
CIII - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Lower the lights andbring in the black light. - [Narrator] Under the a mess. It could be viruses or bacteria. And if you have kids orpets, it needs to be cleaned. The X5 cleans at 230 degreeswith the power of microfiber, so it cleans and sanitizeswithout chemicals. You'll also receivethe carpet glider free. In seconds, convertyour X5 steam mop into a carpetsteamer and cleaner. Watch as it effortlesslysteams away this stain and breathes lifeback into old carpet. No big rentals and no big bills. You get all this for justfive payments of $39.95. Bu. Your X5 turns into anamazing handheld steamer. We'lso send you the jetnozzle with attachable nylon and wire brushes atno additional charge. Blast away stubbor or use the brush nozzle togive you the really tough stuff. But there's even more. Order now and we'll eveninclude the extension hose with coral dustingand polishing wand. Use it on blinds,banisters, blades, and more. It end polishes stainless steelwithout chemicals. It's yours free too. But we're still not done. We'll also give you the window,glass and mirror attachment. Glass has finally met its match. Clean and polishshower doors or mirrors for a streak-free shine. Tired of big dry cleaning bills or waiting for that pathetichandheld steamer to heat up? As part of thisstng special, we'll even include thegarment upholstery bonnet and you won't pay a penny more. Use it to take wrinkles outof clothes, steam draperies. It can even help to eliminatedust mites and bedbugs. DoCertified lab testingshows that the X5 kills up to 99% of salmonella andE. coli with no chemicals, so it's safe aroundyour pets and children. All these great attachmentsare included with your X5 free. That's right, free. We'll do the math. If you bought a floorsteamer, clothes steamer, carpet steamer, anda handheld ser plus all the chemicalsyou use in a year, you could spend over $500, butyou won't spend thWhen you order, you can clea with our X5 steaming TV special. You'll get the X5 steammop with microfiber pad, the carpet glider, the handheldsteamer with jet nozzle and attachable nylon and wirebrushes, the extension hose with dusting and polishing wand, and the garment andupholstery bonnet. A huge wall-to-wallfloor-to-ceiling cleaning value. All this for jfive easy payments. it. Now is your chance to own the X5 for just five easy payments. And to make this value sohot that it's steaming, order right now and we'll makethe first payment for you. You'll get the X5 e, easy to use, lightweight, powerful 12-piecesteam cleaning system, a $500 value, all for justfour easy payments of $39.95. That's right, justfour easy payments. Plus we'll even shipit to you for free. So call or click right now. Call the number on your screen or go to toget your very own X5 for just four easypayments of $39.95. Plus we'll even shipit to you for free. That's right, free shipping. The X5 also comeswith our 30-day no questions askedmoney back guarantee so you have absolutelynothing to lose. Order now. (upbeat music) The preceding was apaid advertisementfor the H2O Steam Mop X5brought to you ANNOUNCER: program is presented as a paid rtisement. ANNOUNCER: What is StackTV? WOMAN: You're not gonna believe this. Three, two, one, go. StackTV is a streaming service for your whole family. Let's get into it. StackTV is drama, and comedy... What's happening? I'm in. StackTV is action... Please do them now. And a dose of reality. Every single turn. StackTV is everything you want and so much more. This is fun. (Exclaiming) That is StackTV. We're back, baby! What! Are you ready for it? Watch now with your free trial. We've got the lake house. I want it to feel like you're walking into this1965 Spanish revival mid-century home. (Announcer speaks wordson screen) Stream on STACKTVan We're ready. ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. ANNOUNCER:Cracking the case from coast to coast? Free. That's what I like to hear. Thrilling twists at your fingertips? Totally free. Out here, I'm about to kill it. Catching up on your favourite Global TV shows? Watching past favourites on F And streaming news live? Good evening. The West Blockstarts now. It's all absolutely free. Now that's a price tag everyone will love.

