
CIII - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

just like g oldbuffalo lays down and dies. Go back to nature, become partthe Earth again. NARRATOR: Jack says heoffered to put Finn's ashes llnot say if the family accepted his offer. Dan says he doesn't know what Jack intends to do with the treasure, whether he will sell it piecemeal or ae, or perhaps lease it for diy. What is, in end, the legacy of Forrest Fenn? I think the legacy of ForrestFenn is extremely complicated. I think that there were a that happened because of it. There were also some really bad things that happened because of it. NARRATOR: But if you're PaulAshby, who lost his only son Eric, to the hunt, one of the five men to die chasing the thrill, Fenn's legacy plicated at all. PAUL ASHBY: He was reckless. He was willing to ignore the fact that people were dyingbecause all these other people worshipped him. NARRATOR: A lot of people stilldo look up to Forrest Fenn, and maybe that's not so surprising. KATYA LUCE: When you feel a dream, you know, live your dream out, ow your heart. And OK, so I didn't find the treasure, but I found many treasures. This, in itself, is the biggesttreasure of all that I've found. So many magical, wonderfulthinwithout that treasure hunt. Thank you, thank you, Forrest. NARRATOR: CBS, next Saturday. ( ) That's a DQ Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty DQ chicken str And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! DQ. Happy Tastes Good. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the CIBC Smart Account. My window's like a Mirrored reflection I have to steer you in The right direction On every trip, you can depend on Esso to be the place between places, connecting you to what's next. [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in t cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $99uding a 2 year warranty! sday! ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. Food Basics' biggest savings event is back with pricesso low, you'll be saying Totally Wowza! Super duper Wowza! Mega Wowza! Oh my Wowza! Wowza! Save big in-store and online. Plus get new dealsevery Thursday. Only at Food Basics.Always More for Less. [theme music]

[ ] Announcer: you are watching al toronto. This is global news at six. >> Setting offens, israel once againnder attack from hamas. The terrorist organizat fires a barrage of rockets from gaza, we have the details the escalation. >>> Good evening, thank you for joining us. Pro- palestinian demonstrators at the university of toronto encampment are in talks with the universities administrators, tonight, ahead of tomorrow morning's deadline to vacate. Demonstrators are presenting to a counter offer, turning down at the university last propos saying it is not made their demands of disclosing and divesting from israeli companies and institutions, that led to university officials issuingdemonstrators say there counter offer includes establishing a joint wor group to disclose private investments in israeli companies and to cut hebrew universities which they say operates on settlements ed illegal. >> President meric ger has a right, ability and mandates to put our demands into action. He has done it before, and he can do it again. We are not in a position where we can waste three weeks arguing over bureaucratic details of a process that will end in nothing. We request that president meric gertler and the administration tickets offer seriously and presented themselves in good faith at the negotiating table unlike what they have done before. >> Shallima: >> Lets not forget there are palestinian stus at this encampment, who are grieving the loss of theiroved ones and yet here they are being threatened by this administration and institution, b rae city of toronto for standing up and demanding the tuition dollars don't go towards killing their family ANDShallima: in a statement to, the university of toronto offici if participants do not comply, they will be seeking an injunction to have them removed.

>>> Hamas fired rockets sunday into israel. A response from all sides to israel's strikes on sday in rafah. David akin reports, you will rockets are launc even as israel opened a checkpoint between israel and gaza to allow fo and fuel trucks into the palestinian enclave. >> Reporter: for the first ti raid sirens sounded in tel aviv. Residents rambled for cover. There were no reports of casualties only minor damage but there was a demonstration that even after seven months of fighting, hamas stillificant weapons. Hamas as it fired the from the gaza strip at israel's biggest city in retaliation for the deaths of posting and civilians caused by is really military operations in the southern gaza city meanwhile, israel allowed around 280 drugs through the crossing at gaza's southeastern corner, bypassing the main rafahas been blocked for weeks . Some of the food has beenting for so long to cross, it is beginning to rot. And on the diplomatic front, rway's foreign ministry sunday presented a palestinian prime minister with papers coning norway's recognition of the state of palestine. >> Looking forward to ourdiplomatic relations with the state of palestine. >> Reporter: using opportunity to repeat calls for an end to the war. >> And think it is time to go beyond condemnintions and requesting israel to stop the war in gaza. I think we need to raise the war fired. >> Reporter: with the rocketattacks by hamas on tel aviv have only hard and some in benjamin netanyahu's government, urging the army to hit a profit back even harder -- rafah. >> Shallima: here at home, people gathered at the beach to show support for hostages kidnapped by hamas back inoctober. The event was hosted by the jewish east toronto, home to the least of 125 people israel says it remains under hamas captivity captivity.

