
CIHF - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 10:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

them all the sweeter is where they come from. >> Women make up 70% of the manual labor on most coffee farms, but are far less represented as decision makers or as owners. And a lot of that is women can't own land, a lot of times it's in their husbands names and their fathers names. >> This is in a state in chiapas, mexico. Web sources exclusively from sustainable women owned farms and co-ops like this one. Formally an international human rights lawyer, in 2020, she decided to take her advocacy in a different direction. >> Women's rights is it's so important to so many people and there hasn't really people don't know how to help. So I think having companies that are able to, let customers make an impact just by drinking your cup of coffee, which you're going to drink anyways in the morning, choosing brands that align with your values, I think really resonates with a lot of people, she says. >> When cafecito launched, they were the only roaster in the country sourcing exclusively from women owned farms, and remained the only one focused on women's empowerment. A percentage of every sale goes to supporting women's nonprofits around the world. Oh, and there's another female figure cafecito supports mother earth. >> We wanted everything to be sustainable, so we have solar and all the materials that we use are 100% compostable. >> Cafecito trailer uses 100% renewable energy, as does its roastery. It's a green, women led women grown cup of joe, getting to a point where you can actually deliver not just a cup of coffee, but deliver a message with that cup of coffee. >> I find that super cool. >> You can find cafecito coffee at events and cafes around los angeles, or online. Laurie perez, cbs news, los angeles. >> Well, who doesn't love a strong cup of coffee and a big shot of positivity? Well, thank you so much for being with us tonight. As always, log on to "global-news" dot ca for the latest news and information anytime. And you can also find us on the global tv app. Have yourselves a great night! (Sentimental instrumental music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at When choosing a location, amenities matter. Like private outdoor space, natural light, and most importantly, temperature control. Come find your Island. Prince Edward Island We're traveling all acrossCanada to talk to peopleabout their hearts. Who wants to talkabout their heart? Let me ask you a question.Do you have AFib? Aaah, I don't know. You kind of hesitated like... How do you know? I don't know. You don't know?! Let me show you something.- Ok. This is called KardiaMobile.- Ok. Do you know what this is?- No. That right there is apersonal ekg device. Would you like to take30 seconds and do an ekg? Absolutely. With KardiaMobile, youcan take an ekg in just 30 secondsfrom anywhere. KardiaMobile is proven todetect atrial fibrillation, one of the leadingcauses of stroke. KardiaMobile can also detectNormal Sinus Rhythm. How much doyou think this costs? Probably in the hundreds. 99 dollars. Oh wow! That could be cheaperthan a tank of gas. Taking an ekg anytime, anywherehas never been easier. Don't wait! Get KardiaMobilefor you or a loved one today for just $99 or Amazon. Are you shopping around fora heat pump? Look no further! If you want to save up to 60%on heating costs, or just want affordable air conditioning,Ace Heat Pumps has the solution for you! Novair heat pumpsare reliable and affordable. With payments as low as $17bi-weekly. They're backed by the bestwarranty in the business. 15 years on some models! Andbest of all, Novair heat pumps qualify for rebates up to80 percent!

>>> Turning to the war in ukraine now. That country's military has clawed back territory around kharkiv, its second largest city, after russian forces rmped up their offensive earlier this month. [Speaking Alternative Language] >> Jeff: that's ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy saying ukraine is now back in control of areas in the kharkiv region following russia's latest advance. The russian military stepped up its assault two weeks ago, launching repeated strikes on border areas with the stated aim of creating a buffer zone to prevent ukraine from launching attacks on russian territory. Right now russia controls roughly 18% of ukraine. All of that territory in the eastern part of the country. And this week's fighting focussed around two towns near donetsk and kharkiv. Today a russian strike hit a crowded market and a residential area in kharkiv, killing at least six people and injuring dozens more. >>> Volodymyr zelenskyy is calling on western allies to boost air defences to keep cities and civilians safe. Today finance ministers, including our own, wrapped up three days of talks in northern italy, discussing a plan to use frozen russian assets to fund ukraine's war effort. It could provide a key financial stream to kyiv. >> Reporter: financial ministers of the g7 spent three days in italy grappling with the problem of russia. Canada has been pushing a plan to use the interest income generated by the $300 billion in russian financial assets that were seized by the west after russia invaded ukraine in 2022 and either give that interest income directly to ukraine or use it as collateral against a loan for ukraine. Canada's firm position has always been that russia, the aggressor, must pay for the destruction it has caused. Deputy prime minister chrystia freeland told reporters it cannot be the sole duty of the democracies or of the brave people of ukraine to pay for putin's war of aggression. The plan could give ukraine as much as $50 billion, which it urgently needs. >> We've been all collectively demonstrating, screaming, protesting, pleading with our government and with governments around the world who are supportive of ukraine to do more but to do it quickly. Because I think the situation is dteriorating day by day. >> Reporter: U.S. treasury secretary janet yellen supports the idea, but other g7 leaders say there are hurdles that need to be cleared first. And on top of that, each of the eye european union's 27 countries would have to sign off on any plan. >> It's obscene that russia has these billions and more of assets sitting and learning interest. That is the observation solution here. >> Reporter: g7 leaders, including prime minister justin trudeau, will be back in italy early next month where they are expected to finalize any plans to provide financial help to ukraine. As for russia, its finance minister had a warning for the west. If russian financial assets are used to help ukraine, it is prepared to seize western financial assets in its jurisdiction. David aiken, global news, ottawa. >> Jeff: as russia's war wages on, pressure is mounting for canada to meet its nato commitment on defence. This week, nearly two dozen U.S. senators signed a rare bipartisan letter urging prime minister trudeau to live up to this country's pledge of spending at least 2% of gdp on defence. The U.S. ambassador to canada told our ottawa bureau chief mercedes stephenson that sentiment is spreading in washington. - >> Mercedes: I'm wondering if the white house shares the view of these U.S. senators that canada is not doing enough on defence. >> I think the U.S. government's position, including the white house, is that canada needs to spend more money on defence. At the end of 2024, the way projections are looking, canada will be the only country in nato not spending at least 2% of its gdp on defence and does not have a plan to get there. And that "and" is very important. So canada has moved within nato from being a bit of an outlier to being the outlier in the entire alliance. >> Jeff: and you can watch mercedes stephenson's entire interview with the ambassador tomorrow morning on "the west

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