
CIHF - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

of the food has been waiting for so long to cross, it is beginning to rot. >> Very good to see you, prime minister. Thank you. >> And on the diplomatic front, norway's foreign minister sunday presented palestinian prime minister mohammad mustafa with papers confirming norway's recognition of the state of palestine. >> Very much look forward to upgrading our diplomatic and consular relations with the state of palestine. >> Mustafa used the opportunity to repeat calls for an end to the war. >> I think it's time to go beyond condemning actions and requesting israel to stop the war in gaza. I think we need to raise the voices a little bit more and demand a cease fire. >> But the rocket attacks by hamas on tel aviv have only hardened some in netanyahu's government. One hard line minister urging the army to hit rafah even harder. David akin "global news" ottawa a russian missile strike on central kharkiv, ukraine, has injured at least 16 people. >> The missile hit a residential area of the city saturday, witnesses say emergency workers were on scene shortly after ushering away residents of nearby apartment buildings. The missile reportedly left a crater several meters deep in the pavement. Two other russian guided bombs also hit a hardware store in the city on saturday, killing at least two and injuring many more. After the break, destructive storms severe weather hits parts of texas, arkansas and oklahoma, killing several both: Hey! Announcer: The hosts you love... I love 'em! I'm freaking out. And the drama you can't resist. What? I have big plans. It's all on Global. The moment when everything lines up. The call of b-4, experienced like never before. The anticipation of the reveal. The bounce before the ball lands on red... ...or black. Excitement in an instant and choice as big as the action. Play more than 450 online casino, instant wins, and bingo games with Atlantic lottery. Transform your play at With majority of my patients with sensitivity, I see irritated gums and weak enamel. Sensodyne sensitivity, Gum & Enamel reliefs sensitivity, helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. I am a big advocate of recommending things that I know work! (vo) While looking for a smooth and creamy source of protein isn't usually this easy... ...we think you'll agree that New Yoplait Source Protein Yogurt is proteinmade easy. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) ( ) When you need healthcare in Nova Scotia, you have options. With services available at pharmacy clinics, mobile care clinics, urgent treatment centres, and virtual care, you have more options than you think. Right in your community. Find out how you can access more healthcare, faster We're finally here! This is wild, man. (Announcer says words on screen) >> The newscast. That's more than just the news of the day. >> Access to lahaina by ground has been largely limited to emergency operations. >> Covering and uncovering stories that matter. >> This is a war that's still being fought, and they're adding photographs of fallen soldiers. >> "global national" with dawna friesen. >> In the end, it was the new buildings that crumbled. The old buildings are still standing. >> Winner of the 2023 canadian screen award for best national news anchor and best national newscast. >> British prime minister rishi sunak says if reelected, his party is prepared to introduce a mandatory national service for 18 year olds in uncertain times. >> Call for a clear plan and bold action to chart a course to a secure future. Our plan will ensure new generations and our country meet the challenges of the uncertain world. >> In a campaign video posted on platform x, sunak said the mandatory service could be military or community based.

young adults would be able to choose between spending one weekend a month, voluntary hearing, or take up one of 30,000 spaces for a year in the armed forces. This announcement comes following labor party leader keir starmer's comments saying he was in favor of allowing 16 year olds to vote. Sunaks conservatives remain behind in the polls by a wide margin. Little changed since his surprise election call on wednesday. The death toll from a massive landslide in papua new guinea has jumped to more than 670 on sunday, according to the un's international organization for migration. The revised estimates are at least six times higher than the initial death toll put out on friday, and it comes as hope of finding any survivors fades. Only five bodies have been recovered so far by emergency relief. Crews were working to move survivors away from the unstable ground that has so far buried more than 150 homes. An estimated 1250 people are now homeless, with many grieving the loss of relatives now presumed dead. The united states and australia are among those countries that have so far pledged aid to help rescue and recovery efforts. The death toll is rising after a series of powerful storms ripped across the southern U.S. suspected tornadoes struck communities in texas, oklahoma and arkansas, with forecasters warning there could be more destructive weather still to come. Heather yourex-west has the latest across three states, a series of powerful weekend storms have cut a path of destruction and death. >> It's like a punch to the stomach, really. I mean, this is my community, this is the I mean, I know people that that work here and I see them every day. >> Radar capturing this supercell as it erupted over north texas on saturday night by morning, the damage stretched across two counties, seven people, including two children, are among the dead in that state. Officials say at least 20 others have been injured. >> We ran up under the stairs and the little bathroom and then it went boom, like like we got hit by a lightning or something, and then you could see whistling just as scary. I it's a scare. I so worst I've ever experienced in oklahoma. >> What is believed to have been a long track tornado damaged homes and trees in two communities northeast of tulsa. Baseball sized hail was also reported, and two people were killed in the storm that rolled in quickly early sunday morning. >> I'm still trying to process it. It's shock, just everything you had worked so hard for all these years is gone. It was loud. >> I've never heard glass break in my life and it was so scary. I'm just glad that my mom got me out. She got me out in a minute. Like after she got me out and I was sat down my glass immediately broke in that tree hit my window. >> Parts of arkansas were hit hard too. Officials say thousands in the state are without power, and at least one person is confirmed dead. May has brought a series of severe weather systems and deadly tornadoes through the region in recent weeks, making 2024 one of the worst spring storm seasons in at least five years. With more severe weather in the forecast before the american memorial day weekend is through heather yourex-west "global news" calgary. >> Well, we've been dealing with a bit of wet weather in the maritimes. The past few hours. Expect those bands to roll out by the overnight. So will this be the end of the wet weather for us? Stick around We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen and Eggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the difference! Genacol® Makes me feel so good! When choosing a location, amenities matter. Like private outdoor space, natural light, and most importantly, temperature control. Come find your Island. Prince Edward Island Is that a Cheestring? I'll trade you my bagel for it. How about my pirate's treasure? Mystery Orb? I offer Cthulhu, the World Eater! I'll stick with the Cheestring. Keep it Cheesy. Cheestrings, only from Black Diamond. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream.

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