
CIHF - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

psma pet scan because only for that pet scan. I would think in several months my body would have been just going crazy with cancer. So it's a life saving high tech technology. Wow. >> So how are you feeling today after all this, wayne? >> I feel top of the world. I feel amazed and brave and happy and contented. And I thank god and I think people like all the doctors and all the nurses and all the staff and my wonderful wife juanita, that has been with me on this whole journey, and my friends that has been with me on this whole journey, and it also really reach out to all of those people out there. And I wrap my arms around them and, and just love them for putting their hands really deep down in their pocket. And they were the ones who picked out the funds and took out the funds to make this a pet scan available for people just like me to save lives like myself. And I want to say thank you now. >> Well said, how do you respond when you see a patient like that having success, well, it's great to see folks having good outcomes, and I'm very glad to see that he's doing well and obviously enjoying a life which is which is great. And that's really what we want to see. >> Exactly. So thanks so much for joining us this morning. We're up against the for time, but we've got three newfoundlanders here in nova scotia on tv. Wayne doctor david barnes. And don't forget to get your tickets for the qe2 home lottery. And, wayne, last word to you. >> Less support, support, support. Absolutely. And for every man out there, just don't go by your psa. My psa is very low. Make sure you have the digital done with save lives and so again, let us all continue to put our hands in our pocket to support the qe2 because I'm a walking example. You helped to save my life. You helped to give me a new lease on life. So let's go with it folks. Let's keep on supporting. >> And don't forget about the qe2 home lottery. The final prize deadline is midnight tonight. Head to the website qe2 home lottery dot com or call 1-800-233-4877. Right back with more "global news" morning after this. ALL:Let's see your voice! [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] ( ) ( ) Power through your to-do list... ( ) ( ) and create a space that makes a splash. Find stihl tools, starting at $179.99. Shop local. Buy stihl. Find yours at Need help reducing the look of your dark spots? New nivea luminous630 dark spot solution 10 years of research. 1 patented solution. Reduce the look of dark spots and try the world's #1 dark-spot serum for luminous skin. 100% Satisfaction Or Your Money Back. [ticking clock] Are you gonna tell me how you did it? [heist music plays] [music intensifies] Grrrr! [applause] ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at The candles are for ambiance. And to disguise the fact that you wore your bathing suit to dinner. Come find your Island. Prince Edward Island Are you ready to playBig Brother? Mmm, are you ready? You don't wanna miss out. Announcer: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. We came here with skills, -to keep me alive and thriving.- (Man grunting) Look at that shadow. That's the shadowof a warrior hunter. (Announcer says words on screen) Stream on StackTVand the GlobalTV app.

>> You're watching "global news" morning >> Welcome back to the friday edition of "global news" morning. It is may 24th. Let's have a look at your local news headlines. With the focus on new brunswick this time around. Now, the chief of the saint mary's first nation is speaking out after receiving a leaked email where a fredericton high school teacher appears to compare a recent powwow at the school to having a priest come in to perform communion. Silas brown explains this one for us this morning in a leaked email posted to social media on thursday morning, a fredericton high school teacher says they object to the holding of a powwow at the school due to its spiritual nature. >> The teacher says that spiritual events should not take place at the school, and compares powwows to a priest holding a prayer vigil. Sydney first nation chief allan polchies posted the email on social media thursday morning, and he said he was disappointed to see the comments. He says powwows at schools help foster understanding and learning. >> We're sharing the space with our brothers and sisters, the newcomers, the anglophones, the francophones and the indigenous people. They all go to school together every single day, so it's important that we understand who we are. Everyone that attends those schools, the fredericton high school hosted a powwow on may 21st. >> Another is upcoming at leo hayes high school next week. A spokesperson for anglophone west did confirm that they are aware of emails related to the powwow, and are taking it seriously. They went on to say that powwows are encouraged and supported across the school district as a way to celebrate and share indigenous teachings and knowledge. She said that while indigenous identity is often tied up in spirituality, powwows are really a chance to share their identity and culture. >> We want to share our culture. We. It's an educational for those that are not familiar and why we dance, why we sing, why we share our stories and why we speak our language. >> So dances is set to hold its annual powwow in june and, as always, is inviting the entire fredericton community. Silas brown, "global news, fredericton food banks canada has released a report card that gives sweeping failing grades to new brunswick and nova scotia. >> According to the report, both provinces have seen an increase in overall poverty rates as well as food insecurity. Nathalie sturgeon has the details. >> The poverty levels in new brunswick and nova scotia are not improving, according to a new report by food banks canada. The report gave failing grades to both provinces, each earning a d minus. >> Also reflects what we're seeing day to day. Among persons with a mobility disability, people with a disability and single mothers are the two most impoverished populations in this province. So, we're we're helping people navigate through, you know, these hardships every day here we have a d minus. >> So it's still a long way from being acceptable in new brunswick. >> The poverty rate rose from 10.9, up from 6.7% last year. Similarly in nova scotia, those living in poverty rose from 8.9 to 13.1. Food insecurity also rose for both provinces. Both ability, new brunswick and nova scotia say poverty leads to poor health outcomes. >> Just they're not getting the nutrition they need, not getting the quantity of food they need, and it's affecting their health and well-being. >> Flaro says many people compromise on their food budget first to take care of housing costs, bills and other priorities, and while giving money to frontline organizations is important, the reduction of poverty is what is actually needed. >> But but giving money to frontline agencies is not the solution. It's not going to bring down that level. So one measure that nova scotia achieved was indexing income brackets to inflation. >> But food banks canada says a poverty reduction plan is needed in new brunswick. The organization is advocating for a revision of the poverty reduction strategy and to devote future surpluses to the cause. Nathalie sturgeon, "global news" saint john a tense disagreement between lobster fishermen in northern new brunswick and the federal government appears to be resolved. >> This follows the fishermen's refusal to remove their traps from the water after an endangered right whale was spotted near miscou island. Suzanne-lapointe has more after an endangered right whale was spotted in a lobster fishing area near the acadian peninsula on saturday, the department of fisheries and oceans enacted a 15 day closure of the area. >> At the height of fishing season. The dfo claimed the whale had been spotted eight fathoms deep, which requires the closure of an entire area for conservation reasons. >> We're talking about a huge, huge, difficult situation for a small community like like in my riding, that depend heavily on fisheries. And this is why we need to solve this. >> The maritime fishermen's union claimed the whale had been seen between 10 and 20 fathoms, which would only entail a smaller closure. They refused to remove their lobster traps on wednesday evening, prompting federal fisheries and oceans minister jean le bouthillier to

