
CIII - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Have you noticedsprouting up around the gta advertising the sale of magic mushrooms? That might make you think canada has legalized the hallucinogenic drug, but that is not the case. The whole enterprises illegal. Why aren't police cracking down on t shops? You can read the full story on our website, >> Alan: being a ttc writer recently has been challenging. Virus, hydraulic oil spills, and more have increased frations. This weekend will present more the need for more patients with another planned outage. City hall reporter matthew bingley has more. >> Reporter: some transit caught off guard. >> Shuttle buses alls weekend. >> Reporter: beginning saturday, plan to t work will mean no subway service between woodbine and kennedy statio shuttle buses will be transporting passengers until subway service resumes monday at6:00 am. It's not they plant disruption. Subway service online one between st. Clair and sheppard young stationl end early at 11:00 pm each evening from this monday until next friday. Shuttle buses again picking up the slack while station and track work is done. Resuming normal service at 6:00 am on the following mornings. >> I have to be pat. >> Reporter: the ttc says this work is planned and aimed at making long-term improvements. >> We know that the last few weeks have been frustrating with some of the closures. The good any planned closure, we do tightly oiled machine of shuttle buses running. Reporter: but planned or not, these closures are following a pattern ofdisruptions, including a 12 h one online two last week. Some passengers are fed up. >> This was a couple weekends ago as well. And then two weeks before that. It's not just this weekend. How much maintenance doy need to do? No disrespect, but I treat people from all over the world, and they take other transit systems, and we are a joke to them. >> Reporter: an investigation what's behind the recent spike in hydraulic oil spills is still underway with outsideconsultants, but there's no word yet on when those findings will ade public. Matthew bingley, global news. [ ] >> Tracy: a picture perfect outside, which is exactly what storm the weather dog wished for on his birthday. >> Anthony: yeah. Don't listen to his name. He loves the sunshine. I guess we all do as we get older. We liked days like today, low humidity, comforta stuff. Storm, happy birthday. He is 13 years old. We are here at ren's pets in liberty village. Let's check out what we've got here. Storm! Come on up. You've got cake here, all sorts of treats. You are one lucky dog. Thirteen years. I know a lot of you haven along for the ride for the entire 13 years. S, storm goes viral again, want to show some videoittle incident we had on our news desk at the end of the show. Treats can do that somes. You tend to choke on them a little bit. Was kind of fun as well. I want everyone around here to celebrate with us for storm's 13th birthday. That is why we giving away a $500 gift card from ren's pets. How do you enter?all you have to do is go to and click on the contest tab and you could be entered -- registered to ter for this $500 gift card. We'll talke about that again in the next half hour. That birthday cake looks delicious. I'm hoping it's humanrade, because I would share tha storm, you are a lucky dog. Everyone's lucky, it's the weekend ants beautiful outside. Let's l from a different vantage point at ourarbour camera with some boats, or at least there were a few minutes ago in the inner harbour, and there will be more all weekend long, with the exception of saturday afternoon. That's when we are expecting ace of showers and thunderstorms. That risk extending until around dinnertime. Meanwhile, not a cloud in the sky on this friday evening, and that has helped our temperature b, reaching 26 degrees. Up in the cottage region, georgian bay up towards theco-

