
CIII - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

above average in placesike toronto and montreal. Not quite ashumid, the humidex values in the high 20s insfed ofmid 20s, and warm conditions, depending on where you are. Coastal areas, cooler around will get close to the high 20s, and you can see the temperatures in the forecast for moncton and fredericton. [ ] >> Ross: it's thursday, may 23rd. He your global news entertainment wrap. >> Just give me one more drink and then I'll leave. >> Hi, ut, I'm going to neat you to come with me now. >> Look, lady, I'm not interested. >> Reporter: dead pool and wolverine is off to a super sized start, setting a new record for first day advanced ticket sales in north america.e first r rated movie released by marvel anddisney. Tickets went on sale monday, but the film does not open in north america until july 26th. According to the hollywood reporter, 200,000 movie fans brought their tickets through amc on the first day. Early estimates predict the will cross 100 million in its debut, a position no other title has achie in 2024. Attention, fans of "the witcher", a new one has arrived. Netflix is giving viewers a first look at sea 4 of the popular series, unveiling leem hemias the main character. Fans were shocked in october 2022 when netflix cavil is leaving the show. The witcher is slated for two more series before ending the series with a fifth installment. You'reeautiful you're beautiful ou're beaul, it's true >> Ross: james blunt announced an anniversary tour of his best selling album, back to bedlam, 20 years after its release. In2004, songs like hi and re beautiful were everywhere, earning him a spo as a household name. Blunt, 50 years old, is set to remaster album and go on tour in celebration of anniversary. That's a look at your top entertainment stories. You're watching "global news morning." stay with us, we'll have more loca Yes!Ooh, it's on! Announcer: Abbott Elementary, season finale tonightat 7:30 et on Global. When the Murrays discovered Gain Scent Beads, they fell in love with the irresistible scent. Huh, huh, so did their dog Roger. Gain Scent Beads keep even the stinkiest stuff smelling fresh. (Song in Italian) ("il geghegè" by Rita Pavone) ( ) Fiery with a cooling finish. The Nashville-Style Hot Chicken part of the new Globally Inspired Subway Series. Parrots are incredible animals. [Parrot] Another overdue bill! Yeah. They're also extremely intelligent. [Parrot] Forgot to pay again! They also repeat things they hear a lot. The new bmo eclipse rise Visa card rewards you with points for paying your bill on time every month to help build a routine. [Parrot] Rewards youints! And you get 5x the points on things like groceries, dining and recurring bill payments. [Parrot] For paying your bill! —But also you can... — [Parrot] Every month! —And just remember. —[Parrot] Build a routine! [Parrot squawking] He is a talker. When a bank helps you make real financial progress. That's the bmo Effect. B [sound of a saw] [sound of a hammer] - Fiou! Nice! - Rona [hallway noise] [exhale] ( ) Smiling first can help... ..someone find the courage to do the same. ( ) Mother: My family loves to travel. Whoa... (Exhaling) And I love it when they all come back home. Toffifee combines what everyone loves. Caramel, hazelnut, nougat cream and chocolate. (Laughter) ( ) ( ) ( ) Are you ready to playBig Brother? Mmm, are you ready? You don't wanna miss out. Announcer: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. We came here with skills, -to keep me alive and thriving.- (Man grunting) Look at that shadow. That's the shadowof a warrior hunter. (Announcer says words on screen) Stream on StackTVand the GlobalTV app.

] the 401 westbound express past avenue road, there is a crash blocking the right lane, traffic I backed up to bayview, to by pass the incident, come on the 401 to southbound bayview, ining the 401 at allen. Get a d on a new deck or fresh coat of paint, the get ready for summer sale is at home hardware building centres, now until june 5th. [ >> Candace: good morning, everyonewo people are fighting for their lives in hospital, a shooting in mississauga. Jaden lencoln joins us now from the scene with what we know so far. Good morning, jaden. >> Reporter: good morning, candace. Many parents are waking up this morning, little alarmed to find out that this shog actually happened in a school parking lote in mississauga. This is at settler's green public school. Again, right near winston churchill and battleford ad. As you can see in this parking lot, multiple evidence markers, I counted at least 17, 18 evidence markers. And also a mercedes- that also looks to be a part of the investigation for police. Keep in mind, this is an on going investigation. But, yes, what we know is that two people are in hospital, following this double shooting. The suspect or suspects are still on the loose. No information about that either. Peel paramedics tell us they arrived on scene, but ended up leaving the scene because it was -- the two people themselves that were shot, that ended bringing themselves to the hospital. Now,p in mind, this is a residential area. Again, this is right by settlers green public school. So the big quest is, what happens with the school? Well, I'll let you know that it looks like the parking lot is taped off. The playground, for the most part, is taped but the school itself looks like it's going to be open this morning. There is a command post set up just out front of the school. A lot of times command posts are put there to let people in the community know, he police are here, don't worry, you know, we're on the lookout. So it looks like they'll be set upre for the day, and it seems as th school will be open for the day, although many parents and students might be a little b worried about heading to class today. Again, the investigation continues. It sound l there will be a heavy police prese in this area for a large portion of the candace. Back to you. >> Candace: jaden, thank you so much. Members of the kilmer sports vees group are holding a press conference later this morning in toronto. Seve media outlet's reported earlier this month, the wnba will award a franchise to the group. If confirmed, the deal first reported by the cbc would see this new toronto team likely take the court in 2026. Hamilton police a appealing for information after a sturbing spike in daytime shootings. Among the examples, a child walking through a laneway. Moments later, a gunman opened fire a car in that same part of the laneway. There have been 22 shootings in hamilton since january, up from 10 over the same period last year. >> We needo call out this action. We need to be able to communicate to the police when we know that people are running around on our streets with guns. Know what they're doing in our homes, what we're doing about it is we're speak up. We're asking you the do that. Stronger is safer. >> Candace: as shooting response team, which was a year-long pilot project is now becoming a permanent partf the hamilton police service. New ination about the deadly boat crash over the weekend on bob's lake near kingston. Three young people were killed, five others w injured. >> I was just hoping not to hear the crunch. Heard the crunch. >> Candace: tony hammond heard the sound of the boat crash after sunset on saturday night. 22-year-old juliet france skwit cote is one of the fatalities. She and her friend were on an aluminum boat stationery at the time of the c, according to hammond. He trying to find and rescue victims in the dark. >> You're lookin you're not finding. The clock is cking. You're hoping someone with an ac boat built to search above and below water shows up. Because I'm using a cell phone flashlight. >> Candace: hammand said he had seen the boat speeding. The day has a 10 kilometre spe limit. No charges have been laid, but thegation continues. This was the scene at u of t wednesday evening. Pro palestinian protesters gathered once again, calling on the university to disclose and divest ties with israeli companies ahead of negotiations on thursday withhe school. It's now week 3 of the student

