
CIII - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Bryan: It looks good. Good job. Bryan: Look what Ifound in there. Whoop! So how're you guys feeling about being on the island a little longer? Jojo: I don't know. Bryan: You don't know? Sarah: What's the best thing about this island? Jojo: The pool. Bryan: The pool? Sarah: The swimming pool? Charlotte: The beach, the ocean. Sarah: Alright, Linc, it's your turn. Linc: Probably... that we're with you guys. Bryan: Spending time with your family? Linc: Yeah! Bryan: Wow. Sarah: Ok, that's good. Sarah: We reallyfeel like we have crossed this threshhold now. The stress, yes, is still there, but the way that we look at things I think is a bit different. We've been trying very hardto prioritize family time, with the kids especially,but also with one another. (men chattering) Bryan: We're on a big push to kinda get things completed now. We have a hard and fast opening date arriving. It's kind of all hands on deck, but at the same time, you know,we're making sure that we take a littletime with the kids. And you know, it's juggling.We have a lot of ballsin the air right now. Next time, on Island of Bryan. Our opening dateis set in stone. Flights have been purchased, the people are coming. Sarah: I'm stressed today.We are twelve weeks... How do we get things booked? How do we get staff?How do we get uniforms? How do we get food here?How do we get bedding here? There's so much to do, considering we're twelve weeks out. Bryan: I know, there's a lot to do. Everything seemsto be top pr. A thousand things on the list, they are all vying forthat number one position. We have a potential bigissue with the water system. Like the other day when we ran out of water. Exactly. Worker: Until we canget a bigger line ran in, you cannot just go crazy and have a lot of people here. Bryan: But, we need a lot of people here. Worker: Yes... Bryan: This is a... this is the thing. If we don't have a water system that can provide enough good quality water for the hotel, we don't have a hotel. We may have to dig up, all the way back to the street, and put in aProducer: Stay closeto your sister. Beautiful. Looks like youguys are best friends. Jojo: Can I run into you? Man 1: No.Man 2: Sure! n: My open m-- Linc: Just wait, we needto do two more layers. Linc: Have you everhit your hand? Bryan: I have hitmy hand many times. Charlotte: Exactly.The pros don't. (sloppy kiss) Jojo: No.Bryan: Gotcha. Yuck. It's always fun spending timewith your supportive children. Jojo: Ok, am I done yet? Producer: Yep,high five! Nailed it! ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. After a night shift, I do everything to stay quiet. But the second I touch the bed... I'm We have mattresses to help reduce motion transfer. So light sleepers can stay asleep. At Sleep Country, We Solve Sleep. The Do Not Disturb Event Is On Now Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next LOTTO MAX jackpot is an estimated $70 MILLION, plus an estimated 14 MAXMILLIONS. A backyard puttien? What about a whole backyard course! Got another dreamer! Get your LOTTO MAXtickets today! [OLG sting] Little Caesars New Crazy Puffs KD Mac & Cheese No way! Yes way! Stuffed with our favourite ooey gooey mac & cheese - For real? For real! Get out? Here for- a delicious time, not- a long time! Cheesy! Cheesy! When it comes to small business, Desjardins is a big fan. So to celebrate another 150 entrepreneurs across Canada who each received a $20,000 GoodSpark grant, we rallied their biggest fans, to cheer them on. Oh, what the heck! [cheering] Desjardins is also a big fan of what you do. I love you guys so much. See how we're cheering on small business at (Desjardins sting) ( ) Surprise! I've got Summer Fridays Masks for everyone. On my day, my besties will be glowing mama. It's this Merit. Does lips, does cheeks, I've got it on both shiny and soft? I know, right? Did you cheat on me? (Gasp!) Girl, no. It's Amika and it's Clean at Sephora. Brands like Phlur have everything you want minus certain ingredients you might not.

