
CICT - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

product on her hands here. >> Because a lot of people like plants. >> Reporter: and this is in garden-variety greenery. These are your plans. >> These ones are unique because they have no soil to them. And they have no roots. >> They stay alive the nutrients from their tips. And you soak them in water for 20 minutes every week. >> Reporter: 's grade five student has got all kinds of her custom creations for sale. >> Test tubes, there were movable, some of the if you want to have one on your desk, and one in your room, or one in your dining room table. [ ] >> Reporter: simone juror vase also getting ready for northpoint schools young entrepreneurs business fair this weekend. [ ] >> Reporter: joining with a few fellow choir members to serenade customers. [ ] >> You pay your money you get your songs be when it's cool business because we have a gift to share and a love of music. [ ] >> I'm really et cetera, it's a good opportunity to be able to do things you enjoy, and to put all of these ideas into practice , and to show what you know, and learn through doing. >> Reporter: billed as canada's largest student business fair rubbing of the U.S. financial education classes. >> Kids are living about being creative, innovative, independent, selling problems, being that person that is resilient, and resourceful enough to be successful. >> It's really what it for the kid. They come home from school they went to work on their business fair. So that a watch tv anymore because they are so motivated. >> Reporter: discovering some fun surprises along the way. >> I thought it looked kind of like a creature. Like if it was a hermit crab kind of, like an octopus. Is really cool. >> Reporter: tucker global news. [ ] >> Joel: the minds of tomorrow. >> Linda: great business my nice to see. >> Joel: it is this is also great to see. That calgary humane society searching far and wide for a home for one special surrender to pat. So this is sleepy the turtle. When he arrived at the humane society last september. He is a map turtle, which is a controlled species here in alberta, and cannot be kept as a patch. So after reaching out to a number of organizations, the humane society finally found a home for him at the victoria butterfly gardens. And after arranging a play for him to bc. First class I imagine. >> Window seat. >> Joel: bc, were map turtles are not a controlled species, he is now settling in to his new home. Cover humane society say its a great example of collaboration for animal welfare. That is a great new home up into the butterfly gardens there in victoria. So I think sleepy will enjoy his new digs quite a bit. >> Linda: I talk to them today in and they said it was quite an effort and there were just really appreciative to see an organization be able to step up and make a nice home for slipping. Canada's greatest soccer star is getting another nod. This time from barbie. The canadian soccer superstar is among nine athletes, including venus williams being honoured with a one-of-a-kind barbie doll. Created in their likeness, it is part of barbie's 65th anniversary that aims to empower, and encourage young girls to pursue their dreams. Ski when we got the canada jersey, the alumni key. Got the arm band, the weirdest memory of barbie for me is my brother and I actually might have used their heads as hockey puck's growing up occasionally. Everyone had barbie's growing up. And now, to see one in my likeness, is absolutely crazy, and my two nieces they can't wait to see if. They are so excited. As a soccer player, you dream of winning the olympics, you to remove winning world cops, and various tournaments. But to be given this honour is very unexpected. That's what my goals, is one of my mottoes is, to show those young girls in canada that salute the anything is possible. My can of course that is christine sinclair. She is amazing pierce is a superstar, and so many accolades to her name, so kind of an additional honour of barbie and her likeness. [ Laughter ] >> Joel: boys we'll be boys. If you've got a good news story, and you would like to share with us and our viewers, we would love to hear from you. E-mail us just some what you have along to calgary viewers at global [ ] >> Reporter: blockbuster film coming to the staging calgary. Features the musical, and the enduring friendship that spanned decades that will have you singing along. [ ] >> Joel: safety in the sky after a severe turbulence. How our recent deadly incident is now prompting a refresher on how to ensure your safety. [ ]

>> Reporter: able that -- we'll blow seasonally again today. And degrees are high, we should be at 18 degrees. Normal high 18 s. Euros 23 degrees in the state the all-time record is 31. We'll talk about the next one he four hours right after I come back and at that here. But in the meantime, want to talk about the western rv camping forecast. This is a photo from civil flats from this past weekend. Earache oyster sending this in of the area with the grandsons. Not great, hoping its going to be a lot better for you this weekend, all the temperatures will be a This could be worth a million dollars right here! ANNOUNCER:Survivor,three hour seasonfinale tonight on Global. (Upbeat music) When you're performing at your best, it's hard to imagine anything holding you back. ( ) But performance inhibiting deposits restrict your engine's performance, robbing it of its true potential. Don't let anything stand between you and performing at your best. New and improved Shell V-Power Nitro+Premium Gasoline. Performance unbound. (Shell mnemonic) Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. (cheerful piano music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. Announcer: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,all new Thursday at8 Eastern on Global. Announcer: You're watching Global, which also streams on StackTV. Watch live and binge the same great shows On Demand. StackTV: Try it free today. Yes!Ooh, it's on! Announcer: Abbott Elementary, season finale Thursdayat 7:30 et on Global. >> Linda: an educational tour focusing on the holocaust, and human rights making a stop in our city today. >> Joel: yeah, the tour for humanity is a 30 seat boss, mobile education centre visiting schools run across western canada, including here in calgary. Is the first time it has stopped in alberta, and aims to not only teach students about the holocaust, but to also take action against hate, and promote inclusivity. >> There's been lots of positive feedback from the students. Some have been surprised at some of the things that they have heard. Some of it is knew to them. Some schools that we go to, we have students who have never heard about the holocaust. That is one of the reasons why we do this to her. >> Joel: the tour for humanity is run by the friends of the simon wiesenthal centre. It is visited over 1200 school since it launched back in 2013. [ ] [ ] >> It has been a cool day right across upper including an h. 11 degrees your temperature right now cloudy skies north northeast winds at 33. If you'd calgary from our calgary -- camera stampede park were looking for downtown, it is tenet calgary international the woods are fairly light about six of the lower up about 30 kilometres an hour here in calgary today, in over 40 in lethbridge. Right now across canada, these temperatures being reported at various airport locations. The same airport locations will be reporting these temperatures and conditions. We think tomorrow, calgary about 12 degrees, same thing in edmonton. Nice and warm in seven ontario, southern québec as well.. South of the more this is what the U.S. of a is looking at for highs and conditions tomorrow. And these are the watches and warnings that are in place across the U.S. we do have severe thunderstorm watches and warnings here in the deep south, in texas louisiana, and into arkansas as well from

