
CIHF - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

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...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo. >> You're watching global halifax. This is "global news" at six for us. >> In trying to tackle this problem, it was necessary to bring in additional resources. That was food, medicine, and even bedding supplies to help the patients out. >> Tonight. New m-pox strain. Local officials monitor an outbreak in africa. Good evening. Thank you for joining us. We'll have more on that story in a moment. But first, a nova scotia woman claims she was left in the dark after the window company she hired underwent restructuring. She says she's out over $10,000 and left, waiting for answers on when the new management will install her new windows as zack power reports, there's still no word on if or when the company will resume operations. >> It's been nearly nine months since cynthia kent placed an order at her local all-weather windows and doors. >> They came out, did the measurements, and but they they asked for half off of the full amount for a deposit. >> She agreed to give the company over $10,000 as a deposit to replace the windows in her home, but then soon after found out the company was in financial trouble and undergoing restructuring just as she was about to get them installed. >> And then we try. We tried phoning them, saying, look, can we just get our money back? Yeah and then they sent us an email with some legal stuff and basically stating that no "global news" made repeated requests. >> The new ownership group for all-weather, the g8 group of companies, but signs on the burnside location, state the company is out of business until may 15th. Nearly two weeks ago, and a similar message plays from their phone lines to our valued dealers. >> Please be advised that effective april 2nd, 2024, operations of all witter windows and doors will be temporarily suspended until may 15th, 2024. The complexity of the restructuring, combined with ramp up requirements to effectively restart operations, have been challenging, according to dalhousie's dan schorr. >> The case is unusual, but he doesn't expect kent or other customers to get their money back anytime soon. >> If they've already filed for bankruptcy, the chances of them getting the work done would be very slim. I would, I would suggest if just give people their money back. >> How do they sleep at night knowing they've done this to how many people for kent she just wants her windows replaced, even if it means legal action. >> Zack power "global news" shubenacadie nova scotia it's been nearly a year since wildfires forced hundreds of nova scotians to evacuate their communities, and saw many lose their homes. >> And that was just one of the multiple natural disasters that the province has had to face recently. Now, hrm is working on enhancing its emergency management program. Megan king has the details. >> We have a lot of experience responding to emergencies. We have a lot of very, very good staff doing a lot of really, really good work. This is not a reflection on that. This is about building the program around it. >> The findings of a report determining the state of hrm emergency management program was presented to halifax executive standing committee monday. >> Right now, we are strong in terms of the fact that we have good people and we are well practiced in terms of responding to emergencies. The resilience piece, though, is of particular concern because without the documentation and without the training, then we may not be resilient. If we lost 2 or 3 key individuals. >> Cao cathy o'toole says assessing the maturity of emergency management for the city was a priority when she entered her role. Now report findings show that hrm's emergency management program is lacking documentation and structure, recommending a multi-year strategic plan. >> The report comes as a little bit of a surprise to see that some rework has to be done. I was pleased to see that, we are moving ahead with that. >> This is really about creating a sustainable, ongoing piece of, of work that as new people come in, they'll be able to sit down with the with the various plans, read through it, understand the concept of operations, understand where they need to go to get things and be able to kick the tires on it. >> The emergency management accreditation program, known as imap, is an internationally recognized set of standards to assess and continuously improve emergency management programs. Using this framework, plans can be updated on a regular basis while providing a road map on how to build out the program. In the future. >> We need to make sure that, that the plans are actually

going to be able to be put into operations so that involves talking with a whole lot of stakeholders, communities, levels of government, first nations, communities, having managed the way through at least four emergency events last year, approval from the executive standing committee for the report recommendations allows city staff to begin strategic planning. >> Megan king "global news, halifax. >> The dartmouth general hospital foundation officially cut the ribbon to open its new mri unit. The foundation says the 1100 square foot space will significantly increase capacity, helping to tackle year long wait times and improve access for mri patients in the central zone. It will also mean that dartmouth general patients will no longer need to be transported to halifax for urgent scans. The $2 million for the mri unit was funded by donors, with the province also contributing nearly 11 million for suite construction and ongoing operating costs. >> Oh it's huge. Yeah certainly make the timeliness of diagnosis for patients who need an mri way better, and, and also helping reduce the stress on the ers and the transfers. So yeah, it'll lead to far better patient care, more timely patient care. It's really a wonderful. >> The mri suite will operate seven days a week. And is expected to serve 20 to 25 patients each day. A team of scientists from dalhousie university are working alongside field researchers in the democratic republic of the congo, and they've discovered a new strain of m-pox. Unlike typical strains, this one can spread among individuals through community contact. Although the outbreak hasn't reached canada, as ella mcdonald reports, experts are still advising caution. >> Two years ago, there was a major monkeypox outbreak in canada. The virus originated in africa and eventually spread to nova scotia, where more than 1500 cases were reported. Flash forward to 2024 and another m-pox strain has been discovered by dalhousie researchers in a rural area of the democratic republic of the congo. Kamituga and the key feature about this this recent outbreak in kamituga is that we have human to human transmission, and it appears to be pretty efficient because the outbreak has continued on without abatement since september of last year, unlike the outbreak we had here in nova scotia, this new strain has a higher fatality rate and can spread through heterosexual sex and even through community exposure. >> During covid, we basically had these different variants of the virus, such as the alpha, the beta, the gamma, the delta variants and something similar we are analyzing here with m-pox. >> Although the outbreak is half a world away, the lead researcher says we can never be too careful. >> It hasn't reached here yet, but I would be on guard for it and be very careful with any any travel to africa, especially drc. >> In a statement, nova scotia health says the public health agency assesses the likelihood of m-pox importation into canada from the drc to be low to moderate and there have been no cases of it reported yet. However there are still reports of m-pox infections happening in canada through dna sequencing. Kelvin and his team have found several genetic mutations in the new strain that make it hard to treat. >> There is a vaccine, but the vaccine is not widespread in drc right now. In addition to that, there are anti virals and the antivirals can be used. But they need to be distributed throughout drc. This virus may have a potential for an even wider spread, epidemic or outbreak or even pandemic. >> Ella macdonald, "global news" halifax. >> Halifax police say they are continuing to investigate a weapons offense in dartmouth at around 530 sunday morning, several shots were fired at a parked car on valkyrie crescent. A 22 year old man was arrested moments later and appeared in dartmouth provincial court this morning to face 14 charges, including possession of a weapon and unauthorized possession of a weapon. There were no reported injuries as. Two new brunswick now where a social media post by premier blaine higgs on the province's sexual education regime is drawing attention from across the country. The post is critical of a recent presentation in some new brunswick high schools. But as silas brown reports, students at an expert agree teens want and need reliable information. Reporter the slide, posted to social media by premier blaine higgs, lists off what the presenter said are common questions the group receives when it visits high schools. >> A sexual education researcher says it's clear that youth are curious about the sorts of topics shown in that slide. >> We do know from the research our organization has done, that youth have a wide range of questions. >> That's the executive director of the sex information and education council of canada,

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