Summer Fridays, Merit, Amika, Phlur. Clean at Sephora, is only at Sephora. [ ] >> Announcer: this is "global news" at noon. [ ] >> Candace: hello, everyone. Thanks for joining us on "global news" at noon. I'm cand daniel. >>> Well, the deadline has comeand gone for the encampment at the university of toronto to be dismantled, and it's still there. In fact, support for the pro-painian protesters has grown to includeanada's largest labour federation. Jaden lee-lincoln has the latest from the encampment. >> Jaden: well, hundreds gathered here today in support of a rally at the u of itave pro-palestinianlege circle. This rally organized by the ontario labour federation. Lots of different here, including union, opseu, and steelworkers. Lots of various speeches from today's rally. I'll get you to take a liste right now... >> U of continues to propose committees, but we want commitments. We want divest. We want disclosure and we want it now! >> If the university of toronto kes a move against the students, they'll have to go through the workers first. [ Cheers & Appe ] but don't take my word for it. I don't want you to take my word fo it. I want you each of you to look around and see that e are unions from here -- workers from unions across the province. >> Jaden: as of apple. Those involved inhis encampment are continuing trespassing. Now, you the university has put out a statement saying this morning lawyers representing the university of toronto served documents seeking an injunction order from the ontario superior court of justice and asked the court for an expedited case conference for scheduling. That means we know that the university now seeking legal action to gethese students and staff involved in this encampment off of kings college circle. Now, in that letter, they als say that they continue to have talks with encampment organizers. They had talks yrday. There's going to be another meeting this afternoon. We're on day 25 of this encant. Again, students are looking for the university's commitment to divest, disclose and cut ties with israeli institutions. The university says they will consider providing committees to consider those discussions, but they have not fully agreed totheir divest. So, again, the meeting today at 5:00 P.M. with organizers and the university, but they've made it clear encampment organizers are not going anywhere. The unions that are here today inport of pro-palestinian protesters say they are standing strong. They are standing united until the students get they're asking for from the university. Jaden lee-lincoglobal news. >> Candace: meantime, in montreal, the request for injunction over the pro-palestinian encampment at ucam university has been partly granted. A superior court judge has sided with the university, saying the encampment protest poses a security issue. Rather than a complete dismantling, the university wants toure the free circulation of students in and of the science complex building that has been block since the middle of may. The demonstrators have been ordered to remove any items blocking vance cameras and objects -- surveilla cameras and objects obstructing exits and entrancesnd to allow fire marshals to conduct a che of the site.

>>> A male youth is deadfter an overnight shooting? Scarborough. Toronto police inform that they were called to home near warden avenue and danforth road just after t morning. A male youth was found with lifeeatening injuries. He was pronounced dead in hospital. No suspect information or the anal of the victim has been made available. An investigation is underway. >>> A solidarity gathering was held today at a jewish school in north york targeted by gunfire. >> Mayor Olivia Ch in canada and inonto, there's no place for hate, and my word to theer, the shooter, it was a disgusting to intimidate the community, to fill peopl with fear. >> Candace: toronto's police chief myron demkiw and education minister stephen lec were also at thisorning's rally as many as city councilors and other city officials. Two f shots at case chair a mushat bais chayamushka elementary school. >> Anthony: well, the rain has been heavy at times, especially around the gta, up through parts of central ontario. >> Nick: that's leading to some extra instability, and environment canada notices that as well. So there are sev thunderstorm watches in the province of quebec, and this tornado watch box. Nothing to report at this time. But there is the potential for some of these storms to rotate through the afternoon, and we're seeing the leading edge of rain now moving into that unstable air. Then there's going to be a break and then potentially another round of storms late today. Nothing like that around toronto, but we've had anywhere from 20 to millimetres of rain since early this morning, and it continues. There is some improvement across southwes ontario, where just a few showers are expected along with sunny breaks. 22 in windsor. 18 in toronto. 23 in ottawa. And as we go through the remainder of today, we're going to see that temperature climb, getting above 20. 23 the forecast high in toron >> Candace: the leader of the ontari liberal party has responded to the accelerated timetable for liquor sales in enience stores. >> Doug ford isn't being honest withou. In fact, his governments giving a billion dollars -- billion of your money -- t big brewers, major grocery chains, and big box american stores just to get beer in the stores one year early. It's a billion dolbooze boondoggle. >> Candace: that critique from bonnie crombie follows friday's announce that alcohol sales at convenience stores will start september 4th, 16onths ahead of schedule. Premier doug ford also announced that part of this includes a $225 million payme to the beer store to cher costs of keeping a minimum number of locations open.

>>> An alliance of health organizations, unions, and community groups are comer to denounce health care reform québec. Members of the coalitionsolidarity slowed down traffic this morning with a protest at the foot of the jacques cartier bridge. The group is calling for a review of the health minister's reform introduced in december, known as bill 15. E government sayshe introduction of sante québec will streamline the medical system, but opponents say it will lead to the costly health care and reduced services in the public sector. >> You need though think 15 years f now, what kind of health care system do you want? You want something that' close to the population and the population is involved, that wefully committed to this as a society? That's the choice we he. >> Candace: the group has planned multiple demonstrations throughout the week ahead of the québec government's summer session break. Gouache's privacy commissioner is set to -- >>> Ontario's privacy commissioner is set to publish a report about the use of non-governmental eMAILS about the grelt scandal. Ndp leader marit stiles requested an investigation I the personal phones and eMAILS of the premier and his staffers. The office of the privacy issioner says they're working on 19 active access to information appeals, similar to the concerns raised by stiles. There's no timeline on whee report will be released, but an investigation from the rcmp in the scandal is ongoing. >>> Earlier taye, peel regiona police announced the results of a major auto theft invest they have made 190 arrests and have recovered more than 1,000 stolen vehicles. Theestigation, which has been dubbed project odyssey, has also seen around 1600 charges laid. Back in march, peel's police ch said his region sees the highest per capita number of vehicle thefts in the with an average of 20 stolen every day.

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