
CIII - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

flower moon. You can see these breathtaking images, taken last night. It's a celestial event obviously that starts during the summer months or late may months, called the flower moon because obviously there are flowers that bloom during this time of ye you can see that vibrant red due to the influence of the sun as well. It's called planting moon, the milk moon, whatever it's called, it's quite the sight.and the next full moon is the strawberry moon, that'sk month. If you wonder where the names come from, often times from farmer's almanac, which dates back hundreds of years, and also first nations peoples as well named somef the moons because obviously way back, that moonlight was very importan >> Candace: absolutely. Yeah. And herlded a lot of important milest in the season or in the month. But, again, it'suite the sight to see. I believe it reached its peak last night but still a lot of full moon on view there, I you can take a look up tot, yeah. But speaking of celestial events, definitely the stars were out during the day in toronto yesterday, when it was officially announced that the wnba was coming to canada. The massive announcement was a star-studded event that saw drake, alum, kyle lowry, and even the prime minister in attendance. The prime minister, andhe premier and the mayor were there. And the team announced they will play games in different parts of canada, which is awesome,er during their inaugural season because this truly is another one of canada's teams. And, youow, we spoke earlier on in the month with a coach from the y university lions,er and the desire and appetite fors team is at an l time peak. We saw that in the exhibition games in toronto and edmonton. It spans the country. And they will be playing in the coca-cola coliseum. We know that which is off of the exhibition grounds. Who knows, maybe they'll move to bigger venues, we have been seeing that in the states as ll, sold out crowds and needinge capacity. Very exciting indeed. >> Ross: definitely. Yeah, it's interesting t see where this will go, what the name will be as well. Uch to look forward to. And you're right, I have a feeling bigger venues will be needed at a cin time. >> Candace: for sure. >> Ross: thank you for joining us on this friday. We've got much more "global news morning" coming up. Stay with us. We'll be right back after this break. [ ] ALL:Let's see your voice! Getting the right new windowswith Pella was simple.Yeah, when renovating adr it can be hard tofind great people. Our dedicated Pellaadvisor was a godsend. We had confidence in Pella. They sold over 5 millionreplacement windows and doors. So, we knew our local teamwould be on top of every detail. And the installation wasdone in just a day. Mom the kitchen sinkis broken again. I wish Pella did plumbing. Hurry, replacement windowsare on sale now. Schedule a free in-homeconsultation for details. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find youat Huge jackpots are back at Delta Bingo Online, with even more chances tn! With 20 thousand dollars in prizes starting April 20th, and one-hundred-thousand dollars in prizes on May 25t Saturdays are for yelling bingo. Play at Trouble sleeping? Sleep Cycle can help. It's an extended release tablet that's designed to help you fall asleep faster, temporarily promote relaxation, and increase your total sleep time. Look for Sleep Cycle at t stores. What do you do if your child needs hospital treatment but your family lives far away? Ronald McDonald House is a place for families to stay while their child is in hospital. [kids laughing] Because when families stay together, sick children get stronger. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $99uding a 2 year warranty! sday! He made it abundantly clear that I was interestedin Joe. This is actuallythe hardest management situation I've ever been in. You need to figure it out, or you're both gone. (Announcer says words on screen)

Stream on StackTV andthe GlobalTV app. [ ] >> Candace: good morning, everyone, thank you so much for joining us, and good morning to you, ross. >> Ross: good morning, candace, happy i-yay or friday. Last weekend of may. Many things to do around the city, I'll let you know the forecast just ahead. >> Candace: with an offer on the table, ursity students involved with the pro palestinian encampment are expected to respond today t the school's conditional of >> Antony: plus, hackers make good on t promise. Data stolen from the london drugs cyber security breach have been leaked on the dark web. >> Ross:LEASANT conditions in southern ontario and the gta. I'm tracking this system for the weekend. At it will bring. The full forecast details are just ahead. >> Announcer: you'reatching global toronto. This is "global news mornin." good morning, everyone. Organizers of the pro palestinian encampment at the university of toronto are expected to respond today to a conditional offer put forward by the school o thursday. The encampment hassockpied kings college circle for roughly three weeks now, and that's where he with find jaden lee-lincoln with the latest. Good morning, jaden. >> Reporter: good morning, candace candace. Things to come to a head soon after the university's latest statement issued just yesterday, giving students and those involved in the pro palestinian encampment 24 hours to consider clearing out. You mentioned three weeks of in person negotiations, e-mails, but both sides still coming to a stalemate. No just yesterday in that statement issued by the president, he said in par they have been patient while this shared space has been taken over, but their priles of inclusion have been violated. They listed what they are willing to do for students. They said they had issued a public stant on their commitment to academic freedom and hum rights, and they said they would begin talks of divestment and disclosure requests and appoint a review committee on where the universi they stopped short of coming out fully with a full divestment and disclosure, and they mad clear in the statement they will not terminate any partnerships with israeli universities a rejected the notion of cutting ties with international partner institutions. So not quite the deal pro palestinian protesters are looking for, and students have made it clear they won't be ng until their demands are met. Here isore from both sides. >> Many members of our community feel increasing distress the presence of the encampment. They feel unsafe. They have repd feelings and experience of discrimination and hafrment. We have also had reports of hateful speech and hateful acts, which we have reported promptly to toronto police service. >> Well, the protesters are appalled by the offer the university made. It's a disgrace of an offer. The administration claims they want the encampment to come to peaceful conclusion, yet they attempt to blind side us at every turn. >> Reporter: it seems both sides are standing firm where they're keeping -- keep in , graduation is coming up in about 10 days or so, the university will want to use kings college circle for some ceremo, so they likely could issue a notice in the coming days to police as well. You know, with h know that police are involved or they have been monitoring the situation. Mo it has been security here. But police have said inhe past that they are willing to get involved at the university's request. We'll be hearing from organizers of pro palestinian encampment at 11 A.M. today. Again, we'll see where things stand. Looks hike we're com to a head here a the u of t campus. >> Thanks, jaden. >> CandaceHIS time last year, the wnba played its first ever game in canada, an exhibition match in front of a sold out crowd at scotiabank arena. Well, there are many more games to come as toronto has been awarded the league's first canadian franchise. Sean o'shea reports >> I'm honoure to officially announce that we have awarded the city of toronto the 14th wnba franchise. >> Reporter: a first for the wnba league outside the united states, a new team here in toronto. >> Welcome to the w. >> Reporter: professional women's sports team, according to the ownership group that will have reach beyond toronto. >> This franchise will be canada's team. While our home base will be here, right here, coca-cola coliseum and exhibition place in toronto, weill play games in vancouver and montreal throughout the season. >> Today is a historic day.

