
CIHF - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

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>>> British prime minister rishi sunak says if reelected his party is preparing to introduce a mandatory national service for 18 -year-olds. >> On certain times call for a clear plan and bold action to chart a course to secure future. Our plan will ensure new generations and our country meet the challenges of the uncertain world. >> Shallima: in a campaign video posted on platform x he said the mandatory service could be military or community-based. Young adults would be able to choose between spending one weekend a month volunteering or take out one of 30,000 spaces per year in the armed forces. This announcement comes following labour party leader comments saying he was in favour of allowing 16 -year-olds to vote. Rishi sunak's conservatives remained behind in the polls by the wide margin, little change since apprise election call on wednesday. >>> The death toll for a massive landslide in pap and again he jumped to more than 670 on sunday. According to the un's international organization for migration. The revised estimates are at least six times higher than the initial death toll put out on friday and it comes as hope of finding any survivors fades. Only five bodies have been recovered so far by emergency relief crews, working to move survivors away from the unstable ground that is so far buried more than 150 homes. An estimated 1250 people are now homeless with many grieving the loss of relatives now presumed dead. United states and australia are among those countries that have so far pledged aid to help rescue the recovery efforts. Z -- [ ] >> Reporter: -- >> Noor: quite a bit of cloud cover, still seeing lingering rain through many parts of nova scotia. Stick around after the break we will watch the rain push out of the region. By overnight, does that mean it will be the end all: Let's see your voice! ( ) Make room for variety. Say goodbye to tired, uninspired recipes. Say hello to new meal ideas that everyone will love. HelloFresh, refresh your recipe routine. ( ) Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers. But what's wrong with a little dreaming? Especially when it's shared. With hard work, little dreams grow into big ones. At Kubota, we know that your work never stops. And we're inspired by those who dream - But our equipment is built for dreamers and doers, like you. Kubota, built for those who do. When choosing a location, amenities matter. Like private outdoor space, natural light, and most importantly, temperature control. Come find your Island. Prince Edward Island You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) With majority of my patients with sensitivity, I see irritated gums and weak enamel. Sensodyne sensitivity, Gum & Enamel reliefs sensitivity, helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. I am a big advocate of recommending things that I know work! We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. [ ] >> Noor: hi is 16 degrees for monday in halifax. Dryer conditions but that tuesday rolls around with heavy rain, strong winds continue into wednesday. Showers on and off thursday and it seems chance of that and to saturday as well. It seems your best bet for a nice day is friday. Although temperatures a tad bit cooler. Today's also cooler for many under clouds and rain and that was the case for other parts of the country. Namely sell there manitoba. Yesterday temperatures into single digits, snow for some, early in the morning. Today 18 degrees for winnipeg. Closed his seasonal. But not quite there. Temperatures climb to the east or west rather of the prairies, 12 degrees in vancouver, a lot of rain. Things heating up in other parts of central canada though. And that has brought some severe thunderstorms that continue tracking up into co- back as we speak. And into ontario as well. We are not worried about severe weather. We are looking at some showers later this evening.

continuing as I mentioned in 2 parts of of the atlantic coast before they roll out. Come tomorrow morning sunday patches for a lot of viewers and then we'll get into chance of showers. Fredericton and st. John by early evening, a lot of us will be dry for much of the day. Until tuesday rolls around. This is the heavy rain, that we are worried about. Starting in the northwest and ending the day off in the southeast by tuesday evening and the remnants of this storm will bring showers for much of your wednesday although conditions will be way better in terms of precipitation by then. Hi totals 32 millimetres, 27 for communities like halifax potentially 17 towards cape breton and 7 in charlottetown. A lot of single digits here on the map. That's still normal during this time of year although warmer at 9 degrees. Thom -- tomorrow 21 and fredericton, 15 towards the east and also 19 in charlottetown. Next 7 days 22 degrees on tuesday with heavy rain and fredericton climbing to 24 by wednesday. Cloud over thursday and into friday. Then this son starts to shine ever slow slowly heading into the weekend 20 degrees for sunday. [ ] >> Shallima: still the come hip trip around canada. Traffic artist graded travel posters inspired by his favour fbi! Announcer: fbi, fbi: International andFBI: Most Wanted, only on Global. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at (VO)Take an indulgent moment foryourselfwith wholesome whole grain oats in Nature Valley CrunchyDipped granola squares or with real nuts and darkchocolate in Nature Valley Sweet & Salty bars. Treat yourself with NatureValley. Listen up! Here's a lesson about Activia Fibre a simple way to add fibre and 1 billion probiotics to your day that contribute to healthy gut flora It starts inside Activia Darrell's family uses Gain Flings now, so their laundry smells more amazing than ever. Woman: Isn't that the dog's towel? (Groaning) Hey, mi towel, su towel. More Gain scent plus Oxi Boost and Febreze in every Gain Fling. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. More starts with you. Give today, and your donation will be doubled. With your help, we can provide more access to safe water, more life-saving vaccines, and more emergency relief. Help make more of a difference. Double your impact. Donate today. This is actuallythe hardest management situation I've ever been in. You need to figure it out,or you're both gone. Damn! (Announcer says words on screen) >> Shallima: before we leave tonight graphic artist to design tragically hip themed canadian travel posters has got the attention of the band. As jay durant explains the posters are now being sold across the country. >> Reporter: a little background music for inspiration. Z. >> Reporter: graphic artist created partner came up with unique idea to showcase their client she'll press capabilities. >> Be kinda cool to do travel posters that were based on the tragically hip songs. >> Reporter: drawing from a classic canadian style the finished products posted on social media quickly caught the attention of the king's demand. >> I got a call from the tragically hip and said while! Don't even know about this project. Really interesting. Maybe we can talk about it. >> Reporter: now the complete set is being sold on the hips website on the 40th anniversary. A hip trip around canada, incorporating some hidden nuggets from the well-known lyrics. >> Weathervane jesus at the top of this. Could have been the willie nelson, could have been the 1. I probably went through the whole catalogue. We ended up hiring a writer to help us with that because we really wanted to wanted to have like over-the-top sort of advertising field to the riding. [ Cheering ] >> Reporter: this is not his first tragically hip themed work. He graded a commemorative poster during a farewell tour in 2016. Back when he was more of a casual fan. >> I probably had two to three albums and now I probably have

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