
CIHF - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

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be seen as a hail mary pass to appeal to disillusioned voters. 80 year old peter lyons remembers his uncle being called up to serve. He says the plan is a reflection of global instability. >> They suddenly woken up to the fact that the british armed forces are not anywhere near prepared to fight a war anywhere. >> Former social worker steve outterson believes it's purely election politics. >> I think it's a gimmick, you know, it will never see the light of day. I think it's just clutching at straws. I think if you really care about young people's welfare, you would invest properly in education. >> The idea is far from unique in europe. Many peaceful nations have forms of mandatory military service among them denmark, finland and switzerland. Redmond shannon "global news, london. >> 12 people were injured by severe turbulence on a cutter airways flight from doha to dublin. It happened while flying over turkey. The plane, a boeing 787 dreamliner, still managed to land safely as scheduled, but passengers on board say the turbulence lasted less than 20s and occurred during food and drink service. This incident follows similarly severe turbulence on a singapore airlines flight nearly a week ago, where dozens of passengers were injured and a man died of a suspected heart attack. A graphic artist who designed tragically hip themed canadian travel posters has caught the attention of the band. As jay durant explains, these posters are now being sold across the country. >> A little background music for inspiration island, his creative partner adam rogers came up with a unique idea to showcase their client. Mitchell presses capabilities. >> It'd be kind of cool to do travel posters that were based on the tragically hip songs. >> Drawing from a classic canadian style, the finished products posted on social media quickly caught the attention of the kingston band, and they got a call from the tragically hip and said, wow, I don't even know about this project. >> Really interesting. Maybe we can talk about it. >> Now the complete set is being sold on the hip's website. On their 40th anniversary, a hip trip around canada incorporating some hidden nuggets from those well known lyrics. >> Weathervane. Jesus. At the top of this we have ry cooder up in here, singing his eulogy could have been the willie nelson, or it could have been the wine. I probably went through their whole catalog. We actually ended up hiring a writer to help us with that, because we really wanted it to have, like a advertising feel to the writing. >> This is not bilal's first tragically hip themed work. He created a commemorative poster for rogers arena during the farewell tour in 2016, back when he was more of a casual fan. >> I probably had 2 to 3 albums and now I probably, you know, I listen to them all the time. Shaking now that now that my hands are steady. >> Sydney john's also an instructor at the wilson school of design from this project that's quickly taken off. There's a lesson here that he will continue to share with his students. >> You're going to get overwhelmed by the software and the technology and all of those things. But at the end of the day, it's all about imagination, and it will be the one thing that will keep you in the industry. >> Jay durant "global news" >> Well done. And that is what's making national and international news. You're watching "global news" morning on this monday. I'll see you in a little bit, paul is back right after this. Don't go away. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. Announcer: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. (Song in Italian) ("il geghegè" by Rita Pavone) ( ) Fiery with a cooling finish. The Nashville-Style Hot Chicken part of the new Globally Inspired Subway Series.

( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. (cheerful piano music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) The Ferrero Rocher chocolate bar. Crunchy hazelnuts, smooth chocolate, creamy filling. Make any moment worth celebrating. Ferrero Rocher. The candles are for ambiance. And to disguise the fact that you wore your bathing suit to dinner. Come find your Island. Prince Edward Island ANNOUNCER:Hidden Assets, new series Wednesday,June 5th on Global. >> You're watching "global news" morning >> Welcome back to "global news" morning. Well, this week marks national accessibility week across canada. This special week is dedicated to celebrating the valuable contributions and leadership of canadians with disabilities, as well as promoting efforts to increase accessibility and inclusion right across the country, including here in nova scotia. This year's na theme is accessibility is within reach, and there are a ton of events over the course of the next several days, especially here in this province and here to help us navigate it. We welcome in chelsea coffin and emery parsons from the group known as reachability. Chelsea emery, good morning. Good morning. Yeah welcome into the show. Thank you. So tell us a bit about what you folks do at reachability. What do you do chelsea I'm the agency manager for reachability okay. >> And I'm a self-management facilitator okay. >> And of course, I know tova sherman, who's been on this show many times. So, you know, tova gave you guys the opportunity to come on this side. And her face this morning. >> That's right. Yes, exactly. >> So listen, I know things are quite busy, like how many events do you have on the go and just how much of an undertaking is this entire week for your organization? >> We have a few events scheduled each day, so na runs from may 26th until june 1st, and we have virtual events that are running as well as in person events every day this week. Yeah, exactly. >> So how many people behind the scenes kind of get this week off the ground? >> It's kind of all hands on deck. So about we're a staff of about 16 people. So okay, 16 mean 16 of us all working on this. >> An event for every person. Yeah. Which gets us into some of the like focusing in on how to navigate through all this, because there's so many events like 20 that you mentioned. And emery, for you, the homecoming series is something that's kind of on your agenda. Why don't you tell us more about what that's all about? >> Yeah. So we were able to give back to a community that means a lot to us. So I chose to give back to lucasville. I have a lot of good memories in lucasville. My father grew up there. I'm a proud parsons, so I was able to donate two wheelchairs, one to the lucasville community center and then one to the lucasville united baptist church. Wow. And the reason why I chose wheelchairs is because there is a growing population of seniors in that community. So I reached out to residents of the community, asked them what could I do to help provide some accessibility in that area and wheelchairs? Was it? No way. Yeah. I was so happy. >> So how did that make you feel now to kind of give back in that way? >> You know, it just put a smile on my face knowing that I made somebody's day a little bit easier. Yeah. >> Yeah, exactly. So this series is kind of happening all week. You're going to see other announcements throughout the province I think. >> Absolutely. Yeah that's great. >> Also there's an e-learning component to this too. Chelsea, that's something you wanted to handle this morning. Yeah. >> Yeah. So tovah sherman our ceo, she has been doing keynote speaking for almost 30 years on disability and inclusion. And we have recently shifted to e-learning, which is putting two of our most popular modules at the moment, disability confidence and hiring. And retaining. Expanding your talent pool in the workplace. Tovah has taken those modules and turned it into e-learning to make her message a little bit more affordable and accessible for sole proprietors, as well as small businesses. >> Okay. And how can people kind of access that throughout this week? >> So that launches on may 31st. The first day of na. And you can find all of the information for that. You can start to purchase e-learning at reachability org slash courses. Okay >> And so I guess you know, the

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