
CIHF - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

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biden campaign to gaslight black voters. >> Meanwhile, the biden harris campaign is trying to lure supporters of former un ambassador nikki haley after she announced this week that she will vote for trump. >> I'm happy that governor haley decided to come around and unite the party as trump's so-called hush money trial is set to come to a close next week. >> A new cbs news poll shows that more than half of americans believe trump is definitely, or probably guilty. Trump denies all wrongdoing. Astrid martinez, cbs news, new york. >> Well, if you've ever bought a ticket to an event or a concert, you've most certainly used ticketmaster, its parent company, live nation, dominates the market when it comes to concert promotion tickets and venues. And now the us justice department says live nation is too big. Eric sorensen has more on a legal battle that could reshape the multibillion dollar live entertainment industry. >> When millions of people could not buy taylor swift eras tour tickets two years ago, public anger coalesced around ticketmaster and its dominance in ticket sales asked swifties like halifax elizabeth o'hanley about the prices she ultimately faced there $3,600. >> So unless you're willing to pay that much, you're just not going to get a ticket. >> Now, the us justice department and most U.S. states are suing the parent company, live nation. >> Live nation relies on unlawful anticompetitive conduct to exercise its monopolistic control over the live events industry in the united states, washington says live nation ticketmaster controls 80% of primary ticketing at major us concert venues, manages more than 400 artists, and controls the majority of large concert venues and promotions in the us. >> And then there is ticketmaster's additional fees, ticketing fees, service fees, convenience fees and the list just went on and on per order fees, handling fees. It is a climb down for the us government, which allowed live nation to merge with ticketmaster in 2010. Critics say the government has no choice but to bring more competition into the live concert industry. >> The engine of lower prices is competition, and competition is something that's been absent in this area for decades now. Really, the only way to resolve it is to break up the company. >> Ticketmaster. >> Learn valuable lessons from this on sale live nation's president told a congressional hearing last year that bots and scalpers were responsible for high ticket prices. >> In a statement, live nation says this lawsuit won't reduce ticket prices or service fees, and distracts from real solutions that would decrease prices and protect fans. What could it mean? In canada? >> We always say more competition is more choices for canadians, so obviously we're going to be looking at what has been announced in the united states. >> Any investigation in this country would come from the competition bureau, which reached a settlement with live nation over extra fees in 2018. They are most likely watching very carefully what the americans are doing, and then they would have to decide whether they think that they would like to investigate it. The case follows years of backlash from concert goers. It could be many more years before it's settled. Eric sorensen, "global news" toronto. >> Now to some stunning new images to show you that are literally out of this world. The european space agency released this. Five images from the euclid telescope. They feature unprecedented views of a star forming region in the milky way and clusters of hundreds of galaxies. Now, the telescope will spend the next few years gathering images to help scientists understand two of the universe's greatest mysteries dark matter and dark energy. And that is what's making national and international news. For this friday, may 24th, you are watching "global news" morning. We'll be right back. We have got a great, great show for you here today. Announcer: From the latest talks... Welcome to Canada's morning show. We've never done this before. I have a little confession. With the newest twists. What? I have big plans. And this is how you tell me? Global's got you covered all day long. What?! Both: Hey! Discover what's trending withthe hosts you love, and indulge on the dramayou can't resist. It feels right when we're together. I would watch. It's all on Global. [camera shutter] [cameraman]: Next. ( ) [camera shutter] ( ) -Smiling first can help... -Next. ..someone find the courage to do the same. ( ) [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups]

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