
CIII - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

canada like you've never new season I was a young man... Keep moving! a terrible place. Go, go, go! But I found something there. Someone. What wouldn't you doto keep them alive? (Announcer speaks wordson screen) Stream on STACKTVand the Global tv app. There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This iwhy. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at Here comes the sun, at Home Hardware's Get Ready for Summer Sale. Save 30 percent on BeautiTone Wood-Shield Best Stain And up to 25 percent on Benchmark Yard Tools and Outdoor Equipment. and Building Centres. Here's How. When I want to feelmy most powerful, it starts with Venus. With five ultra-sharp blades and water-activated serums for incredible glide. I feel the difference with every stroke. Feel the power of smooth. - Mama, what's a Dare Veggie... Crisps? - Oh! I'm Dare Veggie Crisps! I'm a little bit of all the things... veggies, crackers and chips. [group] - Ohhs! - Veggify your snack time with Dare Veggie Crisps. - Made with real veggies! Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard puttien? What about a whole backyard course! Got another dreamer! Get your lotto MAXtickets today! [olg sting] Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? Get ready to sample some summer eats every friday! Get ready to sample some summer eats every friday! Global news celebrates toronto's diverse culinary scene global news celebrates toronto's diverse culinary scene with liem vu's month-long series "fresh off the plate". >> I'm writer, musician, and amputee christa couture and I love the thrill of travel. >> Yes! >> Can accessibility and adventure co-exist? This trip is an immersion of all the senses. >> Carolyn: the latest season of postcards from hosted by christ a couture takes us on an adventure through canada. She is a proud queer indigenous artist and writer and now camera hooining us now here on tms. So good to have you here. >> Thank you. >> Carolyn: all right. Season five of "posts from" premiered this past wednesday. Tell us moreut what we can all experience on this season. >> So it's an accessible travel show. It's got all the things you expect from a travel show. You try the food, you try the localulture, but we focus in each segment on aifferent sense. So there's a segment for sight, a segment for taste, a segment of sound. The idea being that it's a more inclusive experience because some of us are going to be coming into travel through a barrier or different disability so what is a way to come into a travel experience. >> Jeff: and to that point, just last week, may 16th was global accessibility awareness day. Can you maybe just talk to us a little bit more how you hope this season, this show will help when it comes to opening the conversa, when it comes to accessibility, especially >> Yeah, I think it helps in alot of ways. Representation is so powerful, right? So just on that first level, you're seeing like on the big the little screen, my disabled body, me a an amputee and I think that alone can help people go,h, what's that like, if they don't have someone with a dility in their life. So the representation piece its own I think is really huge for stories and to have people with disabilities represented. And then in all the places that I travel, I feel like there was a sort of local impact because maybe I would go to a venue and they hadn't thought about this isn't accessible, how can we bring you in here, and so there's sort of opening people's eyes to the barriers that they

maybe didn't notic before. Like so many things, once you see it, can't unsee it so as people start to noticthere might be restrictions or barriers people involved in an experience, that's how we can make changes as we go along. >> Carolyn: for sure. In the first episode, we see you visiting drumheller. >> Yeah. >> Carolyn: and you hadn't been there -- you hadn't been back since you were there with your mom in '91? >> That's right. >> Cyn: what was that like? >> Drumheller was amazing because in the season, we chose some locations because I'd never been there and it would be something new and we chose some places I had a personal connection to. Drumheller, I had gone to w my mom when I was 12 years old, I h just finished chemotherapy and radiatior the bone cancer I had at the time. And so this was like a hopeful nt in my family's life. I was on theer side of cancer treatment, my hair was glowingrowing back, I was going into grade and we didn't know at the moment that my cancer had come back and it was two months before I would then have the amputation of my leg which was the cure for my cancer, I was very lucky, but at the same time, this huge loss, huge transition, set my life on a n course and so that trip to drumheller, I now know looking back that was sort of the last time that I was going to have a trip in that two ld body climbing cliffs and doing things that I wouldn't get do again in the same way. So going back now as an adult and revisiting that place was -- it actually brought u even some grief that I didn't know I h but kind of like this is a beautiful place, I loved it then, and now I'm back in this bond I'm getting to have a new relationship to it. >> Jef as you sit here and you talk about your journey and tell us a bit aboutr story, christa, one of the wordst comes to mind is resilience. Where does that come from for you? >> Resilience is bitweet because I think we only discover our resilience through suffering, right? You don't know how resilient you are until something horrible happens and then you're like, wow, I got thr that, okay, I didn't know I had that in me. And so sometimes I hope for us, I h for people to not have to discover their resilience. I want us to be soft and -- but I think, you know, through my experiences, being a cancer survivor, other losses in my life, I have discovered my resilience, although I lthink of resilience as very contextual and not an individual trai necessarily, like my resilience has comerom my community, from resources that I have, myial location, there's all these things that contribute to howe survive or strive. Thrive andn that I live in a city with access, with care I need for my disability and so I think that'sll part of resilience, is like what canss internally and around you. >> Carolyn: we need to have christa come in on a monday for monday note innovation. Motivation. >> Jeff: I'll take it on a fridayway because what a lens and perspective to look at this through. I mean, really. >> Yeah, cool. >> Carolyn: watch "postcards from" on amiv and ami plus. Thank you so much for in. >> Thank you. >> Carolyn: we're going to take a short break. When we coack, meera estrada helps us tap into theeauty traditions of ancient -- when she joins us I studio next. (Clinking) New Finish Ultramax. Engineered for the ultimate clean in the toughest conditions. Dry burnt-on stains. Old dishwashers. Very hard water. Even when you skip the rinse. Its new CycleSync technology releases the right ingredient at the right time. And Finish Ultramax breaks down stains, cuts grease, and boosts shine for the Ultimate clean. Even in the toughest conditions. ( ) a delicious McWrap can be hard to put down. But with new Creamy Avocado Ranch sauce, it's even harder. So what'll it be Sarah? Juicy text, or juicy bite? Obviously. For the McWrap fans. ( ) ( ) Ever wonder what's around the next corner? ( ) ( ) Past the trees. ( ) Over the mountains? ( ) That's where adventure lives... ( ) Take a Nissan suv and go find it. ( ) That grimey film on your teeth... Dr. G? That's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria, which can cause cavities. Unlike other toothpastes, Crest Pro-Health's Antibacterial Fluoride fights bacteria for 12. It stops cavities before they start. Crest.

