
CIII - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $99uding a 2 year warranty! sday! Woman: Timmy, I love you! Thank you. This is late show or, like, a late-late show? ( ) (Indistinct shout) (Applause) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Timothée:Blue de Chanel. Huh! ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth,only on Global. Stream on StackTVand the Global TV app. [ ] This is a good day. Yeah, it's beautiful, too. We don't often hear, like, as many war storiesom female veterans. Rena... I just wonder if she knew the impact of her service. [ ] morning, we are at Government House here in Charlottetown, Prince Welcome. [Jilan] ...The official home of the Lieutenant Governor. -A pleasure to have you here. -Yes! Thank you. This feels like a huge honour, just to have a moment of her time. Sometimes, when we readaccounts of the wars, we don't see the recognitionof the service... but especially for the Nursing Sisters. It was big. Mm. As part of her service, Rena was awarded the Victory Medal and the British War Medal. It's a 1914 star, for those that started serving right at the beginningof the war, and she would be one of the few women to have received that. Wow! So she rece She did. And then the other one that we have an example here to show you is the Royal Red Cross Class 2. The small Silver Cross is one recognition for nursing service. Throughout both the First and Second World War, there were only just over 400 of those medals awarded, so that in itself is-- is significant. Wow. Rena was awarded the Royal Red Cross Class 2 in 1916. She would have actually been presented this? Oh, I didn't know that! I-I did not know that. So she was... [sniffling] like, aware, like-- -Mm-hmm, yes. -She was recognized in person? I have heard about her medals, but I always assumed they were after her death. I hadn't realized that she knew that she was doing such a good job. [ ] [Perry] So this was the Rena McLean Memorial Hospital, which was dedicated to her in 1918, Wow. It would've been a pretty big deal, to have a whole hospital named after... Absolutely! Absolutely. It was a veterans' hospital... ...and now it's the Rena McLean Veterans' Garden. It is a memorial garden for our freedom, in the wars. [Jillian] "Rena McLean Veterans Garden. In memory of a young Island nurse who served as a member of the Canadian Nursing Sisters. Rena McLean was the only ce Edward Island nurse to lose her life during the Great War, when the hospital ship theLlandovery Castle was sunk in 1918." At the start of this, I knew of the sinking... but just hadn't really thought of Rena as the person. Learning more about her... now I have 20 extra layers to this family legend. She was able to helpand safely bring home soldiers. There's generations of peoplethat she impacted. Knowing Rena's experience... I... feel more like a real nurse, because now I havethis legacy story I can keep alive through serving the veteransthat I work with. So, I really think that'sthe value in Rena's story. [ ]

>> Announcer: you're watching al toronto, this is global news at 11. >> Shallima: tonight, shots fired. An-girls jewish elementary school is the target of overnight gunfire. Good evening, and thanks for joining us, I'm shallima maharaj. Toronto police are investigating after shots were fired early morning outside a jewish girls elementary school in north york. Officers responded to the area of dufferin and finch just before 5:00 A.M. after reports a firearm had been darged at the elementary school. Police say video footage shows a vehicle pulling up in f of the school. The twoupants inside firing shots. No injuries have been reported. >> I completely understand this can cause concern and fear and anxiety in the community, especi when it happens at a school like this and especially wihe students, the parents, the staff. I want the community to know that the toronto police is going to ensure that community safety is of utmost importance as we always do. One of the questions I'm sure people are asking, is this a hate crime? Is this a terrorist act? I want to say it's too e in the investigation to say whether it is orot. We're not going to ignore the obvious, you know, of what is current here and what the target of the shooting was, but at the same time it would be wrong to just guess atoing to go into this investigation with an open mind. >> Shallima: no suspect information is available. Anyone with videoootage or information is asked to contact police. >>> A toronto man is dead and thothers are in serious condition afteroach bus carrying passengers was struck by a flying tire. It happened on the qew yesterday afternoon causing all toronto-bound lanes to be closed for hours. Sean o'shea has more from st. Catharines. Sean. >> Reporter: a hundred thousand vehicles cross the garden cit skyway in ttc st. Arines every day. Friday the unexpected happened in the toronto-bound lanes resulting in a fatal accomplish. >> Ias a result of a wheel coming off a passenger van, pickup truck, and then going through the we'll be rightwindshield of a coach bus. >> Reporter: three others wer injured, one suffered a serious injury. >> I was because it affects that whole family that was on theoad. >> Reporter: police are investigating the cause of what ppened, but those who advocate for safer roads have seen this kind of incident time and again. >> This is without a doubt a maintenance-related issue. >>ter: in the 90s, ontario was plagued with incidents of flying tires from commercial trucks which led to changes incompliance, and fewer incidents. Passenger vehicles are a erent story. >> I alwaysnk that people should give more priority to the safety of the vehicles. >> Reporter: at this time of year, thousands of drivers just switched winter tires and may t have gone back to the mechanic to ensure the wheels are secure. Others may be cutting corners. >> Particularly now when money is so tight that some people may feel they're going to save money by doing it themselves. >> I left it to the professionals to do it, and I you know, I'm expecting them to know what they're doing when they're doing that. >> Reporter: you may be careful but you can't control whether other owners take the same kind of care. At this point police have not laid any ces. >> Safety is first, especially on the road. About yourself but everyone else around you. >> Reporter: when a tire falls off a vehicf any size, it can be difficult orossible for other drivers to react as in this case, the results can be catastrophic. Shallima. >> Shallima: sean o'shea reporting for us, thank you sean. Dozens of people turned out this evening for madd canada's annual conferenor victims and survivors of impaired driving, and a candle-light vigil of hope and remembrance. [ ] the connce and vigil took plates at bmoal group institute for learning inscarborough. Those in attendance shared their experiences and keynote spes provided a workshop session offering support. >> What I really want people to know is that theragedy doesn't end at the scene of the crash. All of the people that are here are dealing with loss every single day, whether it's the loss of someone that they love or t loss of the life that they had before the crash. Through a catastrophic injury. So we have been given a life sentence because of somebody else's poor decision making. So I just want people in the public to know that if they plan ahead, they can prevent a tragedy for a lifetime for another person. >> Shallima: along with acandle lighting ceremony there was also art therapy, iming, and chair yoga for

