
CIHF - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 10:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Well, I'm gonna head back to Chicago. I assume Elsbeth Tascioni will be joining me. That must be a relief. Agent Celetano, let me ask. Was the consent decree ever real or was it all just a cover story? What exactly are you asking? I'm asking if the DOJ really cares about corruption or was this all just a chance to investigate Charles Wallace Wagner? I'm sorry I suspected you for so long. It's just, you were acting so strangely. Well, I was being blackmailed and hiding money, so you were picking up on real lies. It's just not every lie is about murder. Hmm. Oh. Matteo asked me to give this to you. Now that Ezra's dead, the photos belong to you and only you. Oh... Did you look at them? I did. You know, the way Matteo described them, I thought they would be really awful, but, actually, they're far worse than I imagined. I take responsibility. I believe strongly in that. But it was totally Ezra's idea. Right. (chuckles) I will make up for my youthful indiscretion. I believe strongly in redemption. I promise, I will do the work. Good luck with that. (chuckles) It's funny, without my stuff in it, this room looks even smaller. Well, I guess this is it. Thank you, Elsbeth. For teaching me how to... notice things, and for being my friend. (chuckles) Thank you. I know a bunch of people died, but we did have a lot of fun. Yeah. Ms. Tascioni. I want to congratulate you on solving another case. And on your fashion show. I think mittens might become a thing. (chuckles) I'm sorry I wasn't able to be fully honest with you, but I did come to the right conclusion. You're a good man. Officers, please remove Ms. Tascioni's things. Oh, um... Oh, wait, uh, I can do that. Oh, well, thank you. Wait... Wh-Where are you go... where are you going with that? Uh, I don't understand. I talked to Celetano about funding a more permanent position. You mean... Stay. I thought about it. You were sent here to root out corruption, and you did. Not to mention, you keep helping my detectives solve cases. I do, don't I? Mm-hmm. And Noonan's not using the office anymore, so... (laughs) What will I do with all this space? Well, I'll help, and my desk is right outside. (giggles) For the time being. Officer Blanke, I'm putting you on the fast track to become a detective. It's time. Thank you, sir. I won't let you down. You'd better not. Oh, Captain Wagner. Now we really should hug. All right. Make it quick. (giggles): Okay. Back to work. Aye aye, Captain Charles Wallace Wagner. I read the report. I won't mention it again. (snorts) (both laughing, squealing) Captioning sponsored byCBS and TOYOTA. Captioned byMedia Access Group at

good evening. >> Thank you for joining us. I'm aalia-adam, and I'm shallima-maharaj. Tonight. Be prepared. >> This season is looking to be an extraordinary one in a number of ways. >> Weather experts are predicting an exceptionally busy atlantic hurricane season this year. Changes for so-called lost canadians. Ottawa introduces new legislation allowing canadians born abroad to pass down citizenship up. >> Reporter you're watching global halifax. This is "global news" at 11. >> We're about one week away from the start of hurricane season, and weather experts are predicting an exceptionally busy one this year. While some parts of cape breton regional municipality are still recovering from hurricane fiona two years later, the mayor of cbrm says her community is working towards being adequately prepared for the season ahead. Amber-fryday reports. >> The canadian hurricane center is predicting an above average storm season for atlantic canada, mainly due to record warm water temperatures in the atlantic ocean. Another large factor is the expected shift in the pacific ocean from el nino to la nina. This reversal to la nina typically produces more storms in the atlantic. >> The other aspect of this is rapid intensification, and that's something that we've been, you know, watching very closely over the last number of years is just how rapidly these storms go from a tropical storm to a major hurricane. >> The U.S. national oceanic and atmospheric administration is forecasting its highest ever hurricane outlook in history. For the 2024 season, noaa is predicting 17 to 25 named storms, including 8 to 13 hurricanes and 4 to 7 major hurricanes. But it's not clear how many could make landfall at the same time, the rainfall associated with hurricanes is also projected to become more intense and with sea level rise, sea level rise will exacerbate the impacts associated with storm surges. The 2023 predictions were slightly lower. There were a few more named storms than projected, and three major hurricanes in line with the prediction of 1 to 4. >> I was trying to achieve a 70, confidence in their forecasts, and this year it's actually up to 85 that they, that they've achieved with these numbers, so very, very high confidence level that it will be an active season. Meanwhile the mayor of cape breton regional municipality says some parts of the region are still in recovery mode after hurricane fiona pummeled the island in 2022. >> She says prepared for the storm season ahead is underway, as the municipality creates more designated comfort centers and is using $1.5 million from the federal government to equip a new emergency command center at city hall. >> You know, emotionally and mentally, people are scared knowing that hurricane season is coming up, that that's real. There's a certain type of ptsd that comes with surviving these types of events. >> Though macdougall says she is also nervous as the season approaches, she is confident the municipality has done what they can to prepare, and robichaud recommends people follow that lead sooner rather than later. Amber-fryday "global news" halifax. >> Well, time now for a check on the forecast with more on what you can expect. Let's bring in our weather specialist, kim sullivan. Hey, kim. >> It started off with mist for both extremities of the province today for the hrm. Well, it was mostly sunny, but these clouds rolled in as this system travelled through new brunswick, bringing some storms to the west earlier this evening. If we take a look at our temperatures. While it's not surprising that there was active weather, we saw highs that were way above seasonal, a bit cooler along the coast, as you can see. With that . 17 in yarmouth and in malay falls, cooler in cape breton with that nine degrees, but 23 in the hrm as well as in shelburne 26 in kentville felt more like 31. There was a 60 kilometer an hour wind in grant that has calmed right now, and actually most of the province was under a 40 kilometer an hour wind gust. But now that seems to be concentrated only to the east. As we settle at lows ranging from seven in sydney with rain tonight to 14 in kentville with cloudy skies tomorrow, well celebrate. Friday is going to be a summer like friday. Beautiful showing of the sun. Highs between 17 along the coast to 27 degrees. With the humidity it's going to feel more like 28 to 30 for most. And it is a southwest easterly wind gust gusting up to 40km an hour for fredericton tomorrow. With that beautiful mix of sun and

