
CIII - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #9

>>> May is amachine may-zing on "the morning show"! Fun with family and friends from furiosa. >> I want them back. >> Reporter: to "seinfeld." >> I wanted to do one of those spielberg night scenes with the smoke. >> Announcer: "bridgerton." >> We've been holding back the chemistry that we have together for this. >> Announcer: we have fan favourites, fan finales, and a william senateer in exclusive from the final fronter. Amazing may, all month long on tms. [ ] >> Ross: morning, meteorologist ross hull here with you on this my. Hope you all had a great weekend. Notice the jet stream pushing right into B.C. and that's the st track, and we've got more wet weather on the way. Quieter weather, at least warmer, across alberta,saskatchewan, into manitoba over the next couple of days. And the jet stream right over the great lakes, inards the maritimes, signifying some ttled weather after relatively dry weekend. Although there were some thunderstorms. We've got that disance that he is pushing through. Which will bring the potential for more showers and thunderstorms. That will be the situation ontuesday across the maritimes. But we're dealing with it today around the gta, southwestern québec, and still some showers moving in by the afternoonaround southern ontario. We'll look at some steadiern moving in on tuesday across maritimes, and that will start to clear as we move into wednesday for most areas. Okay, let's take a look at the west. Yeah, relatively quiet. Although still some showers, and still cooler than average through B.C. at least, whias been favourable for the wildfire situation in that province. Special air quality statement north of B.C. in towards the northwest territories for smoke from wildf, and as we take a look at the futurecast, you can see quiet through edmonton, calgary, saska, regina. Some cloud cover in winnipeg, the unsettled weather continues through B.C. interior, through british columbia and through the south coast of B.C. as well, around vancr and victoria. Going to be breezy.southerly winds, though, you can see that around saskatchewan come mid-week. So 16° with a chance of some showers in vancouver today. 22 in kelowna. As we head towards edmonton and calgary, into the low 20s.20 in calgary, 22 in edmonton. 21 regina. 22 inkatoon. The potential for some showers around winnipeg, with a high of 17°. As we head farther east, unsettled times. Showers, thunderstorms. Temperatures reaching 22, 23° around toronto. It w feel into the high 20s, though, when you factor in the humidex. A humid feel to the atmosphere, but it will be unsettled at times, and we head east, we are looking at increasing cloud cover. Highs around the mid-teens for the hrm. More towards the low 20s as you head in towards moncton and fricton, with increasing cloud cover and mostly cloudy conditions. We'll be into some rain tomorrow. >> Candace: okay. So, you know, a bit of up and down still be things really settle into the swing of, I guess, lateing/summer things. How is the forecast looking for -- it's very early to, but how is the forecast lacking the looking for weekend? >> Ross: a little cooler mid-week and itks to warm up just in time for the weekend try at this point, too. >> Candace: excellent! >> Ross: I think there's a reason behindt. >> Candace: I was just going to flag for allle allle of our toronto viewers, apptly all ten of the city's beaches opent weekend with lifeguards on-site. So that isood news, and another, you know, unofficial sign thatummer is here. >> Ross: yes. Take it in while you can because it just zips by. Other outdoor activities this weekend. This is pretty cool. Thousands of lucky picnickers enjoyed free delicacies prepared by some of the city's top chefs. Foreign 4,000 people shall the "a" sat along the avenue,a tablecloth that was more than 197 metres lon boy, how do you clean that out with all the crumbs in it? The lucky diners were chosen for a draw in the event which comes exactly two months before the summer olympics owes opening ceremony in paris, and wow, that looks like a lot of fun. Having that extra picnic atmosphere. >> Candace: absolutely. Something about breaking bread with the baskets and just all be blanket, really setting that sense of community within the city before it is invaded by the world. Wh knows. That invasion has probably started as well. So it's -- there's a lot o symbolism there, too. That's really nice. oss: yeah, and I'm sure there's g to be many similar events leading up to the pics and, of course, looked like decent weather there on sunday, but the weather forecast will be key ahead of the olympic games, too. I know I think the opening ceremonies are going to go right

