
CIHF - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

[yelping] [screeching] -[horns honking] -[sirens wailing] [screeching]

[ ] >> Tonight, ssa may damage. Nova scotia residents struggle with high costs following last year's torrential rain and flooding. >>> Missile fire in israel. Hamas launches a barrage of rockets as aid tracks allowed into gaza. [ ] >> Announcer: you're watching global maritimes. This is global news at 11. >> Good evening a thanks for joining us. Ten months after torrential rain because devastating flooding in parts of nova scotia there are still residents struggling with the high cost of radiation of repairs. In tonight's top story examining how one seniors fight for assistance and how many are left waiting for government help and the future forecast for urban flooding in canada. >> Reporter: when floodwaters rushed into streets and homes in nova scotia last july they cause more than $170 million in insured damage. >> The driveway. >> Reporter: and the flood burst through the back door and into clifton's basement. Photos show the aftermath. Water had been high enough to make appliances float and left everything caked in mud. His estimated restoration cost $143,000 taxes in. His insurance capped at $50,000. >> I took 50,000 off to of 143 and left me with 1000 and change. >> Reporter: many applied to nova scotia's disaster financial assistance program which pledged up to $200,000 for homeowners. That after months of waiting and pals of paperwork he was offered $6000. He appealed and was then offered 15,00074 years old, taken out a second mortgage to pay for those $60,000 he has left. >> What would you say if somebody said we are going to put your home back to the way it originally was. Just pay my contractors that's all I want. >> Reporter: provinces still processing more than 500 disaster assistance applications from the floods. 1100 paid out to the tune of $14 million. >> For the ones that have not been paid out were sympathetic and we know it's been very to maddock for them. But it's been challenging for us. >> Flooding is actually costliest hazard in canada in terms of property damage. >> Reporter: that's why the intact centre on climate adaptation graded a tool to help municipalities prepare for and prevent urban flooding which is expected to increase in frequency. >> Were expecting more kind of short duration and intense rainfall events and we have everyone knows examples of those across canada. >> Dr increase a lot of medications before stress took his toll on him and not sure he could take another flood especially after what he paid for this one. Heidi petracek, global news middlesex built nova scotia. >> Nova scotia government has its eye on a regional park in bedford. As the site of a new housing development. Sandy lake has been protected area since 1971 but now plans are underway to build at its headwaters. Learning what's at risk, should development move forward... >> Nestled just off the plains road in bedford, you can find sandy lake burke 1000-acre ecosystem home to old growth forest and endangered species. The area was identified as protected park back in 1971 but now the head of the lake is proposed for development. Cochair of the sandy lake conservation coalition karen robinson wants the 6000 proposed units to be built elsewhere. >> Because it's just as important if not more important today with things like climate change and biodiversity loss, threatening her very existence on earth. There's even more reason to keep this gem. >> Reporter: the halifax regional municipality drafted the land suitability and analysis for development but so far coalition members say the draft is inadequate. >> Two things that are not addressed is flooding, so how would development above the lake effect flooding including on the sackville river. That's really high-risk question not answered so far. The other one is water quality. >> Reporter: in a statement housing minister says as a province where working to create a future where nova scotians our economy and nature can thrive. At the same time nova scotia is in the midst of a house in crisis. Working together we can ensure sustainable development that will provide nova scotians with the homes they need while protecting the environment. >> We do need a lot more housing in halifax in their areas that are much better for it but this is the kind of development we don't need that needs more traffic and more pollution and destroy some of the last wild areas in the city. >> Reporter: is a deep loon lake and sandy lake is free of

algae blooms and is a healthy habitat for salmon to cool off. According to hrm a draft report examines habitat for species and risks and notes that watercourses in the area or trough routes for salmon however mchenry says this wasn't addressed properly. >> Ultimately sandy lake will show whether the province and the minister of housing are going to use evidence to make their decision about sandy lake and all the information is available here yet or whether the agendas really suburban sprawl at all costs. >> Reporter: global news halifax. >> Fire crews were called to her residents on university street today when a fire broke out in a building space didn't just basement. Four fire engines and tactical response unit and aerial unit responded to the call around noon. Upon arrival to crews discovered a dryer on fire in the basement and were quickly aiming to extinguish that blaze leaving minor water damage. District fire chief says no injuries were reported. Crews stayed on scene to vent out the resident and insurer occupants able to go back inside >>> New brunswick premier blaine higgs is banding a québec based sex ed organization from sharing information in schools. And a lengthy post on x the premier called the presentation inappropriate. He banned the montreal based sex ed group thirsty for the talk. Hakes made the decision after he heard from several concern parents who shared photos and screenshots of the presentation. He says the organization will no longer be allowed to present to new brunswick schools, and move the hpv global action president called unfortunate. >> Three people are dead following a single vehicle crash near chetty act new brunswick park the accident happened friday morning three people travelling in a vehicle but veered off highway 132, plunged down 30 metre embankment and flipped onto its roof. The victims are 54-year-old man from indian island first nation, 51-year-old man from upper weston and 25-year-old woman from halifax.

