
CIHF - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

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today by dauphin donna reardon. Reyes's body is being taken to birjand city for a last ceremony before being buried in his hometown of mashhad. Thousands of people held placards over dec and waved flags marching in the streets this morning to bid the president farewell. The 63 year old died alongside his foreign minister and six others when their helicopter crashed in the country's mountainous northwest region earlier this week. The council in charge of assisting haiti's transition for its next head of state, says it expects a multinational security force to help restore public safety to be operational in the coming days. Kyle benning has more on the international effort to stabilize the country. >> It's a country that has been in crisis for nearly three years. Haitians still living with violence on streets as police look to gain back territory. The caribbean nation has seen armed militias take control of public infrastructure following unrest from the 2021 presidential assassination. But united nations backed reinforcements will soon be available. On tuesday, the council aimed at guiding haiti's presidential transition and noted it had a productive meeting with the national police and that troops from the multinational security support mission should be deployed by the end of the month. In a statement on social media platform x, the council says, quote, whether it concerns the composition, objectives, rules of engagement and health control of the troops, everything will be coordinated and supervised by haitian police authorities. The bulk of the security team is made up of kenyan soldiers, with the african nation offering 1000 officers. And on wednesday, the kenyan president kicked off his trip to the u.s, becoming the first african head of state to hold an official visit since 2008. >> The key thing here is that this multinational security support mission is exactly that a support mission, a support mission of the institutions of the haitian state, not a replacement for it. >> President william ruto is set to hold meetings with joe biden on wednesday and thursday, with haiti expected to be one of the larger topics of discussion between the leaders. American officials say haiti is in a dynamic situation where the country's police union saying 80 officers were killed, died in accidents or disappeared last year. This is going to require an adaptive, flexible approach, but one guided by certain core functions and operations. >> Hey, kenya has laid that out. Its work that out in close collaboration with the united states and it has consulted closely with the un on this along the way. >> Earlier this year, ottawa earmarked more than $80 million towards the un security mission and has sent armed forces members to help train jamaican soldiers who will be part of the un security force. The rcmp has also deployed officers to assist the haitian national police. Kyle benning "global news" >> New data from interpol is confirming canada ranks among the world's top worst countries for auto theft. Now, the international law enforcement agency says more than 1500 vehicles stolen in canada have been identified by police around the world since february. This information comes after the rcmp integrated canada's database for stolen vehicles with interpol earlier this year. The agency says thieves are attracted to canada's abundant supply of high value models, such as suvs and crossovers. All right. A wildlife photographer in montreal captured a stunning showdown between a fox and a goose. And here it is. Alana black says she was photographing birds at montreal's botanical garden last week when she saw a fox trying to catch this canada goose. Well, she snuck up in some trees and managed to capture this dramatic scene. So who? One, you might ask. All right, block says. The fox eventually gave up and went off to hunt a squirrel. The goose simply waddled away. All right. And that is a look at your national and international news. For now. You're watching "global news" morning on this thursday, I'll see you in a little bit. Paul is back right after this. Don't go away. Are you ready to playBig Brother? Mmm, are you ready? You don't wanna miss out. Announcer: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. ( ) Pure Leaf is the perfect balance Of real brewed iced tea and the delicious taste of real fruit flavours. The lemon flavour you love is now also available with 40% less sugar. So tasty. So refreshing. Pure Leaf. Oh my gosh. Wow, who am i? Wow, is that really me? Hi, I'm Jonathan Greenhut, the ceo of Plexaderm. All it takes is 10 minutes to reduce the appearance of under eye bags,

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