>>> There is an increased police presence in north york today, this w the scene near bathurst bathurst, toronto police set up a command post after shots were fired outside of a jewish elementary school. Officers responded to the area just before 5:00 am yesterday, police found evidence of gunfire at the base of entry school. Including a bullet hole in the building good. No injuries have been reported, police are investigating the incident as potentially hate motivated. The centre for israel and jewish affairs statement calling would have been a clear,, laded and premeditated targeting, political leaders weighing in, premier doug for calling it a gross display of anemitism and from minister justin trudeau calling the incident at brazen act of auntie's that -- anti-semitism, calling for those responsible t be brought to justice. >>> A woman is in hospital with serious injuries after beingstabbed at fairview mall this afternoon. Cs responded to the scene at a shepherd a don mills just before 12:30 o'clock, and male suspect wasen into custody by mall security before police arrived. The victim and the suspect were known to each other, authorities ar u a woman is dead after a car crashed into a home in oshmorning. Police were called to the area of glenborne court and grandview street just before 4:30 o'clock, is 3070 old woman was pronounced dead on scene. Nobody inside of the home was injured, what led to the crash remains unclear, police are investigating u koltun police are issuing an urgent public safety warning tonight after three opiate relat the region. Police say two separate opiate poisoning skilled to talk woman and a moment --nd a woman over the weekend and hauled in hil officials believe the deaths happened as a result of a suspected inhalation of an unidentified substance. >>> Police are urging people not to use alone and to keep no locks own on hand. >>> The province has settled a land entitlement cla with the first nation invol $600,000 in compensation. The first nation, about 70 kilometres southeast of timmons is getting just over 5000 acres at provincial crown land. They claim they batted, 19 '06 and the james bay treaty, in which the first nation did not receive the amount of land it was promised. Negotiations with ont began in 2012, in 2019 the federal government provided an0 million in compensation and the provision for the first nation to s additional compensation from the province.

>>> To have our first check on the weather, was more what you can anticipate, let's bring in our weather specialist you and thank you theyuch to make hoping it is not a worry in t world of our viewers who hope we got a chance to spend some time ours today, it's been gorgeous for much of the day algh slowly starting to see some cloud cover role in, so 21 degrees outside of the toronto airport. We have been saying that mixingthose clouds rolled in from the west, that is a problem because we know we have a problem approaching the cargo line of thunderstorms already into michigan and ohi and it is going to be crossin the border of windsor andike in about half an hour. The will -- thunderstorm watches for windsor, can, chatham, the risk is that wind gust up to 90 mccallum, nickel detainees sized hail and of course very heavy rain. I do anticipate of those watches will be expanded, as the day progresses because that system that will be moving through ontario and heading into gta. You can see that one has significantly pick it up and windsor, and there is already some humidity as well feel like 28 degrees w the humidx, and we know thunderstorms like moisture survey sitting iset up that will help those thunderstorms become se wart mean and they will be severe. Here it is moving through ontario, this evening into the gta through the overnight, this will be just wave a one, with number 2 tomorrow morning. Do exp more of that heavy rain, for tonight th, heavy rain, strong wind from the east in toronto, 16 degrees for that overnight low, and come tomorrow the risk of thunderst returns in the morning through the afternoon, before we started dry up by the evening. Your hi, 23 degrees. >> Shallima: thank you. >>> At the annual toronto ms walk took place as morning. This morning. Participants kicked off the walk and downs we park at 11:00 am, it is a one-day event happening get in over 50 locations across the country, may is ms awareness month and more than 90,000 canadians are living chronic disease. On average 12 people are dised with it every day, funds raised will go towards ms research to date, the walk has ed over $3.2 million. [ ]

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