women's professional basketball is finding a home canada. >> Reporter: a famous former toronto raptor welcomed the league's move. >> Super excited. I'm glad I had the opportunity to be here and it's only going to grow and get better >> There is going to be amazing athletes, amazing basketball stars. And I just want to wish you all the best. >> Go women's sports go! >> Reporter: getting a canadian team means a lot to women of all ages. >> I think it's going to mean great things for basketball. Great things for women's sport. As I said, part of a bigger movement that is really taking uso new places here in canada. >> Reporter: just ask somf these young players. >> I'm very excited to see that there isinally a women's team in toronto. >> Really inspiring make them have their own team. >> I'm excited because they're n. Women rule the world >> This is one of the best moments for basketball in the history of this country. And I think that's an important statembecause basketball was invented here. >> Reporter: the professional team w need a name and they're looking for ideas. >> We're startfrom a clean slate, so we're looking forward toalking to canadians, getting their input, and figuring out what strong and dominant team name we're going to have. >> Reporter: a team that won't hit the court until may of 20267 at exhibition plac >> You guys better be loud! And to rock that place. >> Repor sean o'shea, global news. [ ] >> The 401 wound collectors at bayview, a stalled vehicle I blocking the right lane, and also the westbound collector ramp at bayview has a vehicle fire. Emergency services are on sc but stay to the left to minimize dela tonight's lotto max jackpot is animated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 max millions. Buy tickets in store or at Play responsibly. 18 plus. [ ] >> Ross: okay, ross, it's friday. How is the weekend shaping up. >> R it's looking good. The warm pattern we have perienced of late is going to continue, wall to wall sunshine today, which is beautiful, but changes on way for saturday, which w will time out. Due to an advancing high pressure system. What you need to ow, not a lot around southern ontar and the gta happening weather wise, cl skies, sunshine, this disturbance is moving from west to east. A little lightning associated it at this hour around portions of the U.S. plains, into the midwest. And it will bring potential for some showers, the risk of a thunderstorm by late mornin into the afternoon tomorrow. You can see there is a front pushing through eas ontario. But pushing through dry for the most part. Temperatures, a little more comfortable tonight, right, or last night, into this morning, not quite as humid. And we're looking at temperatures reaching the mid to high 20s again today. That humidex will be near 30. It's when it starts to get above 30, closer to 35 that it starts to get uncomfortable. Wouldn't call it uncomfortable out there. Mostly sunny skies. And we're going to get, as I mentioned, near 25. Overnight tonight, someloud cover, down to 12, and let's take a loo at future cast, headinto the weekend. Quiet today, into tomorrow, late morning, mid-morning this model showing, could be, into late morning and early afternoon. The risk of thunderstorms, there could be gusty nds, depending on the timing of the storms, if they arrive later with peak daytime heatin possibility of hail, watch out for the lightning associated with the storms. By the evening, we should dry out, and sun cloud mix, late sunday, into early monday. There is potential of wet weather. Much of sunday could dry. Breaking down the weekend for you. Up to near 19, 20, 22° tomorrow afternoon. Sunday with sun/cloud mix, and m unsettled weather heading into next week. Th a look at your ok tire weather. Candace. >> Candace: thanks, ross. A toronto man has become the province's latest member of the giant jackpot (applause). >> Cce: that's greg, celebrating his win from the l 19th lotto max jackpot. His take is a cool $70 million. So what are his greg says for him, it's all about family. >> You know, memories is what you're going to remember. And so I don't look at it as buying stuff. Now we can make memories that can last each of us a lifetime. >> Candace: beyond that, greg wants to e had others by giving back to the community, and part of that includes adopting a rescue dog. Your national headlines are coming up after this, with the london drugs cyber attack. Data has now been released after the company refused to pay a ransom. We'll have more on the fall out. ]

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