
CIHF - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

after an encampment set up on the college lawn. Naomi ruchim cbs news. >> At least nine people are dead, dozens of others injured after a strong gust of wind toppled a stage at a campaign rally in mexico. The governor of the state where it happened, confirmed the tragedy and said among the deceased was a child. The collapse happened during an event attended by presidential long shot candidate jorge alvarez maynez. Campaign events are being held this week and next in anticipation of mexico's june 2nd presidential, state and municipal elections. Charlie coghlan, the bassist and founding member of the american pop rock band train, has died at the age of 58. Collins sister confirmed the musician's death on wednesday to the associated press variety magazine reported that coghlan had slipped and fell in the shower while housesitting for a friend in belgium. Train formed in san francisco in the early 90s and are best known for their hit songs drops of jupiter and meet virginia. Earlier this month, london drug stores reopened after a cyberattack forced their closure for more than a week. Well, we now know the group claiming to be behind the attack is demanding a multi-million dollar ransom. As aaron mcarthur reports, this news comes as another high profile cyber attack has been made public, this time on a health authority. >> The methods are not subtle. Pay up or the data is dumped on the dark web. London drugs, the latest corporation to be targeted by the group known as lockbit, the hackers demanding $25 million from the richmond based company to retrieve its employee data by international standards. London drugs, a small company, experts say it doesn't matter. >> The gulf organizations are the most likely to pay up. So that is to say, organizations that are going to be under significant pressure to get their systems back up and running. >> All 79 london drug stores were shut down at the end of april for more than a week to deal with a cyber attack. The company has finally confirmed what happened and despite claims from lockbit, it offered $8 million in ransom. London drugs says it is unable and unwilling to pay, saying we acknowledge these criminals may leak london drugs corporate files. This is deeply distressing. Cyber attacks are on the rise around the world. B.C. has been hit several times in just the last few weeks. First, it was london drugs and then the provincial government reporting intrusions. Now a new attack. The first nations health authority has been targeted. >> I can tell you that it is different from what the province faced, and it is also different from what the london drugs incident, according to the health authority, the attack was discovered may 13th and in a statement says while the investigation is still at an early stage, fna has uncovered evidence that certain employee information and limited personal information of others has been impacted. >> The cybersecurity industry says companies and organizations that are targeted need to come forward with more information about the nature of their attacks. Without direct access to the information on other companies remain vulnerable. >> The chief operating officer has been pretty tight lipped on exactly how this took place, what was happening and we don't want other companies to, get into that same issue and we need to know. >> London drugs is paying up to two years worth of credit monitoring for its employees, potentially compromised experts say everyone should pay close attention to their online profiles after these kinds of attacks. Erin mcarthur "global news" well, with the penny having been out of rotation in canada for more than a decade, you may want to consider yourself extra lucky if you come across this coin today, as may 23rd marks lucky penny day. >> That's right. While they aren't worth very much the superstition brings good omens to those who find pennies today. Ancient civilizations actually believed that metals like copper were a gift from gods to protect them from evil. And that's what's making national and international news. You're watching "global news" morning on this thursday, may 23rd. We'll be right back 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. Announcer: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Tonight... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,all new tonightat 8 Eastern on Global. ( ) Pure Leaf is the perfect balance Of real brewed iced tea and the delicious taste of real fruit flavours. The lemon flavour you love is now also available with 40% less sugar. So tasty. So refreshing.

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