
CIHF - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

how the team made it right. "global national" starts right now. >> Dawna: on this wednesday night U.K. surprise election call. >> Now movement for britain to choose its future. >> Why is russiashy sunak risking it all and is vote voters ready for a change. Through european nations recognize palestinian statehood. >> What it means. >> It could be significant. >>> And israel's angry response. >>> Packers give a $25 million ultimatum to london drugs. The retailer's response and what it could mean for staff and customers. >>> Plus, ouch. The blue jays super fan smacked by a ball. >> I got face smashed. >> Dawna: and how the team is making it up to her. >> Announcer: "global national" with dawna friesen. >> Dawna: good evening, thanks for joining us. We begin with a huge political gamble in the U.K. prime minister sunak called a snap election stunning even members of his own conservative party and the optics of his announcement were dripping withdrawal. He stood in a downpour outside 10 downing street, his words almost drowned out by the song things can only get better, a labour party anthem from 1997 blaring from a street nearby. >> These uncertain times call for a clear plan and bold action to chart a course to a secure future. You must choose in this election who has that plan. >> Dawna: after 14 years in power the tories who are trailing in the polls could face a wipe-out. Crystal goomansingh has our top story on a high stakes political gamble. >>> Alone, exposedded to the elements, any shine rishi sunak may have had all but washed away. >> I hope that my work since I became prime minister shows that we have a plan and are prepared to take bold action necessary for our country to flourish. >> Reporter: come july 4th sunak will face the voting public for the first time. In 2022 his party chose him from a list of one. Rishi sunak is elected as leader of the conservative party.

>>> In the aftermath of the brexit vote which led to cameron's resignation churned through several prime ministers. Sunak, the fifth, hopes to hold on to power but faces opposition. >> We'll stop the chaos. Time and again they pursue their own interests rather than tackling the issues that affect your family. >> Reporter: starmer is a novice in terms of running in a general election, as for his party (indiscernible). >> I don't cares too much. >> Not vote for either of them to be honest. >> Guided by what is right not what is easy, I can't say the same thing for the labour party. >> Reporter: in terms of conservative leaders, sunak is good on paper but financier and oxford graduate often seemed out of step with the public and his party. >> We certainly need some changes. >> Why an election now is the question. Inflation is nearly at a three-year record low but the popularity of the tory leader is also near a near record low. So in less than two months all of the parties will have to find a way to inspire voters and get them to go to the polls. Dawna. >> Dawna: crystal goomansingh in london, thanks. >>> Ireland, spain and norway took a big step. Plan to recognize a palestinian state. Made carefully coordinated delete s announcements today saying palestinians have a legitimate right to statehood and recognizing that is essential to creating a two-state solution. It is a symbolic step. Won't change anything on the ground but israel's prime minister immediately condemned it as a reward for terrorism. Mike armstrong reports. >> Reporter: in three european capitals coordinated announcements. Madrid the spanish prime minister, oslo the norwegian prime minister, and in dublin, the irish, each saying that they will recognize the state of palestine officially may 28th and that they hope others will follow. >> I'm confident that further countries will join us. >> Reporter: the reaction from israel was immediate. The country's foreign minister standing with the families of hostages says the move supports hamas atrocities while the israeli prime minister said it was rewarding terrorism. Israel announced wednesday it will allow israelis to return to three former west bank settlements, access had been blocked since an evacuation order in 2005 under international law the settlements are illegal. Israel is also recalling its ambassadors to the three countries. >> Ireland, norway, and spain are telling hamas in a loud and clear voice that the october 7th massacre pays off. >> Reporter: the news was greeted much differently by palestinians. In the west bank a spokesman for the palestinian authority says a two-state solution is the only path to peace. While in gaza, there was hope the new recognition leads to change. We have the right to live like other countries, this man says, to have a state and to live in freedom. Now whether the move by the three governments leads others to follow is the big question. In each recognizing a palestinian state analysts say will play well domestically. >> The result of the vote is as follows... >> 143 countries voted earlier this month at the U.N. to recognize a palestinian state. Addition of three more isn't moving the needle in the or canada. >> Canada's long-standing position has been to support, to call for a two-state solution. >> Reporter: one thing the three countries are saying is that while they will recognize a palestinian state, they insist they also stand behind israel's right to defend itself. But what was legitimate and even necessary, they say, has dragged on too far. Mike armstrong, "global news," montreal. >> Dawna: some harrowing video was released today by families of israeli hostages. It is disturbing. It shows the kidnapping of five women beima mass on october 7th. Families wanted it made public to pressure the israeli war cabinet to make a deal to release the hostages. It is body cam video from hamas fighters. They are seen binding the hands of the women. Women were working as lookouts near the gaza border on the day of the hamas attacks. At least two are seen with their faces bloodied as men threat and then assault them. Hours after this footage was releases of israelis took to the streets demanding revive hostage talks with hamas.

>>> Students and administrators reached an agreement to end a pro-palestinian encampment on camp can us. Set up on may 6th. As part of the agreement ontario tech agreed to nine conditions including disclosing an annual report of all investments establishing a responsible investment working group, and funding three undergraduate scholarships for palestinians displaced by war. Hundreds of students are still camped out in protests at several other canadian universities. >>> Potentially dangerous storms are tracking across parts of ontario and quebec tonight. A number of areas under severe thunderstorm warnings. Environment canada says toronto and surrounding areas could be hit by strong winds, heavy rain and toonie sized hail. And across the U.S. severe storm watches are in effect for over a dozen states from texas to new york. Recovery efforts are underway from deadly tornadoes yesterday. In iowa, authorities still aren't certain how many people are dead or missing. This satellite image captured the powerful line of storms that ripped across the U.S. midwest on tuesday. As jackson proskow reports, it is just the start of what's already been a devastating season. >> Reporter: there is almost nothing left in greenfield, iowa after a powerful tornado flattened houses, tossed cars like toys and cut a wide swath through the centre of town. >> I know that my friends were hurt, couldn't get a hold of them, I was scared. >> The first warning sounded 40 minutes before the tornado struck. Not everyone had time to escape there are missing and dead. >> I had to climb out of here. >> Reporter: survivors have harrowing stories. >> Before I went down the basement I went all around my house and I prayed, prayed for god to keep us safe. >> Just a bunch of crashing. I heard windows shattering and I heard like branches from trees creeking and snapping. >> Holy cow. >> Reporter: at least 18 tornadoes swept across iowa tuesday. Snapping wind turbines like twigs leaving smoldering craters in the ground. This transport truck was tossed off the side of the highway. Across the central and southern u.s., it has already been a brutal season for severe weather, with above average tornado activity and more high strength tornadoes and severe thunderstorms than usual. In houston, where a brutal heat wave has taken hold, the power is only now coming back on for thousands of people left in the dark by last week's powerful storms. >> My wife is eight months pregnant, so we're sweatening it out waiting for the power. >> Reporter: back in iowa, small miracles in the devastation like this dog pulled from under the rubble of a home. >> Kind of like untouched and she was just waiting for us to find her. >> Reporter: with this disaster unfolding so early in tornado season, residents will be picking up the pieces while watching the sky. Jackson proskow, "global news," washington. >> Dawna: in texas the families of victims of the 2022 school shooting reached a settlement with the city for more than $2.7 million. In addition to the payout overall the city's police force and create a permanent memorial to the victims. Lawyers of the families say they are suing 92 state police officers because of their response to the tragedy. 19 grade 4 students and two teachers were killed in uvalde. The botched police response has been condemned in a number of reports.

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