
CIHF - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 10:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

deputy prime minister chrystia freeland told reporters. It cannot be the sole duty of the democracies, or of the brave people of ukraine, to pay for putin's war of aggression. Us treasury secretary janet yellen supports the idea, but other g7 finance ministers say there are some tricky technical and legal hurdles that need to be cleared first. And on top of that, each of the european union's 27 countries would have to sign off on any plan that would see russia's financial assets being used to help ukraine. G7 leaders , including prime minister justin trudeau, will be back in italy early next month, where they are expected to finalize any plans to provide financial help to ukraine as for russia, its finance minister had a warning for the west if russian financial assets are used to benefit ukraine. It is prepared to seize western financial assets in its jurisdiction. David-akin "global news" ottawa. >> After the break, extreme heat wave scorching temperatures across india and pakistan are making some homes uninhabitable. More o ANNOUNCER:Who's a fake...Let's get it on. ...and who's the real deal? (Singing) I Can See Your Voice,all newSunday, June 2nd on Global. With majority of my patients with sensitivity, I see irritated gums and weak enamel. Sensodyne sensitivity, Gum & Enamel reliefs sensitivity, helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. I am a big advocate of recommending things that I know work! Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. ( ) ( ) And they steal ideas From your daughters The one they want Fighting, ohh Sublime Elsewhere naked offered divine And touched by them only Fighting - I'm going to grab us some cold foam... coffee...? Wait... Cold foam coffee... at home! - It's International Delight Cold Foam - We're foaming baristas! Foam and cream your coffee with International Delight Cold Foam. It's foaming delicious. So, I know we agreed on price, but this car's taller than I was expecting. Egg? I gotta go. ( ) That's Clutch. ( ) We're finally here! This is wild, man. (Announcer says words on screen) the transportation safety board confirms it is investigating a fatal plane crash north of vancouver. The plane went down friday during inclement weather in a remote area near squamish. Police say they got an automatic notification from a smart phone. The plane went down in rugged terrain across from porto cove and access is difficult. Police say they are not able to confirm details about the crash. A source tells "global news" two people were on board. The tsb says it is coordinating with squamish rcmp and the coroner. At least two people are dead and over 20 others are injured after a russian strike hit the ukrainian city of kharkiv on saturday. Officials in the region say a market in a residential area of the city had been hit, triggering a massive fire emergency services attended the scene to battle and contain the blaze. The city's mayor says many people are still unaccounted for but gave no immediate figures. Officials also added that up to 200 people could have been at the market at the time of the strikes. In india, at least 24 people are dead after a fire burned down a gaming arcade at an amusement park, authorities say the fire is now under control, and search and rescue efforts are underway for anyone else potentially trapped. They also say children are among the deceased and the death toll is expected to rise. Although the cause of the blaze is under investigation, police say they will file a negligence case against the park's owners. It's been four years since the death of george floyd. It was on this day in 2020 that a white police officer, derek chauvin, kneeled on floyd's neck for more than nine minutes. The encounter was caught on video and seen by millions, sparking outrage and international protests calling for change. The mayor of

minneapolis released a statement this morning marking the anniversary, saying that since floyd's death, we have consistently worked together as a city and as a community in the name of change. We have set forth on a journey to reshape policing, not just for minneapolis, but for the entire nation. Hundreds of millions of people across south asia are grappling with a prolonged, intense and dangerous heat wave. In india, people are trying to stay hydrated in the near 50 degree heat. That heat is also making life unbearable across much of pakistan, south asia is no stranger to high temperatures, but as eric sorensen reports, extreme weather fueled by climate change is testing the boundaries of what people can tolerate. >> It is a hot wind that blows in jacobabad, pakistan, sometimes called the hottest city on earth. >> The temperature forecast near 50 celsius about 120°f. It's like the desert. Only people live here. It is very hot, he says. And we are without power. Many hours a day in lahore, 11 million people are sweltering under increasingly dangerous heat. Work goes on, but doctors warn of heat stroke and other health issues. I soak this cloth on my head, I drink water, I work earlier in the morning, says this laborer. This man says the heat is so intense he has to come inside. After ten minutes. They must work. Say these laborers to feed their families. They're accustomed to extreme heat, but not this 46 degree centigrade. Temperatures in the mid 40s in punjab are 6 to 8 degrees higher than usual, says this. Meteorology artist. And no rain is forecast, so it will remain hot. One climate scientist says areas of south asia and southeast asia are experiencing a new normal, where periods of extreme heat and humidity may be uninhabitable, while the intensity of the long period of hot weather. >> I think we will have to make sure that people know about the risks in india. >> The drought is using up groundwater that could cause persistent crop failures, a potential disaster for a country so dependent on farming. >> Increasing temperatures lead to more evapotranspiration and lack of water availability. And the frequency and the intensity of these droughts is supposed to is expected to increase back in pakistan, the government in punjab is closing schools this week. >> Everyone is suffering, says the shopkeeper. Especially children and the sick. Health officials say people should stay inside and not travel, as millions have done little to contribute to global warming. Must ride out extreme heat waves that are likely to get worse with climate change. Eric sorensen, "global news, toronto. >> Well, with some of that sunshine that we saw in parts of the maritimes today, also some wet weather hanging on to some communities this evening, can we expect the next few days to have more sunshine and summer like temperatures? Fbi! Announcer: fbi, fbi: International andFBI: Most Wanted, only on Global. (Sentimental instrumental music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at ( ) Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers. But what's wrong with a little dreaming? Especially when it's shared. With hard work, little dreams grow into big ones. At Kubota, we know that your work never stops. And we're inspired by those who dream - But our equipment is built for dreamers and doers, like you. Kubota, built for those who do. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global.