>>> If your coworker told you they spent the weekend in the woods with a chainsaw, would you believe them? For a dozen people in new brunswick that's exactly what happened and all to serve their communities. Here's more on that. >> Reporter: warning trees were harmed in the making of this video. It's all for a good cause. Disaster relief organization held a chainsaw workshop this weekend. >> Chain saws are used in many disasters. He hurricane fiona is one of recent memory. Great tool for the roots so emergency services can get through. >> Reporter: with a background in construction, team of a con member rob travelled from pei to learn chainsaw skills. >> It's just to be able to help somebody out in time of need. >> Reporter: all the participants are volunteers helping to use their skills to serve their communities. This weekend there tiding up trees for camp a belief which is for children of military members. That's fitting because team rubicon's veteran lead. >> The team is open to veterans and urgency responders, wonderful civilians. Anybody that has a need or desire to serve others, is very welcome. >> Reporter: amanda mcdonald is from cape breton. She works with veterans and joined team rubicon for camaraderie with clients. She's hoping to take the skills she learned for storm cleanup in her home community. >> You got a rush from it. You just feel accomplished when you, should do something that makes a difference. >> Reporter: it's not just sawing. Participants taught first aid and chainsaw maintenance. It's all important when handling unique disaster situations. >> We're dealing with trees that have fallen, perhaps broken and laying on top of each other. It can be fairly complex cuts. >> Reporter: team members preparing to take the skills they've learned home with them. >> Chainsaw! >> Reporter: global news, new brunswick. >> Slightly overcast conditions across the maritimes today. Sun did manage to peak through. This is a look at citadel hill in downtown halifax. People out enjoying a cool spring day. With more on the weather and what we can expect in our forecast here's a rather specialist. >> Owes the overcast conditions across many parts of maritimes. Those slivers of sunshine were very rare but they showed up for some and not so much for others. Tomorrow similar conditions in halifax with that cloud cover little bit of sunshine although it will be dryer. High getting to about 16 degrees. Earlier today we saw the showers and rain move into new brunswick very early in the morning and as the evening progressed here is that rain still lingering. Central eastern nova scotia and parts of cape breton, it was a bit heavy at times towards the harbour and around nine or 9:30 were seen when -- winds across the region for many and that's good news. We weren't expecting things to get severe and they won't get severe. Still the temperatures have been cooler through much of the day. Under the cloud cover and under that rain, 17 with the humidex just now in frederick 1015 in shelburne, cooler towards cape breton. Here we are seeing that green bands rollout by the overnight and that will make way for a dryer monday. Is about to say wednesday for a second. Dryer monday and sunday patches for some although we could see some showers by the afternoon. And then this guy rolls in tuesday will talk about all of that in the full forecast but for now expect a dry overnight in fredericton with partly cloudy conditions by tomorrow. Also mainly cloudy day but mostly dry as well as side from chance of showers by the afternoon, high as 20 degrees. Friends in charlottetown cooler overnight tonight and come tomorrow temperatures climbing to 18 degrees. Mix of sun and cloud. >> Thank you noor. [ ] >> After the break election promise in the uk. Rishi sunak announces plan to bring back mandatory national service for Are you ready to playBig Brother? Mmm, are you ready? You don't wanna miss out. Announcer: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. With majority of my patients with sensitivity, I see irritated gums and weak enamel. Sensodyne sensitivity, Gum & Enamel reliefs sensitivity, helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. I am a big advocate of recommending things that I know work! - I'm going to grab us some cold foam... coffee...? Wait... Cold foam coffee... at home! - It's International Delight Cold Foam - We're foaming baristas! Foam and cream your coffee with International Delight Cold Foam. It's foaming delicious.

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