
CIII - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. >> Announcer: "global national." canadian screen award winner for best national newscast. [ ] >> Giles: the eastbound 409 at kippling is exhibiting high levels of volume as it merges on to the eastbound 401 tailbacks on the 409 reach back to the martin grove reasonable, so. Once you reach the 401, however, traffic should be up to speed. Tonight's lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million. Plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. Buy tickets in-s or at Play responsibly. 18+. [ ] >> Candace: good morning. Student organizer of the pro-palestinian encampment at the university of toronto are expected to respond today to a conditional offer by the school on thursday. The offer all tree demands made by protesters. Namely, divesting from israeli institutions, disclosure of investments, and cutting ties with israeli universities, which u of t says it will not do. The clock is already ticking on the school president's 24-hour deadline given to organizers to consider this lat offer. >> Many members of our community feel increasing distress by the presence of the encampment. They feel unsafe. They have reported feelings and -- and feelings of discrimination and harent. We've also had reports of hateful speech and hatef which we have reported promptly to toronto police service. >> Well, the protesters are appalled by the offer that the university made. Yoow, it's a bit of of a disgrace of an offer. The administration claims that they want the encampment to come to, like, a peaceful conclusion. Yesterday, they always attempt to blind side us at every turn. >> Candace: if a deal is not reached, the university says it will take further action, but elaborate.

>>> Police forces across the gta have launched an annual campaign combat dangerous driving. Project erase, which stands for eliminate s everywhere, aims to prevent serious injuries and deaths on the roads. This summer, there will be an increased presence of officers actively seekiut offenders. [ ] Candace: well, not gonna lie, ross: today is shaping up to be more my kind of day. It feels a lot cooler, and there's a pretty niceeze out there. I know... Don't hate me ouere, but I like the cooler, more moderate temperatures. >> Ross: hey, and that's what 're going to get today. >> Candace: awesome. Ross: the humidex will be close to 30 at t, but that's not the real uncomfortable s that we did experience earlier this week, and, yeah, plenty of free vitamin d to head out thereand enjoy. Make sure you put on the sunscreen, though. Blue skies out there thi morning. There is a bit of a breeze. Wind will be variable today and enjoy the sunshine today, because e will be an increase in cloud cover for the weekend. But it's not looking like wash-out by any means. We do have a disturbance that is on the way. So high pressure in place. Dry, sinking air. This is the low prre system, the disturbance that will be moving from west to east, and you can see some thunderstorms asing an impact this morning, though, and throughout the day. We'rready around the mid-teens, and we're going to see temperatures rise to around the MID-20s. Could get up to 26, 27° inland araround the gta. A little cooler through eastern ontario, northern onta today. A little warmer as you head through southwestern ontario. And plenty of sunshine. Clear skies. A little bit more cloud cover this evening. But still comfortable sleeping weather. Let's take a look at the weekend: last weekend of may, if you can believe it: get out thand enjoy the sunshine today. We do have some showers and some thunderstorms likely between to around 3:00 around toronto tomorrow afternoon. We'll have to watch out. Some oese storms could have some gusty winds and some hail, but you think for the most part, they will be quick-moving. And then on sunday, a sun/cloud mix.warms up a little bit. And late sunday, into monday is when we'll start to experience some showers. After that shower/thunderstorm activity on saturday, 24 on sunday. Stays dr and then we'll have to watch out for some of that unsettled weather, srs, thunderstorms, on monday. A little cooler at times next week as well and that's a look at your ok tire weather. Candace? >> Candace: thanks, ross. [ ] >> Candace: the stratford festival is welcoming a dazzling array of acts, festivities and muls this year, and to kick off the 2024 festi season, the canadian debut of somet rotten, a reimagined production that follows the bottom brothers, two struggling aywrights during the height of the english renaissance, as they tr to outshine their competition, you know. You may have heard of. Playwright william shakespeare. And also what else we can expect this year from stratford. Welcome, dan. Thank you taking the time to make it in. >> Good morning.candace. >> Candace: really appreciate you being here. >> Thank you. >> Candace: so a little bit of research shows your career has taken you all over, many a storied stage and even some voice acting work behindhe scenes, so what's it reich to be back at stratford this year andtake on this role of thomas nostradamus? >> Well, I have been ry fortunate. I've been at stratford on and off now for 20 years. Now I'm 22, obviously. >> Candace: of course. >> Over the years ago I've had the ilege of having appeared in musicals, in shakespeare, in contemporary plays, new plays, which is what stratford offers r audiences, so I've had a lot of wonderful experiences working there and having the opportunity to sort of stretch my acting m and now I'm in "something rotten," which is opening on tuesday next week, and I play thomas nostradamus, who is obviously nostradamus' nephew,. >> Candace: yes. >> And he sort of foresees the future about, but it's slightly skewed and off, which is fine. Miscellaneous "r" because it makes a little bit of the mayhem something in "rotten." it's a comedy. It's a musical, it's fun. >> Candace: we h the bottom brothers, trying to an edge in the s was just burgng at this time, and your mission is tol them... Whatough? >> To outsmart, outplay, out write shakes pair. andace: "survivor." >> That's right. It's severe in the 1950s. >> Candace: "survivor" on stratford. >> He's desperate, so h goes to a soosayer, which is me, and igive him my visions about how I see the theatre and hoping that myughts, my ideas, my view