those in attendance to experience. >>> Police are asking for your help identifying this man in connection to a sexual assault investign. Investigators say a woman was sexually assed by the man inside a business near jane and wilson on may fif he's six feet tall with short black hair and a short beard. He was last seen fleeing westbound on wilson avenue in a white suv. Anyone with information is urged to contact police. >>> A new accessible boardwalk honouring the legacy of former ontario lieutenant governer was unveiled at the toronto zoo. Remembered as a champion of accessibility, onley was the first lieutenant governer of ontarioh a physical disability. The boardwalk commemorates his life and many contributions to the community. >> We hope this very small gesture of naming this beautiful trail will serve as a cant reminder of his many itant contributions and the impact he had on so manyple. An impact that will continue here for years come. >> Shallima: the tribute also aims to ensure that accessibility remains a priority for zoo staff, volunteers, and visitors. >>> This weekend marked the return o one of toronto's most ue events, and it comes at no cost. Doors open toronto offers the public access to some of the city's most culturally significant buildings. This year more than 160 sites open to the public including billy bishop airport. People got a chance to explore behind thes operations, take a tour of the award-winning underwater pedestrian tun and a historical exhibit featuring world war hero billy bishop. >> We're welcoming public to the toronto city billy bishop airport to take doors open which is their opportuni to see the background of how an airport operates, some of the equipment we have, and certainly some of the partners we have operatin the airport including porter airlines and orange medevac and some of our concession partners in the terminal. >> Shallima: the event runs until sunday at 5:00 P.M. time now for a first check on the forecast. With more, let's bring in our weather specialist noor ra'fat. >> Noor: thanks very m shallima. Not an entire saturday was a write off. What started as rain ended up as mainly sunnyditions in toronto before the sun set. We're now loo at 16° outside the toronto airport. This was the fast moving sys starting out in southwestern ontario with some thunderstorms. Those thunderstorms rolling through the niagara falls region pushing into new york state, missing the gta though where we've been mostly seeing showers and then heavy rain in the afternoon, and just like that the system pushing out from the east. What we've beening the past few hours is just a dle activity in the gta. Another day where the humidity didn't f like it was trying to make us suffocate. Things fairly warm into this evening in st. Catharines, 20 with the humidex, 15 in peterborough, and 19 in toronto. We're notecting much changes in the next few hours. In fact our overnight, we're not really seeing much of anything except setting the scene for a gorgeous sunday. We'll start so seehe clouds in the morning dissipate b the rnoon, expect sunnier conditions later in the day tomorrow. So very mild overnight tonight, in fact w at 14°. Come tomorrow here we are with those temperatures back to wherewe like them, 23° with a mix of sun and cloud. Take the opportunity to go outdoors. Shallima. >> Shallima: thanks so much, noor. Deputy prime minister and finance minister chrystia freeland is heading h from italy where she andther g7 finance ministers have just apped up three days of talks. As david aki reports, canada has been pushic the g7 todopt a plan to use seized russian financial assets to help finance the government of ukraine. >> Reporter: finance ministe of the g7, canada's chrystia freeland included, spent three days in italy's alp resort town grappling with two key problems. Ch russia. There was broad consensus among the richest nations, canada, the germany, italy, france, and japan, that they must do more to curb china's anti-competitive behaviour. Burr getting agreement on dealing wi putin's russia is a trickier problem. Da has been pushing a plan to use the interest income generated by the $300 billion in russian financial ass that were seized by western nations after russia invaded ukraine in 2022, and either give that money directly to ukraine or use thatgainst a loan for

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