
CIHF - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>> The nova scotia teachers union has ratified its three year agreement with the province . More than 90% of nstu members participated in the online ratification vote yesterday. Of those, 80% voted in favor of the new deal under the terms of the new contract, teachers will receive an 11.5% salary increase over three years, while substitute teachers will see a 12% increase. Nsgeu reached the tentative agreement with the province in late april, after members voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike. The previous contract expired last july. Well, a portion of a major street in downtown halifax is set to undergo a long-term closure due to the cogswell district project. The project involves the realignment of barrington street, the construction of a new halifax transit hub, and the relocation of four bus bays in front of scotia square as a result, barrington street will be fully closed from upper water street to duke street. 30 bus routes passing through barrington and the surrounding area will be rerouted, and the four impacted bus bays will be relocated, and the new halifax transit hub is expected to open by the end of the year. It will include new heated shelters, additional seating space, among other features. New brunswick and nova scotia are getting sweeping failing grades from food banks. Canada, according to its latest report card. Both provinces have seen an increase in overall poverty rates as well as food insecurity. Nathalie sturgeon has the details. >> Reporter poverty levels in new brunswick and nova scotia are not improving, according to a new report by food banks canada. The report gave failing grades to both provinces, each earning a d minus. >> Also reflects what we're seeing day to day, among persons with a mobility disability, people with a disability and single mothers are the two most impoverished populations in this province. So, we're we're helping people navigate through, you know, these hardships every day. >> Here we have a d minus. So it's still a long way from being acceptable. >> In new brunswick, the poverty rate rose from 10.9, up from 6.7% last year. Similarly in nova scotia, those living in poverty rose from 8.9 to 13.1. Food insecurity also rose for both provinces. Both ability new brunswick and nova scotia say poverty leads to poor health outcomes. >> Just they're not getting the nutrition they need, not getting the quantity of food they need, and it's affecting their health and well-being. >> Flaro says many people compromise on their food budget first to take care of housing costs, bills and other priorities, and while giving money to frontline organizations is important, the reduction of poverty is what is actually needed. >> But but giving money to frontline agencies is not the solution. >> It's not going to bring down that level. >> So one measure that nova scotia achieved was indexing income brackets to inflation. But food banks canada says a poverty reduction plan is needed in new brunswick. The organization is advocating for a revision of the poverty reduction strategy and to devote future surpluses to the cause. Nathalie sturgeon, "global news" saint john. >> Still ahead on "global" news anxiety over money even as inflation cools. Why financial stress is heating up among canadians. What new polling reveals after this. Plus, we'll have a look at your forecast. Here's a look from our harbour camera overcast on this thursday evening. Stay with us. Anthony farnell has your latest weather details. Atlas My name is Smith. You're a computer program. No. I'm not. I think and I make choices. This just keeps getting better. ( ) Do you think you have a soul? Yes. ( ) You can't find it in your code. But I have faith it's there. They know we're here! You are not alone, Atlas. Trust me. Ahhhh! ( ) God that was satisfying! ( ) Your best defense against erosion and cavities? Is strong enamel. Nothing beats it. New Pronamel Active Shield actively strengthens the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a game changer for my patients. It really works. Want some coffee, mate? Coffee'd be great. Thanks, mate. How 'bout some Coffee Mate? —Coffee, mate! —Coffee Mate? Already said I want some coffee, mate? I meant you want some Coffee Mate? Oh! I'd love some Coffee Mate with my coffee, mate. —Mate? —Mate. Crikey, that's rich and creamy coffee, mate. What's behind the Blue Cow Logo? High Canadian Standards. Which means we meet strict requirements. ...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo. In Nova Scotia, there are more ways to access care. That's a good thing.

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lawsuit saying it was the result of, quote, political pressure. President joe biden, a, quote, proud capitalist, has said in the past, capitalism without competition isn't capitalism, it's exploitation. Reggie cecchini "global news" washington. >> Thunderstorms are blossoming late this afternoon in new brunswick, but will we get any rain in nova scotia? That's the question. I've got your forecast (Knocking) It's that odd woman who works with the police. Oh, she's funny, let her in. Hi, I'm Elsbeth Tascioni. I've actually been a very successful lawyer. Side bar. But it turns out, I'm very good at solving murder cases. Oh. How lucky. I call it the "Elsbeth." Hashtag: "Do that thang." Hashtag: "Can we get back to the case?" ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale tonightat 10 eastern on Global. Announcer: You're watching Global, which also streams on StackTV. Watch live and binge the same great shows On Demand. StackTV: Try it free today. (Sentimental instrumental music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) How white do you think your teeth really are? Let's try the tissue test. Oof, still yellow! There's toothpaste white and there's Crest 3d Whitestrips white. They whiten like a $300 professional treatment. And to maintain your brightest smile, try Crest 3d White toothpaste. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at (VO)Take an indulgent moment foryourselfwith wholesome whole grain oats in Nature Valley CrunchyDipped granola squares or with real nuts and darkchocolate in Nature Valley Sweet & Salty bars. Treat yourself with NatureValley. (Baby crying) ( ) Waiting for the break of day (Grinding) (Splash) (Giggling) Wanting just to stay awake Mm! The qeii Home Lottery final deadline is midnight tomorrow! Live lakeside in Glen Arbour with the 1.8 million dollar Grand Prize Showhome awarded with $50,000! Absolute final deadline midnight tomorrow! Your best defense against erosion and cavities? Is strong enamel. Nothing beats it. New Pronamel Active Shield actively strengthens the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a game changer for my patients. It really works. We're finally here! This is wild, man. (Announcer says words on screen) >> Complacent. Mother's heart. Not having your child in her bed at night time. Not knowing she's in a ditch. >> For 11 years she's been holding out hope. Today is confirmed. >> We did found the body of janine ariondo this morning. >> We gotta catch this guy. >> "crime beat" friday on "global" >> From the skytracker weather center. Here's your hour by hour forecast tomorrow. 13 degrees early on. And then the sun comes out, heats up the ground, the atmosphere right above it, and we end up with a 23 degree afternoon high with some fair weather clouds. But that's about it. It will also be a breezy friday across the province. 20 right now at the airport, it's five only in saint john's, 25 in quebec city and in toronto. Cooler from winnipeg right through alberta. And that's been the case all week. We've had this trough out west. So cool conditions there. Here's the cold front that is bringing the thunderstorm activity to new brunswick. Now the timing of this front, it passes through late this evening into the overnight means that those storms are weakening pretty quickly. So I'm not confident we're going to see much of any rainfall. We're getting some showers across western pei right now, 25 in charlottetown. It's 20. In halifax only 12 malay falls, nine in sydney, 14 lunenburg. So there is still an effect with that wind coming off the water. 22 in the annapolis valley with a light wind there as far as tonight goes, the

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