along the sen,ight? The trajectory. >> Candace: that's right. That's right. >> Ross: looking forward to seeing that. We talked about thi once, too. Sport is fun, but it'sreat seeing those other aspects to the games. >> Candace: it takes you to the city, which is great. oss: well, we will take you to break now, but swith us. You're watching "global news morning." we'll have much more local new We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. Where We Live.Discover the unique diversity, character, and futureof your community. I'm here with Paul McIntyreRoyston, President and ceo of Grand RiverHospital Foundation. So, Pawhat isSplit the Pot lottery? It is the largest parted lottery for hospitals in Ontario. And people across the provincecan win! benefit health carein Ontario? Well, it's special,and we're in it right now. This is a medicaltraining lab, where health care professionals learn on the new equipment that lotteries likeSplit the Pot prWhat is the long-term planfor Split the You know, fundamentally, it' supporting equipmentin Ontario hospitals. It has to be funded locally. And how do people participate? It's super easy. You go, there's 13 main es, a whole bunchof Early Bird prizes, and four great ticket packages. They just need to goto (Announcer says wordson screen) Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. (sounds of airport) "Sorry, has anybody se" (sound of glass breaking) Should've gone to Specsavers. Two pairs of glasses plus free polarized sun lenses $149 for a limited time. [ ] With lotto 6/49... ...What possible could you find? With two jackpots on every ticket: the growing Gold Ball jackpot, plus the Classic jackpotof $5 million. [olg Sting] We've got the lake house. I want it to feel like you're walking into this1965 Spanish revival mid-century home. (Announcer speaks wordson screen) Stream on STACKTVan >> Candace: good morning, everyone. Well that 8:00 dead lynn line line has nowicially passed, and the pre-palestinian encampment at the university of toronto is in violation of a trespass notice that was issued on friday. Jaden lee-lincoln joins us live from the encampment from the latest. Hi, jaden. >> Jaden: good morning, candace. Yes, the studentse and pro-palestinian protesters are now in violationf that trespassing notice from the administration. Dee that. They plan on staying. There's acty a rally just about to get underway. This is with the ontario federatif labour. So, some members of various different labours, including the jewish faculty network opseu, they're here in support of this encampment. They're protesting and supporting students' right to protest. Hundref people here. At least dozens and dozens and dozens ever people here for this rally in support of these students, and lots ofple that have kind of come upus today saying, hey,t's happening at 8 a.m.? I heard lotsgoing on. What can we expect? So a lot of kind of onlookers this morning as well. We know that the university on friday handed encampment -- papal here at the encampment a notice to leave by 8 a.m. Or else they are considere trespassing. From what this university has told us, they'll now be seeking urgent legal action. That could mea a financial penalty for those involved.we also know that students and staff involve in the encampmentcould eventually maybe get suspended from school. Possibly a termination of employment. We don't know that that'shappening just yet. I've been in contact with u of t media relations. They say that they w continue to keep us updated with any new developments, but again right now, cce, a rally getting underway withbers of the ontario federation of lr here in support of those involved in this pro-palestinian

encampment here at u of t. At kings college circle. We'll keep you updated with any new inforon as it becomes available, but right now, I'll send it back you. >> Candace: okay, jaden. Thanks so much. > An investigation is underway after shots were fired outside of a jewis elementary school in north york this wee. Officers responded to the bais chaya mushka elementary school near dufferin and finch just before 5:00 saturday morning. They found a bullet hole in the building, but no injurieve been reported. Police are investigating the incident as potentially hate-motivated. Political leaders weighed in on the shooting, with premier doug ford calling it a gross display of anti-semitism, adding it's beyond belief anyone could be this hateful. And primnister justin trudeau also took to x, saying a brazen act of anti-semitism and the perpetrators need to be brought to justice. Toronto police have set up acommand post near dufferin and gold medal kar and york regional policeill also pledging to step-up their presence at jewish schoand places of worship. Jooste toronto police have confirmed a body was recovered from lake ontario sunday afternoon near the ferry at billy bishop airport. The investigation is curre ongoing. Anyone with information is asked to contact police. >>> Halton police are issuing an urgent public sa after three opioid-related deaths. Two separate opioid poisonings have killed two men and a woman over the weekend in halton hills. Officials suspect the deaths are linked to the inhalation of an unidentified substance. Police are urging drug-users not to use alone and to keep nalo on hand. >>> A woman is in hospital with ser injuries after being stabbed by a man at fairview mall. Paramedic rushed to scene at sheppard and don mills just before 12:30 sunday afternoon af stabbed. The suspect was taken into custody by mall security before police arrived. Police say the victim and the suspect were known to each other. An investigation is ongoing. >>> Peel regional police will 's now, the results of a announce the results of a major theft investigation. Dubbed project odyssey, the force will hold a media availability at 9:00 this morning. Brampton mayor patrick brown is expected to attend as well. Back in march, peel's police chief said his region sehe highest per capita number of vehicle thefts in the province, with an average of 20 stolen every day. [ >> Announcer: airborne traffic brought to you by thomson rogers. After a devastating accident, trust the lawyers at thomson gers to guide you. From the hospital room to the courtroom, that'seal-life.counsel. Visit Notes. >> Candace: okay, last monday of the month. Getting started on a bit of a soggye, but it sounds like things could turn around? >> Ross: yeah, a bit of a lull this morning, then more wet weather this afternoon, something to beware of if you're out on the roads this morning, and have the petroleum handy, certain as we take a look at our harbour cam, you can see the cloud cover hovering over the cityhis morning, and yeah, be doe prepared for some wet bert that's going to be ng in. All due to this disturbance. It's a pretty widespread one. It's what's provided for some severe weather in the U.S. and some of ttorms that will push through the gta c deliver some heavy downpours. There could be some lightning as well, and you could see that activity pushing through the london area, and it is moving towards the gta. We did get into some thunderms overnight, and as we look at the temperatures, it is warm and mild out there. Already reaching near 20, despite the cloud cover and -- well, with the humidex, it's already around the mid-2 and that humidex will likely be close to 30 today. The daytime high will reach near 23 in toronto r around that range for m of southern ontario. High teens as you head through sudbury and north bay. So let's take a look at how it works. Yes, later this morning, in through the afternoon, some heavy downpours possible. 15 to 25 millimetres by tonight. See a break lightly later is afternoon towards the evening, and then another roundof showers will move through by tomorrowernoon. Don't expect the rain with this to be as heavy and then by wednesday, we'll start to see drier weather. Although it will be cooler. Less humidity out there. So here's a look at next three days, the next seven days. 20° with the showers on tuesday, especially tomorrow after. Then we start to see things clear out a sun/cloud mix on wednesday. Thursday, back to the 20s. Looks beautiful friday. 23°, and looking ahead to the weekend, temperatures near the MID-20s and at this point, does look dry. And that's a look at y tire weather. Candace? >> Candace: thanks, ross.

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