(Baby crying) ( ) Waiting for the break of day (Grinding) (Splash) (Giggling) Wanting just to stay awake Mm! Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. >> Announcer: coming on monday...[ Singing ] amanda marshall returns to the tmstudios. [ Singing ] >> Jeff: ayurvedic is making waves in the beauty industry, originating inndia, dates back more than 5,000 yearsith a wholistic approach more than skin deep and here to tell us more this morning is beauty expert meera estrada. Good morning. Always good to you. >> Good morning. Good to see you guys. >> Jeff: before we get started, tell us bit more about what you have for us. >> Irought a rainbow, we're going into the rainbow of ayurvedic and like you said, ayurvedic is all about beauty from the inside out. When we look at beauty ingredie a very wholistic approach s let's talk with ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is probably one of most revered ingredients in ayurvedic. It translates to the smell of a horse. I said that. The smell of a horse because it is known to give you the strength and vitality of a horse. Also said to relax you so a lot of ayurvedic ingredients are ingested so I have from nature sunshine, their capsules, and so it's real little about the whole beauty from the inside-out. So you ingest this, get the strength, stress relief to give you more of that beauty whenever you are using supplements, of course, you want to check with your doctor to make sure they're ght for you. Ash with a began da is a gre one. Then we go to saffron. -- ashwagandha. We're in the reds and orange family right now so that one is the most revered. This one is the most expensive. So saffron is about 10 to $20 just for a g and it takes about 70,000 frs to make so can you seere? I have saffron, I brought it in for you as well. That's the saffron mask. When you put it on, super, super easy, two minutes two to four minutes is all you need and then you just wash it off. Your skin will feel so amazing. And so saffron is another inient you want to look for and it really brightens your skin. >> Carolyn: okay. We're going now from saffron to turmeric. >> Turmeric. We know turmeric, actually stained my manicure with some turmeric this morning. But before the turmeric lattes and turmeric was a thi indians have been using it for years in cuisine but also because we have to talk about the good antistibiotic, anti-oxidant, that's what rmeric gives us. Capsules there for the ingesting, good for gut health and what'm using there is a turmeric serum and so I love canadian companies. This is fountain of purity. Their entire collection, you can see it there in the "b" roll, all turmeric-based, their face oil, cream, of that is turmeric base. So you have ingestables also your topicals for your turmeric. >> Carolyn: all right >> Jeff: very good. Up next, you've brought some oducts that are good for our hair. >> Yes. So what we have there, I don't know if you want to pick one up, jeff, that is called the indian goose berry t l like a grape. >> Jeff: right here, okay. >> You can even eat it if you want. If you want to give it a try. >> Jeff: >> I've never tried one but you can eat it. >> Jeff: okay. I you it in my mouth and then you gave me the look of horror. Is it good? It's good for the hair. Now r it all over your head because it's greatowth and it's great for helping with hair loss. >> Jeff: a little sour. >> Sometimou gotta take that medicine, right? >> Jeff: yeah. >> Always look for the gredient in yourair serums because that will help your hair and now it's going to help you from the inside out. >> Jeff: I feel like I've been set up here. [ Laughter ] >> Carolyn: finally, coconuts. >> Coconuts, wen't do lotus. We have to do the pink. >> Carolyn: okay. >> The pink families. You can see that. A lot of this is -- you have to go to the indian store to find the amallah. Rose, you can get the at any o your national retailers, rose is easy to find and lotus.

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