
CIII - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

quite as humid and into the high teens, low 20s in montreal today. A pleasantay as well. Chance of showers and thunderstorms, I places like fredericton and moncton this afternoon. [ ] >> Ross: it's friday, may here is your global news entertainment wrap. It's me, hi, I'm problem it's me >> Ross: live nation, the pareompany of ticket master is being sued by the u.s department of justice. Concert fans have been calling for reexamination of live nation's practices for years. Most notably because of recent issues with taylor swift's eras tour. Some die hard fans were unable to afford our get their hands on tickets, often waiting hours in online queues, only to be let down. A lawsuit hopes to break up the stronghold live nation has, claiming its squeezing out smaller promoters and hurting artists. So hold your breath because you're just still choking on your words >> Ross: was canadian singer avril lavigne replaced by a look alike? Fans have been theerizing since the early 2010s the performer died in the early 2000s and was replace bid a look alike named blessa. The rumors were fuelled out by a blog post, pointing out certain physical changes lavigne had gone through. The singer finallyssed the conspiracy on a podcast this movant, saying obviously I'm me, but joked the rumors about her could be worse. Steve lburg has lined up his next feature film to be released in theaters. The project currently has no title. It's described as a new original ev film and was earlier reported by var that spielberg is woringing on a ufo story. David cope, who wor with the tim maker orassic park and war of the worlds will be writing the script.mic negatively impacting movie goi habits, maybe this new film could help the three-time oscar winner reclaim his crown as the king of the summer b buster. That's a look at your top entertainment stories. Stay with us, you're having more ALL:Let's see your voice! [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] ( ) ( ) Power through your to-do list... ( ) ( ) and create a space that makes a splash. Find stihl tools, starting at $179.99. Shop local. Buy stihl. Find yours at Need help reducing the look of your dark spots? New nivea luminous630 dark spot solution 10 years of research. 1 patented solution. Reduce the look of dark spots and try the world's #1 dark-spot serum for luminous skin. 100% Satisn Or Your Money Back. [ticking clock] Are you gonna tell me how you did it? [heist music plays] [music intensifies] Grrrr! [applause] (Clattering, horn honking) With the belairdirect app, you can quickly submit and track a claim. Like when a canoe crashes throug It's thatple. ( ) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $99uding a 2 year warranty! sday! Announcer: You're watching Global, which also streams on StackTV. Watch live and binge the same great shows On Demand. StackT Three beach houses... Three renovation teams. Summer's hottest renovationcompetition returns. It's time to battleon the beach.

(Announcer says words on screen) ream on StackTVand the GlobalTV app. [ ] >> Due to a thlane closure for road work on the eastbound 401 at martin grove we're seeing a heavy delay of traffic. You can exp a 10 to 15 minute delay in the area. Tot's lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 max millions. Buy tickets in store or at Ay responsibly. 18 plus. >> Candace: good morning, everyone. Organizers of the pro palestinian campment at the university of toronto are expected to respond today to a conditionaffer put forward by the school on thursday the encampment has occupied kings college circle for three weeks now. That's where we find jaden e-lincoln with the latest. >> Reporter: good morning, candace. Things could come to a head soon after the university's latest statement that was issued just yester giving students and those involved in the pro palestinian encampment 24 hours to consider clearing out. You mentioned three weeks of in person negotiations, e-mails, but both sides still coming to a emate. Just yesterday in that statement issued by the president, he said, in part, that they have been patient while this shared space has been taken over, but the principles of inclusion have been olated. They listed what they are willing to do for students. They said they issued a public statement on their commitment toacademic freedom and human rights. And they said they would begin talks of divestment and disclosure requests and apoint a review committee on where the university can but they stopped short of coming out fully with a full divestment and and they made clear in the statement they will not terminate any partnerships with israeli they have rejected the notion of cutting ties with international partner institutions. So not quite the deal pro palestinian protesters here are looking for. And students have made it clear that they won't be moving until their demands are met. Here is m from both sides. >> Many members of the community feel increasing distress by the presence of the encampment. They feel safe. Any have reported feelings of - and experience of discrimination and harassment. We have also had reports of hateful speech and hateful acts, which we have reported promptly to toronto police service. >>ile the protesters are appalled by the offer the university made, it's a disgrace of an offer. The administration claims they want the encampment to come to a aceful conclusion, but they attempt to blind side us a every turn. >> Reporter: it seems both sides are standing firm where they are. Keep in mind, graduatio is coming up in about 10 days or so. And the university will want to use king's college circle for some of the ceremonies. So they likely could issue a notice in the coming days to police as well. You know, we know that police are involved or they have been monitoring the situation. Mostly it has within secur here, but police have said, in the past, that they are willing to get involved at the university's request. We'l hearing from organizers of the pro palestinian encampment at 11 A.M. today. Again, we'll see w things stand. Looks like we're coming a head here at the u of t campus. Candace candace. >> Candace: thanks, jaden. Police forces across the gta are cracking down on dangerous driving. The annual campaign, called project erase, which stands for eliminate racing activity on streets everywhere, officially launched on thursday. In toronto, there h been a 31% ease in calls for dangerous driving since last year. Crime specialestatherine mcdonald reports. >> Reporter: just last month, two young men were killed here inmississauga, after investigators say they were involved in an alleged street race gone wrong. It's this kind of dangerous driving behavior police want to stop. The ultimate goal erase >> It was just before 10 P.M. on april thehen the drive and passenger in this white audi werekilled, after a three-car collision at eglinton and dixie road in mississauga. Po say the white audi and this green audi sedan were traveling at a high rate of speedthbound on dixie. When both collided with a h suv turning left. The driver of the white audi lost control and slammed into this hydro pole. The have identified the victim of global news, both originally from albania, they were living in toronto for about a year. Police say neither man was wearing a seatbelt. Weeks after the deadly collision, the driver of the green audi,ar-old man, was charged with two counts of

