
CIII - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

] announcer: Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. -Having triplets is...amazing. -expensive. So, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with Tid So we're back to Tide, and the clothes are clean again. Do three times the laundry and get a Tide clean. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. Sometimes a sub comes along and hits just so right.t like this and you think: "That can't be $4.99." Guess what? The Subway 6 inch Turkey Breast sub is only $4.99. Not forever. Offer ends June 23rd. ( ) When you're looking for effective pain relief choose Tylen It's clinically proven to start working in 15-20 minutes. ( ) Tylenol. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $99uding a 2 year warranty! sday! The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. Now let's look at some great saves... ...and incredible stops. A quick change of direction sent that latte flying right at them, but the floor liner was in the rfect spot to make the stop. What could've been a dirty play ended up completely protected all around. The ultimate backstopper. Well, you can always trust WeatherTech floor liners and cargo liners to protect against any spills or messes, protecting tfront, back... ...and up the sides. This guy knows. Announcer: Order yourstoday at It's your best defenseagainst Motherure. Breaks a mother's heart not having your child in bed at nighttime Not knowing if she's in a ditch For 11 years, she's been holding out hope We did find the body of Jolene Riendeau this morning We gotta catch this guy Crime Beat Tonight on Global [ ] >> Next time on "the morning show", it's fashion friday to make hard to wear trends easy. >> Plus a canadian folk singer returns to talk about her new album. That's next time on "the morning show" on global. >> Antony: hello, did you for joining us on this friday, may 24th. I'm antony robart. Here is a look atr national and international headlines. [ ] >> Antony: we have an update out the cyber attack affecting ndon drugs. Cyber criminals, who stole files from the company's corporate head office, have made good o their threat to release data after london drugs refused to jordan armstrong reports. >> We're not going the show youeen released or tell you how it's accessed, but global news has of it, and it's highly personal information on london drugs employees, we're talking medical and human resources files. >> Companies hold very sensitive information about their employees. In the past, for example, we have seen salary informationnd up online. Details of disciplinary records, performance reviews. >> Reporter: this russian-based ransom wear group,k bit, claimed responsibility for the at, demanding $25 million by thursday, londougs refused to pay. The company said this is deeply distressing and london drugs is taking all available steps to mitigate any impacts from these criminal acts, including notifying all current employees, whose personal information could be potentially impacted. And providing them with complimentary credit monitoring services and identity theft protection. As previously stated, we have no indication to date of any compromise of patient or customerata bases. Cyber security experts all agree there was no easy way out of this for london drugs. >> This group is known to lie about things. In the past, they promised to delete information if the victim pays the ransom, and yet when the fbi the national cyber crimes centre in the uk busted some of the servers and things they used to display thelen data, they discovered even the promised to be deleted had, in fact, been retained by the criminals. So there is no honourng thieves. >> Reporter: london drugs employhose private

information is now public could decide pursue legal action against the company. But -- >> You have to be able to show the damages you've suffered as a result of the effect it has had on you personally. But thffect must make objective sense. In other words, if you're a very, very sensitive person and you're upset that your name has been taken, you're not going to recover very much. >> Reporter: thursday's data dump to the dark web, significant. 300 gigabytes. It's ear if lock bit is finished with london drugs or plans to release more stolen infoion in the days ahead. Jordan armstrong, global news. >> Antony: the rcmpdded a traditional indigenousibbon skirt to its uniform. E commissioner made the announcement on social media, saying it demonstrates the rcmp's commitment to reconciliation, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Officers have also been allowed to incorporate eagle feathers, and the métis sash into their uniforms. Many indigenous groups across canada have a tradition of making and wearing ribbon skirts. Usually worn for ceremonies, they're seen as powerful symbol of identity a empowerment. The federal government is planning an important change to how those bor outside the country can gain citizens immigration minister, marc miller, announced a new bill to reverse a 2009 rule preventing canadians born overs from passing on their citizenship to eir children, if they were also born abroad. Mackenzie gray has more. >> Reporter: a new move from ottawa to bring home so-called lost canadians. >> There is no doubt that canadian citihip is highly valued and rnized around the world. We're -- we want a citizenship to be fair, accessible, with clearnd transparent rules. >> Reporter: kurptly if someone is born to a canadianside the country, they couldn't pass on their cian passport to their child, if that child was also born abroad. With the change, citizenship could be passed along, as long as their parents s of three years in canada before their kid was born or adopted >> I love you guys. >> Repr: that will allow the kids of this boston resident to become canadian. >> They want to com here, learn the language, they want tochool here, do so many things here bec this is what they car home. >> Reporter: the liberals forced to m the modification,er after an ontar superior court ruled the law limiting citizenship was unconstitual. >> It will be the first time thatcitizenship act is actually charter compliant. >> Reporter: the old rules imposed in 2009 by the then conservative government, after they spent $94 million repate rating around 14,000 canadian the war in lebanon, evacuees, many in the harper government viewed as canadians of convenience. A part of an estimated group of over 4 million canadian citizens living outside the country, who can access canadian social services, like health care, and recused university tuition, while paying little to no >> We don't have the same where if you're an american citizen, regardless of where you live, you have to file an ie tax report every year. >> Reporter: the immigration minister was unable to say how many new cians there would be from the change, but a report estimated 2 million canadians living abroad obtained citizenship by dissent. Mackenzie gray, global news, ottawa. >> Antony: canadian singer celine dion has shared her firstofficial trailer for a documentary. This shows her struggle with a life altering illness >> I'm working hard every day. But I have to admit. It's been a struggle. I'm missing so much. The people. I miss them. >> Antony: dion was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder in to 22, known as stiff persons syndrome, causing muscleffness and painful spasms that increase over time. She forced to cancel her world tour a year ago. She cams the film a love letter to her will stream on prime video at the end of june. That what is making national and international news for this friday, may 24th. You're watching "globals morning." we'll be right back. [ ] announcer: You're watching Global, which also streams on StackTV. Watch live and binge the same great shows On Demand. StackT ( ) Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers. But what's wrong with a little dreaming? Especially when it's shared. Wirk, little dreams grow into big ones. At Kubota, we know that your work never stops. And we're inspired by those who dream - But our equipment is built for dreamers and doers, like you.

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