deliveries of humanitarian aid being amid warnings of starvation in the territory. International pressure to end the war is mounting. On wednesday, the leaders of norway, ireland and spain announced they are recognizing a palestinian state. >> We did so because we believe in freedom and justice as the fundamental principles of international law. The u.s., the biden administration says they are closely monitoring the expanded operation into the southern gaza city of rafah. >> What we've seen so far in terms of israel's military operations in that area has been more targeted and limited. We now have to see what unfolds from here. Reporter: but pro-palestinian protests continue on college campuses. One college moved its graduation ceremony after campus after an encampment set up on the college lawn. Naomi ruchim, cbs news. >> Antony: at least nine people are dea dozens of others injured, after a strong gust of wind toppled a stage at a campaign ra in mexico. The governor of state where it happened confirmed the tragedy and said, among the deceased was a child. The collapse happened during an event attended by presidential long shot candidate hoar minez. Campaign events are being held this week a next in anticipates of mexico's june 2nd presidential, state, and municipal elections.

>>> Charlie c un, the bassist and founding member of the american pop rock star train, has died at the age o 58. Colin's sister confirmed the death on wednesday train formed in san francisco in early '90s and are best known for their hit songs "drops of jupiter" and "me virginia." >>> Earlier this month, london stores reopened after a cyber attack forced theirsure for more than a week. Well, we now know group claiming to be behind the attackis demanding a multi-million dollarsom. As aaron McARTHUR repor this news comes as another high-profile cyber attack ha been made public, this time on a health authority. >> Reporter: the methods are not subtle: pay up for t data is dumped on the dark web. London drugs, the latest corporation to be targeted by e group known as lockbit. The hackers demanding $25 million from the richard-based company to retrieve its employee data. London drugs, a small company. Experts say it doesn't matter. >> They go for organization that is are most likely to pay up.organization that is are going to be under enormous pressureget their systems back up and running. >> Reporter: the company has finally confirmed what happened: and despite claims from lockbit it offered $8 million in ransom, london drugs says it is unable to and unwilling to pay. Saying ""we acknowledge criminals may leak london drugs' corporate. This is deeply distressings." cyber attacks are on the rise around the world. B.C. has been hit several times in just the last few weeks. Now a new attack. The first nations health authority has beenargeted. >> I can tell you that it is different from what the province faced. It is also different from what the london drugs faced. Rye argued according to the healthhority, attack was discovered may 13th and in a statement says "while the investigation is still at an early stage,a has uncovered evidence that certainloyee information and limited personal information of others has been impacted." the cyber sity industry says companies and organizations that ar targeted need to come forward wit more information about the nature of their attacks. Without direct access to information, other companies remain vulnerable. >> This chief operating officer's been pretty tight-lipped on exactly how this took place, what was happening, and we don't want other companies to again into that same issue, and we need to know. >> Reporter: london up to two years worth of credit monitoring for its employees potentially compromised. Experts say everyone should pay close attention to their online profiles after these kinds of attacks. Aa McARTHUR, global news. >> Antony: well, with the penny having been out of rotation in canada for more than a decade, you may want to consider yourself extra lucky if you come across this coin today, as may 23rd marks lucky penny day. That's right, while they aren't worth very much, the superstition brings good omens to those who find pennies today. Ancient civilizations actually believed that metals like copper were a gift from the gods to ect them from evil.

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