encampment at u of t. Since early may, protesters have met with the universit administration four times. Protesters say they plan to stay at the encampment until the administration publicly commits to their demands. >> Dwoegs, service, commitment. Ask anyone in the council chamber, they will tell you, jay was an unstoppable force for don valleyst. >> Reporter: toronto city council paid tribute to jay robinson. She lost her battle with breast cancer last week. A moment of silence washeld. Members of council took turns paying their respects, telling personal stories on how she touched their lives. Robinson was 61 years old. [ ] >> Candace: you know, ross, as a principle, I try not to bring out the ac or turn it on until, like, junet the earliest. But turns out I might have been justified if I did turn it on yesterday. >> Ross: for sure. I had the air conditions on I my house too. It was certainly uncomfortable if you didn' have ac with the warmth and humidity of te. So for those that don't, that are affected byt humidity a little more than others, more comfortable out there today. A beautiful day store with plenty of sunshine. Let's start off with a look at temperatures. At this time yesterday, we were more towards the high teens, low 20s. And the humidex was already into the 20s. We're close to be the mid teens when it temperatures out there. And our humidex values are going to lean more towards the high 20s today, instead of mid 30s. Still humidity out there, but not as stifling as I has been. Remaining showers through northeastern ont and cloud cover too. But that's it. We have a ridge building in behind the front, that gives us clear skies and sune for the next couple of days. So today, we hit close to the mid 20s aren't toronto, 26 in london. Not the high 20s that we g to yesterday. Even low 30s for some areas. Anhrough the overnight, t overnight low will drop down to near 13°. More comfortable sleeping weather. As well can see plenty of sunshine today. Same situation on friday. Now, we have to watch out for the potential forome wet weather saturday, likely through the late morning, into the afternoon. That will quickly move out. And we'll see a drier sunday. Let's break down your next three days. 23, 24, 25°, depending on where you are across the gta on friday. 21 with the chance of showers and thustorms on saturday. Up to 22 sunday. Sun/cloud mix, and a chance of wet weather through the beginning of next week. That's a look at your ok tire weather. >> Candace: thanks, ross. Canada's documentary theater ishe theater in three months beginning injune. They are laying off staff as they weather financial lained in a statement, sayingpost pandemic recovery and operating deficit brougit, a temporary closure was necessary. Hot doc said somebody who bought a ticket f a screening or' convenient happening after june 12th will get an automatic refund. Canada's greates soccer star is getting her ver even barbie doll. Christine sinclair is being honoured by mattel as part of e toy manufacture's campaign to celebrate women in sports who have broken boundaries. Sinclair's career for team canada clue includes an olympic gold, two bronze medals, and the most international goals scored among men and women. She is one of nine women being recogn, including tennis star, venus williams >> We got the jersey, the arm band. The weirdest memory, my brother and I might have used their heads at hoc pucks growing up occasionally. Everyoad barbies growing up, and now to in my likeness is absolutely crazy and my two nieces, they're like, we can't wait to see it! Like they're so excited. As a soccer player, you know, dream of winning olympics, you dream of winni world cups, and, you know, various tournaments. T to be given this honour, very unexpected. It's wasn't of my goals, it's one of my mottos is, you know, to show the young girls in canada that absolutely anything is possible. >> Candace: more national news upnext, with a snap election in the united kingdom. Prime minister rishi sunak calls a surprise general election. We'll have reaction next. (Knocking) It's that odd woman who works with the police. Oh, she's funny, let her in. Hi, I'm Elsbeth Tascioni. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale tonightat 9 eastern on Global.

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