We need to hug! One app's really got it all:the Global tv app. Download nowand stream anytime. [ ] >> Candace: good morning, everyone, thank you for starting your monday, may 27th with us. Good morning, ross, last week of the nth. >> Ross: can't believe it. Good morning, candace. It's warm and humid still, but we have sho in the forecast. I'll time it out for you. >> Candace: plus, we have your top stories. With the deadline fast approaching for the of t encampments. We'll ha the latest coming up. >> Antony: , at least 18th people are dead, after powerful storouthern united states. The threat now moves east, as millions celebrate memorialday. >> Ross: this system tracking in, bringing showers and the risk of thunderstorms. When you can experience the wet weather, when it moves out, temperatures drop, and it does move out. Your full forecast is just ahead. >> Announcer: you're watching gl toronto. Is "global news morning." >> Candace: good morning, everyone, the deadline for university of toronto students and faculty to clear the pro palestinian encampment is fast approachin if they don't leave the campus by 8 this mog, they will officially be in violationf a trespass notice. Demonstrators met with university administrators nday, ahead of today's deadline, and they presented a counter offer, a turning down the university's last offer, which they say did nothe demands of disclosing and divesting from israeli companies and institutions. Demonstrators say the counter offer includes a joint working group to disclose private investments in israeli companies and cutting ties with the hebrew university, which they say operates on illegal settlements. >> The president has the right, the ability, and the mandate to simply put our demands into action. He's done it before. And he can do it again. We are not in a posn where we can waste another three weeks arguing over bureaucratic details of a process that will end in nothing. We request thathe president and the administration take this offer seriously, and to present themselves in good faith at the negotiating table, unlike what they have done before. >> Let us not forget, there palestinian students who are here at this encompliment, at this institution, who are grieving the loss of love ones, and yet here theare. Being threatened by this extrusion, bys institution, by the university of toronto by commanding up and demanding the dollars not go towards killing families and friends. >> Candace: the notice was issued on a statement to global news, u of t officials say if the encampment does not comply, they'leek an injunction to have them removed 67 an stigation is underway, after shots were fired outside a jewish elementary school north york this weekend. Officers responded just before 5 saturday morning, they found a bullet hole in the building, although no injuries have been reported. Police are investigating incident as potentially hate motivated, political leaders weighed in on the shooting, with premier ford calling it a gross display of anti-semitism, adding it's beyond belief that anyone could be this hateful. And prime minister justin trudeau took to x, saying it's a brazen act of anti-semitism and the perforators need to be brought to justice. Toronto police have set up a command post bathurst and glencairn glencairn, and police are stepping up their appearance at places of worship. A body was covered from the water near billy bp airport. Anyone with information is asked to con police. Halton police are issuing an urgent public safety war after three opioid related deaths, two men and a women were kill at the times are linked to the inhalation of an unidentified substance. Police are urging drug users not to use alone and to keep naloxone on hand. Peel police are released the results of an auto theft investigation. The brampton mayor is expected to attend as well. Back in march, the peel region police chief said his region sees the highest vehicle thefts in the province, with anverage of 20 stolen every day. [ ] >> I'm myles marcus with global news trafshg. We're seeing some volume starting to form on the eastboungardiner, past jamieson, right near dufferin, we have it from dufferin to

strachan. That will factor throughout the day. After a devastating accident, trust the lawyers after thomson rogers to guide you frshg the hospital room to the courtroom, that's real life counsel. Visit [ ] >> CandaceWELL, ross, what a difference a week makes. Noticeably different over the weekend from those, you know, 0° highs with the humidex and all of at. For me, I didn't mind it. >> I didn't mind it too. We had that wet weather on saturday. It cleared out. Yesterday was pleasant. We have higher humidity values today. You'll feel that and also, yes, weather at times. Let's take a look a the wooder perspective. This is the same system that brought severe weather to the U.S. we're not expecting the seefr weather around toronto and the gta,ut heavier down hoers are likely as this system moves in. It will come in wave, we experienced some overnight, a lull this morning, andn you can see the next wave traveling through southwestern ontario.that will make its way towards the gta later this morning, in towards the afternoon. It's relatively mild. These temperatures are above ave for where we should be as an overnight low, and the cloud cover, thehowers will suppress temperatures a little bit. 22, 23°. The hum will make it feel closer to 30 o there. A humid feel, there is the heavier down pours possible through the later morning, into the afternoon, a bit of a break later this afoon, through this evening, and another wave of showeill push through heading into tomorrow afternoon, d by midweek, we should start to see drier weather. This looks to be 15 t 25 millimetres of rain for most spots, could be more inreas that experience heavier down pours. Here is a look at the forecast,er 20° tomorr potential for showers, cloud cover. Sun/cloud mix wednesday. High teens, cooler, and then temperatures rer in time for the weekendm back towards the mid 20's a look at your ok tire weather. Candace. >> Candace: than ross. A graphic artist who designed tragically hip themed posters caught the eye of the band and the posters are being sold across the country. >> A little background music for inspiration. [ ] >> Reporter: graphn bell island and his creative partner came up with a unique idea to showcase their client's capabilities. Travel posters based on the tragically hipsongs. >> Drawing from a classic cana style, the finished products posted on social media caught the attention of the kingston band. >> I got a call from the tragically hip saying, wow, don't know about theproject, really interesting, maybe we can talk about it. >> Reporter: now the complete set is being sold on the hip's website on their 40th anniversary. Incorporating hidden nuggets from the well-known lyrics. >> Weather vein jesus at the top of this, singing the eulogy. Could have been the willy nelson, could have been the wine. I probably went through the whole catalogue. We ended up hiring a writer to help us with that. We wanted have avr over the top advertisings feel to the writing. [ ] >> This is not the first tragically hip themed work. He created a commemorative poster for rogers arena during the farewell tour 2016, back when he was a casual fan >> I probably had 2 to 3 albums, and now I probably -- you know, I listen to them all the time. [singing] >> Reporter: john is instructor at the wilson school of design, from project that has quickly taken off, there is a lesson. >> You'll get overwhelm ld by the software, the technology, all those things, with you but at the end of the day, it imagination. And that will be the one thing that will keep youn the industry. [ ] >> Reporter: jay durant, global news. >> Fly ball, left field. And this game is over. >> Candace: heart breaking, gut wrenching, stomach churning, all of the cliches play to the blue jays' loss to the tigers on sunday, after battling back from an 8-3 deficit to lead 11-9 heading into the bottom of the 8th, the toronto bull pen unravelled. Detroit scored 2 to tie the game, and in the bottom of the ninth, jordan ro gave up a home run to lose it 14-11. After losing 3 of 4 in detroit, the joys will to right the ship this afternoon against chicago, with first pitch going just after 2. The national headlines are coming up after the break, with

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