of what the future will be can give them a heads-up and sort of come up with somethiver. >> Candace: so what goes into that? Because there's the musical almost. So there's that -- you k singing. You have to have that cic timing as well. And then just everything else th goes along with the stage and the audience interaction. How do you prepare for a role like that? >> I mean. You know, youe to be fit mentally and physically just for the demands, physical demands of doing a show like that. So, you know, youo to the gym. You sort of, like, take singing lessons. Ep yourself that way. You'reisciplined. You have to be pretty disciplined. You know, don't stay out late. And then you go through the process of rehearsing, and it's sort of a, you know, morphs as it proceeds, you know. Our director donna fiore, had the pleasure working on her on a number of shows, and she has a process. It's very collaborative. Because it's a comedy -- but I have to say in had the show, there's not a wave of laughter. People are kind of, like,laughing throughout the entire thing so it kind of -- the rhythm of the piece is affected by the audience, so it's been a real interesting process having the audience into the show and just laughing and having to knowwhen to actually deliver the line, when to continue... It's a real interesting process that we've had to sort of adopt, and it's it. >> Candace: it sounds thrilling, and I'm sure it's been thrill for the audience to t in and to take in all of the exceptional work that " "something rotten" has to offer. Before you go, if I could ask you to act as a of an ambassador for stratfo what else is going on there that folks can expect. >> Well, there's 12 productions this year. Opening week starts next week. You can buy your tickets at There's a lot of options. There's musicals. Two musicals. There's shakespeare plays. Contemporary plays. Clcs. New pieces, a lot of options. A great get away to go to stratfor >> Candace: absolutely, yeah. >> Yo for a day. You go for five days. There's a lot to see. I think it rivals anything that you'll see on our bway, and it's right here in our province, in our country, and it's a gre thing to celebrate. It's over 70 years, the festival has been around for a long time. ... I'm really thrilled and delighted to be a par it. Canned "a." >> Candace: four sure. We're so lucky to have it here in ontario and so lucky to have the chance to get to see you. Is it still common prae to say "break a leg"? >> Yes, it is.i'll just make sure not to slip when I get out of here. >> Candace: well, do break a leg. >> Thank you very much. >> Candace: and stay with us, your national news is coming up next. You're watchinlobal news morning." [ ] Three renovation teams... ...renovate threebeach houses... ...with a little helpfrom three pros. (Announcer says words on screen) ( ) Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers. But what's wrong with a little dreaming? Especially when it's shared. With hard work, little dreams grow into big ones. At Kubota, we know that your work never stops. And we're inspired by those who dream - But our equipment is built for dreamers and doers, like you. Kubota, built for those who do. The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. Is that a Cheestring? I'll trade you my bagel for it. How about my pirate's treasure? Mystery Orb? I offer Cthulhu, the World Eater! I'll stick with the Cheestring. Keep it Cheesy. Cheestrings, only from Black Diamond. Opticom Optical Cameras Photography. Tamar. Tamar. I don't know. I got it, I got it, I don't have it. Optimized. -co-offensive Tamanoumi. “What is it anyway?” Optical Coherence Tomography or oct. An advanced eye health scan that can help spot sight conditions early. At Specsavers we think it's so important we include it with every eye exam. Opical Turmgraphy. Not everyone can say it, but everyone can have it. And if you're an eligible senior you get eye exams at no cost to you. Plus 30% offupgrades for all seniors. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $99uding a 2 year warranty! sday! There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan,

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