clouds, the highest risk of a shower comes in the afternoon. 26 degrees, but 17 along the coast. We'll take a look at your weekend forecast coming up. >> Canada's immigration minister announced legislation intended to extend citizenship to some children born outside of this country. >> If passed, the bill extends automatic citizenship to anyone who was born outside the country to a canadian parent. Before the legislation comes into force. We also introduced amendments to respond to issues raised at parliamentary committees as well as in the courts. They will restore citizenship to those we call lost canadians. That could be someone who was never able to become a citizen or lost citizenship because of previous and outdated legislative provisions. While the government previously brought forward changes that fixed the status of most lost canadians, a small impact did cohort remained to pass on their canadian citizenship. >> Parents who were born outside of canada will need to have spent at least three years in the country before the birth or adoption of their child, and in 2009, the conservatives under stephen harper changed the law. So canadian parents who were born abroad could not pass down their citizenship unless their children were born in canada. Last year, the ontario superior court found the current system unconstitutionally creates two classes of canadians gave ottawa until mid-june to address the problem. A settlement has been reached between the province and the company behind picton's northern pulp mill paper excellence will abandon its plans to reopen the mill and instead pursue a new site in queens county as skye-bryden-blom reports, a first nations chief who called out its environmental impact says it's been a long time coming from premier tim houston says the agreement with paper excellence addresses a $450 million lawsuit by the company over northern pulp mills closure in 2020. >> He says it also deals with a $99 million in loans the firm owes the province. >> We participated in the to in good faith in the in the court, court mediation process, and we've been participating in that for quite some time, looking for the best possible solution for nova scotians to protect pensioners, to reinvigorate an industry. >> It was shut down four years ago after then premier stephen mcneil directed it to stop pumping wastewater into the harbour near pictou landing first nation. If the agreement is approved by the courts next week, the company will pursue opening a new mill on the south shore. >> This is about hope. Hope for hundreds of families who could rely on jobs provided by the mill. Hope for families in rural nova scotia, where there aren't a lot of employment opportunities. >> In a news release paper, excellence says it aims to build trust with the communities it serves and this resolution clears the path for a collaborative future with the province. The company will need to file a feasibility study to ensure its new mill in the liverpool area is viable. >> Let me assure nova scotians that any project that comes forward will need to meet today's standards and will undergo environmental assessments, significant public engagement and indigenous consultation. >> The former chief of pictou landing first nation, who rallied for the mill's closure, says it's been a long time coming and will give the community peace. >> This this is significant news for the people of pictou landing first nation. I would say, because they've really been harmed for many years from the impacts of this, environmental disaster when it comes to the future. >> Mill paul will be closely watching. >> So I guess now we just have to wait and see what the studies will say and go from there. >> Skye-bryden-blom "global news, halifax meanwhile, the province's ndp leader says more attention is needed on employment in pictou county, while both opposition leaders say they will be keeping a close eye on the details. >> While I think there is a lot of good and what we heard today, there's not much for the people of pictou county, there's not much for the people who are at the door throughout this byelection. Asked about what would happen to the mill and what the future jobs would be in the community with the loss of it, we'll be particularly focused on what the cost to the taxpayer is going to be, who's going to take on the liability and to make sure that the environment is going to be protected. >> The lawyer representing the spouse of the 2020 mass shooter says her client is dropping the lawsuit against the attorney general of nova scotia. But brian murphy says lisa banfield, civil suit against the rcmp is continuing. Banfield was previously charged criminally with supplying ammunition to gabriel-wortman, who killed 22 people in april 2020. That charge was ultimately dropped

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