
CIII - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>> Alan: the truckver responsible for the humboldt cos bus crash six years agohas been ordered to be deported. Jask singh sidhu was granted parole after being sentenced to eight years in prison for dangs driving in the that killed 16 people and injured 13 others. Sidhu is from india andresident status in canada. His lawyers said still numerous other legal procedures to come, and the deportation ess could take months or even years. >> Tr united nations court has ruledsrael must halt it's military operations in the city of rafah. The international court of justice made the ruling in respono a request by south africa looking for interim protections for pal ruling is legally binding, court has way of enforcing the ruling, the courts president side of the death toll and humanitarian suffering inthe gaza strip as why israel must end it's offensive. Prime minister justin trudeau reacted to this earlier today. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: da's position has been clear for many weeks now. We need an immediate cease-fire. Hamas leads -- needs to down its arms, release hostages. There also must be no more military operations in rafah. >> Tracy: international pressure continues to mount against israel to rain in its hamas. Meanwhile, the israeli military says it has recovered the bodies of three hostages taken into the gaza strip october 7th. On the day of the attack and that their families have been notified. >>> The bodies werejoint operation by the army and intelligence services, where there has been intense fighting in recent days. [ ] >> Alan: the ford government making beer and wine available in more outletsinning this summer. Coming up, the plan and how much it will cost the treasury. [ ] >> Airborne traffic brought to by thompson rogers. After a devastating accident, trust the lawyers at thompson rogers to guide you. Selling your home, large or small, don't get lost in the real estate jungle. (Lion growling) Hi, I'm Frank Leo and I do things a lot differently. I spend millions of dollars on cutting-edge marketing that is seen by thousands of smart buyers every single day. Radio, massive print ads, thousands of websites-- even on tv. I have a full team ready to create demand for your property. And if I can't sell your home at a price and deadline we agree to, I'll buy it myself. Call me today, or go to and get your home sold. Guaranteed. Do you know what happens to funds from charitable bingo and gaming centres? Charitable Gaming is proud to support programs from life-altering conditions. In the past year, we've raised over $90 million for Ontario charities. Find a charitable gaming centre near you, and play for a community win. [heartbeat] Charitable Gaming. Community Good. We now return to Alpine Credits. (Sigh) One monthly payment would be nice. ntory. Maybe it's time to renovate. Man: Sending help right away. ( ) Approved! ( ) Approved! ( ) Approved Alpine Credits Where homeowners get approved Sandals Jamaica Sale is now on! With rates from $199 per person per night. Visit or call 1-800-Sandals - Mama, what's a Dare Veggie... Crisps? - Oh! I'm Dare Veggie Crisps! I'm a little bit of all the things... veggies, crackers and chips. [group] - Ohhs! - Veggify your snack time with Dare Veggie Crisps. - Made with real veggies! ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find youat We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global.