this very severe complex of thunderstorms that is moving to the region, and this frontal system pushes all the way up into southern ontario. So unsettled whether there with the moisture, in the heat. Low pressure to the southwest of us, continuing to feed moisture in here, and northeast winds as well. Pattern that is going to hold for a few days. Tomorrow we are looking at temperatures remaining suppressed across the province. Banff we'll be a rainy nine. Calgary 12 with showers. Lethbridge may see some thunderstorms tomorrow up to 13 degrees for a high. 14. I we'll recap calgary seven day forecast details the end of our show. >> Linda: thanks paul. Police say in bc tips are already coming in about a suspected serial killer with ties to calgary. Last week police in alberta used dna evidence to tie gary to the deaths of four young women in the calgary area in the 1970s. He was wanted for crimes in his native california. But fled to canada in 1974. Please say he has spent a considerable amount of time living on bcs sunshine coast. And in the fraser valley. In 1998, he was convicted of a sexual assault in new westminster, and was sentenced to five years in prison. Investigators are convinced he committed other crimes in bc. >> We realize we are asking for some people to go back in their minds to the 1970s, to the mid-seventies, whether it be in calgary, or whether it be the 1980s in davis bay half moon bay gibson's. He moves into abbotsford, cultus lake, chilliwack. So we are asking those people to kind of take themselves back there. >> Linda: seven new tips on him were reported to rcmp over the weekend, are for serving his time in a bc prison, he was extradited back to the united states, where he died in custody in 2011. >> Joel: well turbulence is never a fun experience for air travellers, with the latest incident on a singapore airlines flight left one person dead is renewing questions about why it happens, at how people can ensure their safety. Sean preble reports. >> Reporter: picture flying smoothly through the skies until turbulence hit and people and items are sent flying instead. That was the case for a recent singapore airlines flight tuesday that left one dead, and thousands injured. [ Unintelligible ] >> My neck. Everything was fine until I arrived back in the airport, and then I started to feel really sick. >> Reporter: turbulence has various causes. Storms, and mountains can create bumpy conditions, and pilots often work to steer clear of the impacts. What is not easy to avoid his clear air turbulence. Which can happen out of the blue, it is often seen as the most dangerous. >> It's impossible to be avoided and that somebody has [ Unintelligible ] already and warned you. Because you can see it. >> Reporter: is not yet confirmed what exactly calls turn up -- to be less for the singapore airlines flight, but some asked to say it made the plane dropped or medically. And that's why our safety experts say it is important to take safety precautions, even if they seem simple. >> The best response and turbulence to has your seaport than uptight. >> Reporter: the transportation safety board of canada has seen 56 incidents with turbulence related injuries since 2015. And of which involve serious cases. Come one flight the agency says, many passengers were not wearing their seatbelts. Some airline analysts say, after two days -- tuesdays incidents and climate change impacts, adjustments should be made. >> They're saying recommend you keep your seat belt fastened while seated. They should be saying, it is mandatory to keep your seatbelt done up on this airline. >> Reporter: singapore airlines ceo offered his condolences to the family of the man who died on tuesday's flight has 20 others remain in intensive care wednesday. Passengers on that flight say, it has shaken their comfort on plains. But safety experts say not to worry about flying as long as you keep that seatbelt fashioned that's my fast and. Sean for global news. >> Reporter: no numbers from the international law enforcement agency about stolen vehicles in canada. According to interpole, more than 200 stolen cars from canada have been found each week across the globe since february. In total, more than 1500 vehicles have been identified. Partly attributed to the rcmp integrating canada's database for stolen cars with interpose. Canada has been ranked among the top 10 countries for auto theft. Thieves are attracted to art supply of high-end cars, which are shipped overseas to be traded, or resold. >> Joel: to the uk and our british prime minister rishi sunak has called a national election for july 4th. >> I was a moan for britain to choose its future. This election we'll take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end of the cold war.

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