18 degrees for your high in halifax. Mainly cloudy conditions. Monday. Similar in terms of the skies, but cooler with 14 degrees. And we get into some wet weather in the next few days. We start to dry up and see the skies open up by saturday. Today's temperatures highs closer right on par with seasonal for many into the mid to low 20s. Rather not the mid 20s, although we're lagging behind in communities like charlottetown at 14 degrees. We saw a lot of relief today from the maritime in terms of humidity and that high heat, and that wasn't just for us. That was a pattern for southern quebec, southern ontario as well into northern ontario lagging behind here in southern manitoba, a lot of communities there under some single digit temperatures starting to warm up in the prairies ever so slowly, they'll start to catch up to their seasonal highs in the next few days. We saw some active weather roll through ontario, new york state, and as that approaches the maritimes, this will weaken. We are expecting for the most part, light showers in western nova scotia, parts of the fundy coast tomorrow morning by the evening, this in the atlantic coast towards the east, pushing into cape breton, also towards the moncton and fredericton area. Heading into your monday it will be drier. A lot of us will see some sunshine, especially in pei early in the morning. Moncton some communities though towards cape breton and others along northern new brunswick. More on the cloudy side for much of the day. But yes, it will be dry and that will be much needed because come tuesday the sky roles in the heavy rain towards western nova scotia first pushing into northern new brunswick as well, and this will linger for a number of days, potentially also picking up with it. The winds in our communities tonight, double digits in lunenburg and into digby. Other communities like sydney cooler at five degrees. Come tomorrow. Here we are once again, low 20s, mid teens for some along the atlantic coast. Your next seven days. Here's that heavy rain in fredericton on tuesday. Temperatures dipping down to 18 degrees under that cloud cover. A lot of wind for wednesday as well. 25 by the middle of the week. And then we get into some showers on thursday. Of course, as the weekend starts to roll around once again, the sun makes an appearance. >> Still to come brewing up, some change. A california coffee shop is serving up a double shot of empowerment all: Let's see your voice! With majority of my patients with sensitivity, I see irritated gums and weak enamel. Sensodyne sensitivity, Gum & Enamel reliefs sensitivity, helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. I am a big advocate of recommending things that I know work! ( ) Pure Leaf is the perfect balance Of real brewed iced tea and the delicious taste of real fruit flavours. The lemon flavour you love is now also available with 40% less sugar. So tasty. So refreshing. Pure Leaf. - I'm going to grab us some cold foam... coffee...? Wait... Cold foam coffee... at home! - It's International Delight Cold Foam - We're foaming baristas! Foam and cream your coffee with International Delight Cold Foam. It's foaming delicious. (VO)Take an indulgent moment foryourselfwith wholesome whole grain oats in Nature Valley CrunchyDipped granola squares or with real nuts and darkchocolate in Nature Valley Sweet & Salty bars. Treat yourself with NatureValley. Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. Woo-ha! (Screaming) (Announcer speaks wordson screen) and before we leave you tonight, a coffee shop in los angeles brewed up a unique business plan built on female empowerment. Laurie perez shows us how the company's roots started in mexico and ended up in southern california. >> Every bean for la's cafe. The coffee is roasted slowly and scientifically, knowing when to smell for steam and when to smell for smoke. But cafe owner natalie webb says what makes

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