
CIHF - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>> You're watching "global news" morning >> Hey, welcome back to "global news" morning for this monday, may 27th, let's take a look at your local news headlines with the focus on new brunswick for this newscast. Well, what was supposed to be a high school hpv presentation is raising concerns with some new brunswickers. Now, while the presenters say a photo of the slide show is being taken out of context, others say it shouldn't have been shown at all. Anna mandin has more on this one. For us, this morning. >> Upset parents have the ear of the new brunswick premier. They're speaking out about a high school hpv presentation. It was put on by hpv global action using its online resource called thirsty for the talk, a photo of the slide show garnered a strong reaction, with premier blaine higgs. In a post on x, formerly known as twitter, he called the presentation clearly inappropriate and beyond the scope of an hpv presentation. He said its contents have left him furious, saying this is not part of the new brunswick curriculum and that it was a result either of misrepresentation by the organization or improper vetting. But hpv global action's president disputes that. She says an outline of the presentation was submitted to schools for approval beforehand. As for the photo, she says it was not intended to encourage those actions but to discuss the dangers of unsafe sex, including questions that young people often have. She says that she has the same goal as concerned parents. >> We want to help protect our children, and we are of the same common mindset that we are also preoccupied about where our children are getting their wrong and misguided information on the web. >> Online reaction has been polarizing. A post by father and pastor in quispamsis brant ingersoll gained hundreds of likes and comments on facebook with an open letter denouncing a lack of parental consent for the presentations. He said his daughter felt uncomfortable and he called for less focus on graphic sexual content in schools. Another quispamsis parent, amanda rose, posted a response in support of sexual education in schools, saying it was the beginning of a full presentation about hpv and sexual health. Higgs says the organization will no longer be allowed to present in new brunswick schools, a move norris calls unfortunate anna mandin "global news" moncton new brunswick's proposed changes to sick day coverage are currently on hold, which has supporters claiming that the government is trying to quietly abandon the initiative altogether. >> Silas brown explains. >> New brunswick's labor minister greg turner, says the proposal to mandate paid sick days for the province's private sector workers isn't dead, but that it won't move forward without national alignment. >> I'm working very closely with my counterparts across the country to make sure that we have some alignment between the different provinces of the different jurisdictions, so it doesn't vary from province to province and province. >> Those comments are being panned by a number of stakeholders, including green party mla megan mitton. >> That's a ridiculous excuse to not ensure that all workers have paid sick days in new brunswick. >> The greens introduced legislation last year that would see all workers get ten paid sick days with government support to help small business through the transition. That bill was booted to the law amendments committee for further study and public hearings. That report has yet to be tabled with the legislature, and will turner said it's coming soon. Mitton remains skeptical. >> I think they've been trying to bury the report because, the report probably says that there should be paid sick days. >> The canadian federation of independent business is also criticizing turner's desire for alignment, and wants the province to drop the issue altogether. >> Each province has different realities. It's a benefit that business owners want to have control of. Do we offer it or not? And it's part of the differentiating package that they're offering to employees. >> Anti-poverty organization common front says the delays from the government are unacceptable and continue to force many workers from choosing between staying home when they're sick or being able to pay their bills. >> There are people right now who are going to work. They're sick because they can't stay home without pay. So what that does is it just spreads any illness virus, covid is still around. It just spreads it. And then everyone at work gets sick. >> There are two weeks of sitting days left before the legislature rises for the summer ahead of october's election. Silas brown, "global news, fredericton on the site of a former rehabilitation facility in grand bay, westfield has been turned over now for conservation. >> In 2020, the facility moved its programming to ridgewood addiction services in saint john buildings located at the longwater farm road site were torn down. The 167 hectare parcel of land sits directly above the nerepis river, which will allow people more access to the water. It's a popular space for people to fish, but also rich with biodiversity and several at risk wildlife species . >> To have a spot where the people in the community can come , put their kayaks in, put their paddle boards in when they don't own waterfront was really, really important to me. >> The province set a goal of

