
CIII - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

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want to hear, the songs that are liar to them but as a musician, you want to keep moving forward and you want to keep rediscovering thaterial in a way that you won't get bored. And so for me, playing the songs again after so many years was in itself kind of a rediscovery of those songs. And watching people sing along with us has been amazing. >> Carolyn: for sure. We have the debate, university girlfriends and i, we all have -- half many them, it was alanis' album, and I was in the am marshall camp, that was my album, that was my anthem! >> You cike both. >> Carolyn: we did. >> I know no beef wit alanis. No beef on "the morning show." [ Laughter ] >> Carolyn being back out there, we were talking about in the commercial break iollow amanda also online, when there's a pre-sale, there's a song that goes with it andr little jingles with your crew. >> S a little for us. >> Jeff: I think I enjoy it pore when amanda does it. >> Carolyn: are there any -- I'm curious, does amanda marshall have any pre-show, not pre-sale, but pre-s ritual that you do before you get out there? >> I'm like really -- I'm a bigprep personally, it's an all day kind of stion so I spend a lot of time doing vocal exercises the day of the show. I spent a lot of time in the shower, not necessarily showering but just like with the shower on steamingause steam is really great for your throat so I do a lot of that. I don't have any immediate -- really super low maintenance. I have a lot of hair but my hair is mercifully low lawns maintenance, so I'm frighteningly low maintenance that way. >> Carolyn: when you're ready to hit the stage, are you just in a really awesome head space? >> Yeah, pretty much. I go in and I hang out with the band before -- we have our little pre-show ritual which we do actually put up on instagram because nobody k what we're saying because that's just for us, we have a thing before we go on. I'm trying to t if I have -- I drink a lot of tea. My rider is really, really simple, and I don't eat. I saw shania doing an interview and she says she drinks all her meals the day of the show, use you can't really eat anything too heavy. So I don't really eat a lot the day of the show but I eat a lot after. >> Carolyn: I get that. >> JefOU want to feel hungry, right? >> Yout to feel kind of empty. >> Carolyn: you don't want an upset stomach while performing. >> J that's true too. >> I learned that the hard way. >> Jeff: wow. >> I won't go into details, morning television, yeah. >> Jeff: in honour of your juno win for this great album "heavy lifting" we thought we would celebratey playing a game we want to call heavy lift sessions with amanda marshall. We wanto know what feels more like hard work o heavy lift to you. We're going to start with doing the dishes or doing the laundry. >> Laundry! Unquestionably, laundry! >> Carolyn: it takes so much longer. >> It takes five minutes to do the laund five minutes to dry the lawndy and seven to ten business days to hold it and put away. >> Carolyn: and then you have to doll over again. A heavier lift vocally, I hope she cheats or let it rain. >> Hope she cheats, oh, my god, a friend the other day was what were you thinking, why did you put that giant high note in that song? "i hshe cheats." >> Jeff: that's like every other amanda marshall song. >> That one I d on purpose, it's not spontaneous. eff: running laps or swimming laps. >> Getting my earring to stay in is my big thing. Laughter ] running laps or what? >> Carolyn: sing laps. >> Oh, I don't really swim but I do run. I'm going to have to say swimming because swimming's hard when you do it for a while. Carolyn: okay. Early recording sess or late recording session? >> Anything early, like sorry, no offence. I don't knoow you do this every day, I'd much rather b up late. >> Carolyn: same. >> Jeff: I want to let everybody know amanda's tour kicks off J12th. Visit the website right there on the screen. Amanda marshall, always such a pleasure to see you. >> Thank you. >> Jeff: thanks for cg by. >> Thanks, guys. >> Jeff: still ahead, improvement insights to improve the way we see ourselves.we've got so much musical tam be the this morning. Jully black makes it the focus of her monday motiv At td, we get how hard it can feel to move forward. Woman: (Thinking) Should I add to my closet or my savings account? Woman 2: (Thinking) We've got to find a way to get this finished. (Thud) Woman 3: (Thinking) I want to save for that down payment, but also want gourmet salad.

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