are those, it is cooler. And it will be chilly single-digit night tonight, also warming up especially sunday. Wind has been b, but will diminish. Then we wait for the risk of showers and sto centred from 10:00 am until about:00 pm. That's the highest probability. Then it will be sunny again by the evening as that temperature drops. We will talk more about sunday, how war it will be and what to expect over the next few hours. By the way, if you are in liberty village, we have these little dog bags we are giving away, limited supply. Come on down and say hig bring your pup to ren's pets in liberty village. We'll send it back inside. >> Tracy: we will check back with you. Storm. Thanks, anthony. Mississauga has begun the process of selecting its next mayor. Advance pulling began today ahead of a by election called for june 10th after former mayor bonnie crombie left the office. Mark carcasole spent the day talking to candidates and voters. >> Reporter: in the coming weeks, t people of mississauga will be electingheir seventh mayor, replacing bonnie crombie, who left municipal politics to become the new ontario liberal leader. Initial votes have started coming in as of noon today in advance pulling at the mississauga civic centre. With the population over 800,000, mississauga is no longer his small suburb. It's a big city with big citych means big city bity problems. >> Transit, poverty, rent. >> Less expenses, less taxes. Reduction in taxes would be nice. >> Reporter: the list of candidates to choose from assome notable names include sitting city councilor stephen tasco, who promises to work to prioritize housing, a major concern inhe city. >> The prices have skyrocketed a lot. They just shot up during the pandemic. >> Reporter: this sitting councilor cast herote friday morning promising and measured approach to expansion. >> What I'm saying is let's intey primarily along transit corridors. That way you can minimize congestion. >> Reporter: further down, or member this guy? Former toronto mayoral candidate edward gong is running here now, going heavy on the signs saying he would drop mississauga's property tax by as much as 3 percent. Former councilor karen parrish did not respond to eight interview request. She previously said she also prioritizes housing through zoning reforms and incentives. Housing and affordability also a priority for thisoral campaign. >> We will lower and freeze everyone's taxes in the city, help low income seniors by lowering their taxes, and help small businesses by lowering their taxes. >> Reporter: in, but not the only one in the city. >> Crime effects current and future families and our kids. >> Too many bike lanes. I drive a car. >> Reporter: in total the city's website lists 20 mayoral candidates. Election days june 10th. Voting here ofhe civic centre goes on until 8:00 tonight. You have another chance tomorrow from 10-6 and it will be opened up citywide on june 1st and second. Visit our website for all the details on times and locations. >> Tracy:K, thanks for that. >> Alan: voter turnout in the last municipal election in mississauga was low, just under half an million people eligible to vote in october 2022. Only about 107,000 peopleactually cast ballots. Th 22 percent. Bonnie crombie the overwhelming choice with support of roughly four out of five voters. [ ] investigation into made it -- major canadia grocery chains. Details on the allegations coming up. >> Alan: will inflation impact your summer travel plans? New ipsos polling from global many canadians are willing to break the ALL:Let's see your voice! (sigh) Italy... KFC's $5 Sandwich of the Day is back. Only in Canada. Have a great trip... What? Sit down. Not everyone's happy. But you will be. ( ) Financial goals. At Fidelity, we know that everyone's got them. And they're all different. But the one thing we share? We all want to get to them sooner. ( ) (Pop music plays) Circle it ( ) Circle You let me circle it ( ) I can find anything if I circle it ( ) Let me circle it

So let me circle it ( ) (Wind blows) (Lively Orchestral Music) (Lively Orchestral Music) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $99uding a 2 year warranty! sday! You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) Trouble sleeping? Sleep Cycle can help. It's an extended release tablet that's designed to help you fall asleep faster, temporarily promote relaxation, and increase your total sleep time. Look for Sleep Cycle at t stores. When choosing a location, amenities matter. Like private outdoor space, natural light, and most importantly, temperature control. Come find your Island. Prince Edward Is -(Siren blaring)-Melissa! I want youto remember me forever. There really is somebodyfor everybody. (Screaming) >> Alan: canada's competition bureau has launchedent company's of loblaw's and sobeys. Court documents reveal alleged anticompetitive conduct by the grocery chains to limit competition in tector. Allegations include property controls that give the companies the ability to exclude potential competitors from selling food in certain regions or dictate terms that allow them to do business. Sobeys h pushed back on the investigation, calling it unlawful. Loblaw says it's cooperating with the review. The news comes as canada's groc have come under increased scrutiny over inflated bills and alleged price-fixing. >> Tracy: there could be disruptions at border crossingsthis summer as a potential strike looms. Cbsa workers have voted 96 percent in favour of a strike mandate. The union says members have beea contract for two years. Key issues include better wages, remote work, and retirement benefits.9000 cbsa workers could be in a position by early june. It's the lt threat in a widening labour dispute betweenada's largest unions, which have warned the rnment to prepare for a summer of discontent. >> Alan: summer travel ish on the list of priorities for many people across the country, despite high inflation straining ets. Fresh polling from ipsos for globals sheds light on how many are willing to stretch themselvesancially to make getaway happen. Anne gaviola has more. >> Reporter: financial times are tough f growing number of canadian households. But the u to take a break is particularly strong of this summer. >> A lot of canns are excited to travel, whether that looks like a road trip, staycation, or even flight overseas. >> Reporter: four in five canas say they really need a vacation, but only three and five say they are likely to take one this summer, according to ipsos polling for global . Two thirds arecaling back vacation plans because of inflation.more than one quarter say there is no way they c afford it this year, while nearly 20 percent say the can easily afford one. The vp of ipsos public aff says age as opposed to income dictates how likely you are to want to splurge. Younger, less affluent respondents say they're willing reak the bank to get away. >> T may be some implications for the line of credit or theredit card, but younger people leading the way and vacation intentions will si find ways to do it, budget be damned. >> Reporter: this personal financpert says budgeting as you plan their travel is the wayto go. >> There is a opportunity to your itinerary as a budgeting tool. >> Repo: airfare is a major travel expense. She recommends saving money by flying on less-expensive dates and times from cheaper airports. >> We want toing the deal and not the destination if we want to trim costs on airfare. >> Reporter: other ways to trim costs? Consider ace staycation rather than luxury vacations abroad. She was free activities like self-guided tours and scope out less-expensive food options. >> We want to avoid coming home to that nasty credit card bill that we are not anticipating. >> Reporter: anne gaviola, global news, toronto.

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