doubling its conservation land back in 2022, and with the addition of lone water farm road, the total now sits at 30. A group of new brunswickers spent their weekend in the woods with their chainsaws, all in an effort to serve their communities. Global's anna mandin has more on this one. >> Warning trees were harmed in the making of this video. It's all for a good cause. Disaster relief organization team rubicon held a chainsaw workshop this weekend. >> Chainsaws are used in many disasters as hurricane fiona being one of recent memory. It's a great tool to open routes so that fire, ambulance and other emergency services can get through with a background in construction, team rubicon member rob emond travelled from P.E.I. to learn chainsaw skills. >> It's just to be able to help somebody out the time of need. >> All the participants are volunteers hoping to use their skills to serve their communities. This weekend, they're tidying up trees for camp maple leaf, which is for children of military members. That's fitting because team rubicon is veteran led team rubicon is open to veterans, emergency responders, and, wonderful civilians. >> It's, anybody that has a need and a desire to serve others is very welcome. >> Amanda mcdonald is from cape breton. She works with veterans and joined team rubicon for some camaraderie with her clients. She's hoping to take the skills she learned for storm cleanup in her home community. >> Toonie you get a rush from it? And, you just feel accomplished when you can actually do something that makes a difference. >> It's not just sawing. Participants are taught first aid and chainsaw maintenance. It's all important when handling unique disaster situations when we're dealing with trees that are fallen, perhaps broken, laying on top of each other so it can be fairly complex cuts. Team members are preparing to take the skills they learned home with them. Chainsaw anna mandin "global news" crews greenhill lake, new brunswick. >> And let's say good morning and happy monday, I guess to ross hull. Good morning ross. >> Happy monday paul, I know you're an avid biker. I was able to get out there over the weekend, which was great. It's always nice to be able to do those types of things that we enjoy over the weekend, and it wasn't necessarily biking, but it was walking that you were up to yesterday. Yeah exactly. >> I was in lower sackville for the annual ms walks, so thanks to all the volunteers and organizers and the walkers who took part in nearly 200 walkers, ross and almost $80,000 raised for you know, hoping for a future to end. Ms. So it was a real positive, powerful experience. So a great time in lower sackville at a beautiful park called acadia park. And the rain just started when the walk ended, so that was a pretty good timing. >> I'm happy to hear and I of course I made sure that was all the way unfolded. Paul I'm glad that you got the event in without a major downpour, and we're going to stay mainly dry across the area today. We do have some wet weather though in the forecast. More towards tomorrow, and I'll talk about that in a moment as we take a look at a wider perspective. You can see relatively quiet. Sure, some mist and fog. For some this morning that should clear out, although I do expect us to be into mostly cloudy conditions by the afternoon as that disturbance starts to advance. But a closer look is seeing not much going on when it comes to precipitation. A southeast wind. Currently, we'll get into a bit more of a southwesterly wind over the next 24 hours or so, and we're starting off with temperatures in the high single digits, low double digits for most. Although we're in the mid single digits this morning around places like sydney. Good morning to you there. As we look at your forecast conditions today, 13 to 15 degrees around the hrm 17 is the normal or average high. So a little cooler than average. We'll get up to the low 20s high teens as we head through most areas in new brunswick. So let's take a look at how it works. There's the cloud cover. This afternoon. Then we're watching out for this boundary that's going to move through bringing the potential for some showers. Some thunderstorms could be some heavier downpours. With this of course we do need the rain. It's been quite dry, but we don't need heavy rain in a short amount of time. So we'll have to watch out for that. Most of this now should clear out by wednesday, and then there will be the chance of more showers developing at times next week. Rainfall amounts at this point look to be in the 15 to 20 millimeter range for most, although locally this could be 25 plus millimeters if we do get into those heavier thunderstorms. So unsettled tomorrow. High of 19 in fredericton. Then we see temperatures rise back up with sunshine 23 on wednesday into the high teens thursday and friday. Low 20s for this upcoming weekend. Wet weather on tuesday for the hrm 20 on wednesday, the chance of some showers on thursday. At this point, though, looking ahead to the weekend, temperatures ranging just around average at 17 with the sun cloud mix. And that's a look at your ok tire weather. Announcer: What is StackTV? You guys are gonna wanna see this. Ha-ha! It's a streaming service that bundles the biggest channels and hottest shows

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