
CIHF - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

responsibly and consider the safety of all harbour users. The new handbook offers easy to understand information about rules, regulations, safety equipment requirements and emergency contact numbers. You can access the digital version on the port of halifax website. An update now to a story we brought you earlier this week. A halifax bus driver has been honored with an award of excellence after narrowly avoiding a collision with a semi truck recently. The driver, carrying almost two dozen kids, says he was simply doing his job. Zack-power was at the ceremony and brings us the details. >> For terry brown, being in the spotlight isn't something that he's used to. >> Everybody's calling me a hero. I don't feel like a hero. I just feel like I done my job the best I could do it. >> Colleagues tend to disagree. >> Definitely a hero in our books. His kids. He saved their lives. You didn't even think about it. To just applied the brakes. You know I'm sick. Seconds. I would have taken to stop, and he didn't even hesitate. >> You see, just a week ago, he stopped his school bus from 100km an hour to 0 in 6 seconds, narrowly avoiding an overturned tractor trailer that fell from the overpass above, sparing only a foot. >> I would say this is the most extraordinary thing I've ever seen a bus driver do, and we're very fortunate that mr. Brown acted so quickly in such heroic manner. It would have been a very tragic event which would have really had a huge impact on rocky lake. >> Terry left with a check. A community hero award and a little praise from some of the students at the junior high. >> It's actually pretty cool that he saved everyone and you know, it was pretty close to the truck. I have a few friends on that bus and I'm very grateful that he helped out and all that. I was like, oh my god, I kind of like got scared for sek. Like I was already shivering, but everything's all right. >> Like an 18 wheeler just fell off an overpass and they were all just scared. But they made it out. >> Terry will continue his route, but all of his students left with a lesson that they'll never forget. >> If one of those children were standing up and with me with the brakes, the heart, how hard on. And I had them on. I don't know what would have happened to that child. >> Zack-power "global-news" halifax still ahead on "global" news. >> Anthony-farnell has your latest weather details, but first, israel is ordered to halt its offensive in rafah. More on the ruling by the un's top court. After this (sigh) Italy... KFC's $5 Sandwich of the Day is back. Only in Canada. Have a great trip... What? Sit down. Not everyone's happy. But you will be. ( ) Financial goals. At Fidelity, we know that everyone's got them. And they're all different. But the one thing we share? We all want to get to them sooner. ( ) (Pop music plays) Circle it ( ) Circle You let me circle it ( ) I can find anything if I circle it ( ) Let me circle it So let me circle it ( ) (Wind blows) (Lively Orchestral Music) (Lively Orchestral Music) ( ) Pure Leaf is the perfect balance Of real brewed iced tea and the delicious taste of real fruit flavours. The lemon flavour you love is now also available with 40% less sugar. So tasty. So refreshing. Pure Leaf. Meet my boyfriend. Jake. Sup everyone. What is all over your feet? They're flowers, I study botany. Resting dad face back there likes plants too. Grab some pruners. Let's prune. You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) Is that a Cheestring? I'll trade you my bagel for it. How about my pirate's treasure? Mystery Orb? I offer Cthulhu, the World Eater! I'll stick with the Cheestring. Keep it Cheesy. Cheestrings, only from Black Diamond. >> We're watching "global news" >> Israel has been ordered to stop all of its military operations in rafah. The international court of justice

saying conditions in gaza have deteriorated even further from its last ruling in march, calling the current humanitarian conditions disastrous. Crystal-goomansingh has the latest on the court's ruling by a vote of 13 judges to two. >> The international court of justice has ordered israel to halt military operations in rafah. Now, this order is a part of a larger case brought forward by south africa, alleging that israel is violating the genocide convention now as a part of this order today, there were additional requests, orders really against israel telling it to maintain an unimpeded access of the rafah border crossing for humanitarian aid to flow through. Right now, that border crossing is closed. They have not been moving anything through that particular crossing, so they've been ordered to make sure it is open. They've also been told to allow for unimpeded access of investigate matters. Any fact finding missions under the united nations umbrella to see if there is any evidence of acts of genocide. Israel has also been told that it is to submit a written report within one month's time, showing how it is addressing the court's concerns. Now, this order is legally binding, but whether or not israel will actually stop its operations in rafah, that's still to be determined. And the court, while I said it's legally binding, doesn't have any enforcement mechanisms to ensure it happens, we have not heard yet from any israeli officials. But in the past we have heard from the legal team who mounted a defense just recently in the hague saying that, you know, this area in rafah is imperative to ensuring israel's security and protecting its civilians. We also heard the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, say numerous times that this operation is key to ensuring israeli security. So it's not clear if they will actually follow the court's orders. However, this could add to more international pressure against israel. It is important to note that the judge also talked about the israeli hostages believed to still be held in rafah in gaza in general. They had said that the judge had said that he is deeply troubled by the hostages remaining in captivity, and called for their immediate release. The un has noted that roughly 800,000 people who were originally displaced from other areas of gaza had gone to rafah and now have left rafah, and the court is not convinced that a measures are in place to ensure that they have enough food, water and shelter, and an order has been issued for israel to halt operations in rafah. Crystal-goomansingh "global news, london. >> Canada's competition bureau has launched investigations into the parent companies of loblaws and sobeys. Court documents reveal alleged anti competitive conduct by loblaw and empire, saying the grocery giant's use property controls to limit competition in the sector. Those property controls give the companies the ability to exclude potential competitors from selling food in certain regions, or dictate the terms that allow them to do business. Sobeys owner empire has pushed back on the investigation, calling it unlawful, while loblaws says they are cooperating with the review and that they encourage the opening of new stores. The news comes as canada's grocers come under scrutiny over inflated prices and alleged price fixing. Documentary film maker morgan spurlock has died. The oscar nominee is best known for his film super size me, in which he famously ate only mcdonald's for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast food diet. According to his family. He passed away in new york on thursday from complications from cancer. Spurlock was just 53 years old. >> The sky remains clear to start the weekend, and with low humidity, there is an increased fire risk. We'll talk more about that and whether or not we' announcer: What is StackTV? Woman: You're not gonna believe this. Three, two, one, go. StackTV is a streaming service for your whole family. Let's get into it. StackTV is drama, and comedy... What's happening? I'm in. StackTV is action... Please do them now. And a dose of reality. Every single turn. StackTV is everything you want and so much more. This is fun. (Exclaiming) That is StackTV. We're back, baby! What! Are you ready for it? Watch now with your free trial. -(Siren blaring)-Melissa! I want youto remember me forever. There really is somebodyfor everybody. (Screaming) What do you do if your child needs hospital treatment but your family lives far away? Ronald McDonald House is a place for families to stay while their child

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