
CIHF - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

had had on you personally, but that effect must make objective sense. In other words, if you're a very, very sensitive person and you're upset that your name has been taken, you're not going to recover very much. >> Thursday's data dump to the dark web significant 300gb. It is unclear if lockbit is finished with london drugs or plans to release more stolen info in the days ahead. Jordan armstrong "global news" an emergency response is underway after a massive landslide flattened dozens of homes in a remote village in northern papua new guinea. >> More than 50 homes, many with people still asleep inside, were buried when the landslide hit at around 3 A.M. local time, residents say. Estimates of the death toll were above 100, although officials have not confirmed that figure. The country's prime minister says authorities are responding to the disaster and he will release more information when it becomes available. Weather experts are predicting an exceptionally busy atlantic hurricane season this year. >> This season is looking to be an extraordinary one in a number of ways, based on our data and models. With the el nino la nina playing out a significant role, the key this year as in any year, is to get prepared and stay prepared. We're going to be emphasizing that throughout these comments. It's the best way to reduce risk, especially the risk of potential loss of life. Now the us national oceanic and atmospheric administration announced that warm sea temperatures and falling wind shear condition are expected to result in an increased number of storms that are also stronger than usual. >> Experts say there's an 85% chance for an above average hurricane season, with 4 to 7 major hurricanes. The forecast is the highest the organization has ever issued in its may outlook. The 2024 atlantic hurricane season begins on june first. Former president donald trump held a rare republican campaign rally in the bronx, new york, in a state that hasn't gone red in a presidential election since the era of ronald reagan. Trump is hoping the move will help peel away black and hispanic voters from president biden this november. At the same time, the biden-harris campaign is trying to gain support from a certain faction of gop voters. Esther martinez explains. >> Together, we are going to make new york city great again. >> Former president donald trump took the campaign stage in the bronx, an area that voted overwhelmingly blue four years ago. >> The simple fact is, joe biden is not getting the job done for the bronx. He's not getting the job done for new york. >> The native new yorker is also trying to woo black and hispanic voters away from the democratic party. >> I think that we should listen to both sides of the argument and then make informed decisions in the best interests of black people. >> President biden spent yesterday hosting kenya's president, the first african leader to have a state visit in 16 years. In a new political ad, his campaign paints trump's past dealings with black americans as adversarial. >> He was sued for refusing to rent his apartments to black families and called for the execution of five innocent black and brown teenagers. The trump campaign denounced the ad as a, quote, cheap attempt from the biden campaign to gaslight black voters. >> Meanwhile, the biden-harris campaign is trying to lure supporters of former un ambassador nikki haley after she announced this week that she will vote for trump. I'm happy the governor haley, decided to come around and unite the party, as trump's so-called hush money trial is set to come to a close next week. A new cbs news poll shows that more than half of americans believe trump is definitely or probably guilty. Trump denies all wrongdoing. Astrid martinez, cbs news, new york. >> Now to some stunning new images to show you that are literally out of this world. The european space agency released this. Five images from the euclid telescope. They feature unprecedented views of a star forming region in the milky way and clusters of hundreds of galaxies. Now, the telescope will spend the next few years gathering images to help scientists understand two of the universe's greatest mysteries dark matter and dark energy. And that is what's making national and international news. For this friday, may 24th, you are watching "global news" morning announcer: Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at We're traveling all acrossCanada to talk to peopleabout their hearts.

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