hold emergency meetings with stakeholders thursday. The fishermen's union says they were told by the deputy minister that dfo dispatched a coast guard vessel and confirmed the whale was at 13 fathoms. That would mean there would only be a smaller closure. >> We're good to go. We've got an opening. I think effective immediately, and, our fishermen will be able to fish, on the coast. >> The federal minister's press secretary refused to confirm the details of the closure and any details from thursday's meetings . The fishermen's union says it's pleased with the development and is standing down on previous talks of further action. >> It's important to remember that there's still, you know, a good third of the zone that's closed right now and that and that's fine. I mean, once again, we're we want to we want to support these whale protection measures as, as best as we can. It's just dfo made a made an error here. >> He says there will still be a financial loss due to the partial closure. Suzanne-lapointe "global news" moncton. >> Let's say good morning and happy friday to ross-hull ross. You're going to have to carry the show for me this morning, sir. I was out till 11. I went to bed at 11 last night after an east coast lifestyle foundation event in bayers lake. And then I was awoken by the sounds of thunder, I think at 1 A.M. was I dreaming or was that real? >> No, you were not dreaming. I can confirm, paul. There was a thunderstorm reported at halifax stanfield and around the area overnight, the good news is, most of the rainfall will have cleared. We've got some mist and some fog out there, but we unfortunately had to get through it overnight and wake you up. But good for you for staying on, because I know getting to bed that late can be a big challenge. And you got to rest because you've got some other important activities, heading into the weekend, right? >> Yes, exactly. On sunday afternoon, I'll be in lower sackville. I believe it's acadia park for the mass walk event for 2024, which the timing of that is much more in my wheelhouse, like 2:00 in the afternoon. So I'll be ready to rock for that event and looking forward to the walk. Coming up for a great cause. >> Yeah. And where I have to come in is I have to provide some good weather for you. Right this weekend and for all those activities. And I think I can deliver on that, so, yeah. Let me take this on for you, paul. You take a little break there and let's show you what actually did move through the area earlier on. You can see some of the thunderstorm activity, some of the rainfall activity that did move through a closer look here. You can see it's pushing towards the east though cape breton into it early this morning. But for the most part, much of nova scotia going to stay dry today. Another weak front is going to push through new brunswick, bringing the chance of some showers and the risk of a thunderstorm, but it certainly won't be a washout. What you will notice though, the reason why we did see those thunderstorms and woke up paul, is the fact that it was a cold front, so it's not going to be quite as humid today. Still above average for many spots, just not that humidity into the high 20s, low 30s. Even higher than that that we've been experiencing of late. It's still pretty mild out there mid teens, low double digits for most areas and we will get back up to the 20s around halifax today. A little cooler farther east. Some areas that do experience a little more shower activity and still into the high 20s mid to high 20s as you head to places like fredericton and moncton today. So you can see that chance of a shower or thunderstorm this afternoon. We should stay dry across much of nova scotia and then heading into saturday, a few clouds sun cloud mix should stay dry for all areas. A few scattered showers northeastern new brunswick and then on sunday, ms-walks sun cloud mix. It will be a little cooler, so likely temperatures between 16 to 18 degrees around halifax, most areas around the hrm. And then we'll get into a little more of an unsettled pattern into early next week. So let's break it down for you. For fredericton, 22 degrees the sun cloud mix 21 on sunday, a little more cloud cover on monday, and we're looking at some wet weather into early next week. We actually do need it because rainfall has run below average this month for halifax and the hrm. We're getting up to low 20s on saturday. Sun cloud mix, perhaps a little bit more cloud cover on sunday. And there's that cooler air mass 16 degrees slightly off our normal or average high 14 on monday. And then we'll have to watch out for some rain heading into tuesday and wednesday. I hope you all have a great weekend, including you, paul. And that's a look at your ok-tire-weather. >> All right, same to you. Thanks for this, ross-hull. And just before the break, let's have a look at gas prices in new brunswick as we head into the weekend. Regular self-serve is up 1.6 cents a liter now at $1.73 point $0.09 per liter. Diesel at $1.70 3.8. and that is a look at your local news headlines. We'll step aside, get another check of national and international news with antony robart in the anchor chair for us on this friday edition of "global news" morning. Stick around. >> Next time in "the morning show, natalie sexton joins us on another fashion friday to make hard to wear trends easy. >> Plus, canadian folk singer kellie cardinal returns

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