dangerous driving causing death. Speeding. His driver's license was suspended for 30 days, and his car was impounded for two weeks. >> Dangerous driving behaviors lives at risk. And we will not tolerate it. >> Reporter: peel police have partne with other police agencies across the province during project erase. Which stands for eliminating racing activitie everywhere. Officers say they will be enforcing speed limits and tackling aggressive and impaired ers to keep the roads safe >> We ask anyone to applies do your part. And remind drivers about the inherit risks andsequences of dangerous stunt driving and racing. >> Thankfully in this case, the driver of the honda, who was struck by the suspected street racers suffered nonlife threatening injuries. And police are askinor the public's help. If you see someone driving aggressively or observe a street race, you're asked to call police immediately, or crime stoppers anonymously, at 1-800-222-tips. Catherine mcdonald, global news. >>dace: toronto city council has voted to maintain the b on e scooters, despite the fact there are thousands of them used every day in the city. Toronto has no jurisdiction to prevent the sale of e scooters, and for the most part, ban is not enforced by police. The ban is being maintained liability reasons. >> We see, in cities that adopt e scooter pilots that the cras is people who are riders goes way, way and that's not a situation that we're going solve until we have better standards for the equipment. >> Candace: council did, however, pass a motion to find out how many e scooters are in toronto.ountry of all micro mobility devices will hn in the fall. [ ] >> Candace: okay,ross, here we are on a friday. How is the weekend shaping up. >> Ross: it's looking good. The warm pattern we have experienced of late will continue. Wall to wall sunshine, just beautiful, and changes on the way for saturday that we will time out for you,ue to an advancing low pressure system. Let's start o with wider perspective this morning, what you need to know. Not a lot around southern ontario and the gta happening weather wiedz. We start off with clear skies, sunshine, this disturbance movirom west to east. A little lightning associated with at this hour around portions of the U.S. plains, into themidwest, and it will bring potential for some showers, the risk of a thunderstorm by late morning, into the afternoon tomorrow. You can see there is a front pushing through eastern ontario,er but pushing through dry for the most part. Temperatures, a little more comfortable tonight, or las night, into this morning, not quite as humid. Ane're looking at temperatures reaching the mid to high 20s again today. That humidex will be near 30. It's when it starts to get above 30, closer to 35 that it starts to get uncomfortable. So I wouldn't call it uncomfortable out there. Mostly sunny skies. And we're going to get, as I ntioned, near 25. Overnight tonight, some cloud cover, down to 12, and let's take a look a the future cast. Heading into the weekend, quiet to then it's into tomorrow. Te morning, mid-morning this model showing could be into the late morning and early afternoon. E risk of thunderstorms. There could be some gusty winds, depending on the timing of the storms. If they arrive later with peak daytime heating, possibility of hail, watch out for lightning associated with t storms. By the evening, we should dry out, sunday, a sun/cloud mix, latesunday, into early monday, there is potential for wet ather. Much of the weekend is dry. Let's breakn the weekend. Up near 10, 20, 21° tomorrow afternoon. 23° sunday, with sun/d mix, and more unsettled weather ing into next week. That's a look at your ok tire weather. Candace. >>dace: thanks, ross. I don't believe we had a word all day >> Candace: a celebration of canadian music icon gordon lightfoot on what would have been his 85th birth days was held at massey hall. A concert futures the lightfoot ba he performed on many times throughout his career. The artists honouring the music legend by performing a set of lightfoot songs. >> When you lose somebody like gordon, it's still a shock. He was kind of the gng light to canadian musicians staying canada and so, you know, nobody is g the take his place >> I always fully respected him as the boss. And he was a great leader. He wor very hard. He had a fantastic work ethic. He drove himself the hardest of anybody I have seen in that possession as being the leaderboss, the song writer. >> Candace: lioot passed away last may at the age of 84. Your national headlines are coming up after this, with the london drugs cyber attack. Data has been released, after the company refused to pay a ransom, we'll have more on the fall out.

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