>> Tracy: this weekend our fresh off the plate series, we are in the parkdale neighbood at a michelin recommended restaurant paying tribute to filipino cuisine. Liem vu has more. [ ] a. It translates the home of bela. >> Reporter: located in parkdale just off of queen street west, bv's diner is a pastiche of childhood memories. >> A small house was always the inspiration going to me specifically, to my grandmothers. That nostalgia of going to home-cooked food. >> Reporter: the flavours may be familiar, but this ain't your grandma's cooking. >> Filipino food is packed with the mommy. There's time and love the goes into this. >> Reporter: from creative cocktails to drool dishes, the menu is a mp of past and present. >> Tuna sashimi with chips, coconut and vinegar dressingbase. Red pepper and red onion salad. We also have what we call our jolly course spaghetti and fried chicken. >> What makes the spaghetti and chicken jolly? >> It's sweeter, and garnish with cheese it's. >> Reporter: don't take our word for it. Just arson -- ask the michelin guide. >> We were lucky enough to be awarded their accolade for great value. >> Have your family's approval? We know itllenging. >> I don't know if I've secured that approval yet. My lola saysts good, but I'm like, its not really her cup of tea. But I think at some of the best food. >> Reporter: liem vu, global ws. [ ] people are excited. They're going to enjoy the same oice as other canadians and other people across the world. >> Alan: new at six, the ford government expands the sale of alcohol ahead of schedule, but comes with a cost. Those details straight ahead. >> Tracy: and we are livetonight at the university of toronto. Encampment protes have been served with a notice of trespassing. What's next in this campus showdown? Alan: shots fired at a york region movie theatre, not for the first time. We are live at the scene with the latest on the investigation. >> Announcer: this is global toro global news at six starts now. [ ] >> Tracy: topping news at six, ontario sales of beer, wine, and ady-made cocktails are moving into corner stores and suarkets more than one year earlier than originally planned. >> Alan: the ford governmentannouncing a new timetable this morning. It says over time there will be up 8500 new places in ontario where consumers can buy low alcohol products. Let's go live to colin d'mello with more details. The sped up timeline comes with a cost. >> Reporter: the ford government says it wants to make sure that the beer store doesn't t shutting down locations as soon as its revenue begins to dip. $220 million of taxpayer money is being set asi for this international will ensure they maintain a set number of stores, about 380 in 2025, down from the 422 they . But again, that money is coming from you and me. It's the type of convenience that can only come with a cost. The ford government is speeding up access to beer and wine in corner stores, but in exchange, will have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to a private company just to make it happen. >> It's a no-brainer. You walk into your local convenience store, pick up your wine, your beer, and you're ready to drink. People want it and we are g to do it. It's overwhelmingly popular. >> Reporter: the provinces starting this august, licensed grocery stores will beowed to sell ready to drink beverages and er packs of beer. After september 5th, convenience stores province will be allowed to sell beer, cider, wine, and ready to drink beverages. While new grocery stores can art selling all those products just after halloween. >> This represents, without a shadow of a doubt, the largest transformation of ontario's alcohol marketplace since the end of prohibiti nearly 100 years ago. >> Reporter: but the province had to pay premium just toed up the timeline. Taxpayers will give $225 million to the privately owned beer store, which unt now was an

exclusive retailer. The provi says the cash will ensure that the beer store doesn't close to manyations when they're revenues drop over the next two years. >> 225 million to the beer store, a handing billions of public revenue to groceryre ceos. >> Reporter: lcbo employees are also worried about the future. The government acknowledged the crown corporation will lose revenue when 8000 convenience stores start cutting into profits. The worry that publicly owned stores could close. >> Preparing to close stores andlayoff full-time employees, exactly. >> Reporter: the mos interesting cost of all could be an early election. The premier was asked multiple times whether he was speeding up alcohol convenience in order to speed up their timeline for an election. >> Are you then committing to sticking with the june 2026 election schedule? To stick that date? >> Were going to fulfil our agenda and promises that we made >> Reporter: leaving many wondering whether the true convenience here is for the progressive conservatives themselves. There growing concerns the lcbo will take a significant revenue hit. The ford governmentd any convenience stores that buy alcohol from the wholesaler will get 810 percent discount on the booze they. The government would not say how big of a hit they believe lcbo wiake, but sources believe it will beomewhere in the neighbourhood of hundreds of millions of dolla in lost revenue every single year. At queens park, I'm colin d'mello. >> an: thanks, call and. >>> The premie thanking the federal government today for rejecting toronto's bid to decriminalize possession of illegal drugs. He said he was also glad that ot recognize the province's jurisdiction over the issue. >> As los I'm premier, we are nev going to decriminalize hardcore drugs. What I believe in, we need mor detox centres, more rehabilitation centres. But we sure don't nee peopl shooting up and doing drugs in neighbourhoods like etobicoke, mississauga, anywhere. >> Tracy: >> Alan: were learning more about why the pitch was turned down. The federal addictions minister said she had deep concerns about the lack o limits in the proposal. He did not place limits on age or the amount of drugs someone could possess. She also said toronto public health refused to make changesto address ottawa's concerns.

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