
CICT - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

this cloud in the rain that blew through here today. That held us back to a very cool high temperature of 10 degrees, where we are right now. Variable winds of six kilometres an hour. At 11 at strathmore and your foot city cranston river still in okotoks. Screws metals is 10, we got sevens on the thermometers in bragg creek afterwards tuscany and into the west district as well. That's a story right across the province. The north is a little it warmer. High levels 18 lethbridge 11. Enhanced 13 degrees right now here's the satellite and the radar loop from the past few hours. For the city of calgary, some showers off to the west side of the city. More streaming our way of the northeast on that northeast wind, and we got some thunders from activity as well to the south along the crows nest pass area. We seen a few flashes in the last few hours. Some west of edmonton. In bc, right across western canada in the northwestern U.S. of a. As a matter of fact, there's a deep trough of low pressure, and it's going to continue to bring this stuff in from the north for us. So we may, as we did today, see a clear break here and there. But generally conditions we'll be cloudy, and it will be unstable, to her looking at showers possibly with thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon in particular done around the lethargy area. In this pattern is going to hold through friday, into the weekend as well. Things we'll start to smarten up as we get into monday and tuesday of next week. But our early-morning low will be about four, and reeling at a high coverture in calgary tomorrow of about 12 degrees. 16 on friday, 14 saturday, 17 sunday and, yeah, unfortunately last through the weekend. But then, the change comes monday, 20 degrees partly cloudy, 22 on tuesday. Again partly cloudy. And wednesday at soundcloud makes 19. >> Joel: all right think you paul. >> You're so welcome sir. >> Joel: member's of the calgary union have voted overwhelmingly in favour of possible strike action after an impasse with the city. >> Linda: but as doug reports, the union representing the 5600 inside workers says the city has sweetened its offer, but it is still far from what they are asking for. >> Reporter: people who work at the city of congress traffic management centre, over at city hall, are referred to as inside workers. Q. P. Local 38 represents 5600 of them employed by the city of calgary. 89 percent voted in favour of a strike last week. But the union president says, the city is just putting more money on the table. >> We went into the strike vote the city's offer was a percent over three. We have 10 and a half percent over three, that is just a monetary concern that that play. We met yesterday, the city move their offer to 9 percent over three. So we are still a ways apart. >> Reporter: the city released its own statement, while refusing to go into numbers, it says we are disappointed with the outcome of the strike vote, discussions are continuing. Remain hopeful that we can achieve if they, and reasonable collective agreement and future bargaining sessions. >> It's always a concern we are not able to reach an agreement. Obviously, discussions are important that we continue to move forward with collaborative meaningful discussions. >> It so important that they know how value they are, because the work they do for the community. And honestly we have to work through this process. >> Reporter: some taxpayers are wondering how many others are getting 9 percent over three years. >> I am quite sure that wasn't budgeted for in the last 8.6 percent hike in our taxes. So I'm not sure weather what is going to come from. >> Reporter: work to rule or rotating strikes could happen, right now the union says, it will meet at the bargaining table anytime anywhere. >> They failed to address some of the other critical issues, specifically work from home be a look at the impact of inflation, end consumer price index on households, the space between the employers last offer, in our last offer is still quite significant. >> Reporter: the two sides have another meeting scheduled with the provincial mediator june 5th. Doug for global news. >> Reporter: if you're planning for a chip to the mountains parks canada has a message for you. Why they are saying plain early if you want to have your trip to banff were likely to go smoothly. >> Joel: plus settling into a new space, when the calgary humane society was forced to search far and wide Lightning Lotto! Hey, what's that? Oh that's Lightning Lotto, it's our newest instant win game. Hmmm... Jackpot starts at $100k, grows with every ticket sold. Get me one of them. - Yeah? - Yeah Alright. [thunder and lighting] ( ) Next! Whoa, I'm rich! Lightning Lotto! I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. It's a fact that there are thousands of homeless military veterans in canada. Homes for heroes foundation is a national charity, building tiny home villages with full support services. These villages provide a safe

place for canadian veterans to transition back to civilian life within a community of peers. With the support of companies like the brick, homes for heroes has two villages operating, with plans to build across canada. You can help, with your donation. They stood on guard for us, now let's stand up for them. The Simon and Garfunkel Story is a nostalgic multimedia experience with a full band performing all the hits. Don't miss them. Friday, May 24th at Gray Eagle Event Center. Tickets at Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days.

The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. >> Announcer: you're watching global news hour at six. [ ] >> Joel: a look now at the beautiful mountain town of banff nestled in the rockies. Is of course a popular spot for both local, and international tourists. Last year more than 4 million people visited the national park , and it's expected that this year, it will bustling as well. Joining us now is danielle ruling, a visitor experience manager with parks canada. Danielle think you for being here. >> Thank you for having me. >> Joel: so you we'll start with how busy it will be. How bendik that's what busy does canada expect this this is reason to be when it comes to tourism? >> Certain he will we've seen so far this year and last year, we've -- we do anticipate having strong visitation again this coming season. Of course,, with her and smoke fire season depending. But certainly, interest is psychic me know people want to get okay banff national park. >> I know what I think the parks canada often talked about is planning ahead of your visit. What are some tips you would like to pass on to folks if they are thinking of visiting a national park in beach and months ahead. >> Planning had is really key and when everyone I say that is planning well in advance. So make sure you have reservations in hand before coming out to the park, whether that's for parks canada shuttles, the campground, your hotel. Certain attractions as well so has been those reservations made ahead of leaving your home is really key. The other part of that is also planning to figure out how you we'll deal with your vehicle. So whether that is leaving it at home, and taking regional transit from calgary out to banff national park, court once you get here to the park, parking your vehicle once, and taking transit, or commercial shuttles, or parks canada shuttles to get to your destinations of choice. >> Joel: how we use easy is that someone has never gone out and use the public transit in the mountains before? Is it a pretty simple process to just leave your car, and then you can kinda get to to where you need to go? >> There are a lot of options. It's not totally simple, I think you need to a little bit of research ahead of time just to make sure you know what options can get you to which locations were trying to get to. So for example in the liquid louise marine lake area, the parks canada shuttles are certainly the simplest way to experience those places within banff national park. There's public transit that is pretty simple and easy to use. A couple of the roots to has were -- reservations you can become reservation ahead of time for some of those places. As well as many commercial and private operators, and partners that are using shuttles to get people from downtown banff for example up to the gondola and other attractions. So there is a variety of options, and doing a little bit of research ahead of time we'll help make sure the people have the best experience once they are here. >> Having the best experience with her there, then leaving the mountains also in the best shape one they are done with their visits. What is one or two things you want people to be aware of to make sure they are following the rules and regulations from parks canada this season? >> Are visitors to the park, they are here because it's such an amazing place, we want to keep it as amazing as it is. And visitors have a real key roll to play and that's. Support of that is when you are out exploring the park, making sure any garbage, or food you have with you, you pack out the waste so you are not leaving it behind, so that wildlife may get a food reward. Also that wildlife is a really exciting reason why people come and visit the national park. So if you do see wildlife, mixer to give them their space. Never feed any of the wildlife here from the squirrels, to the bears. And make sure you give them their space. Enjoy the moment, enjoyed that view, would give them their space, and keep moving onto that they can stay as wild as possible with all of the visitation that we do have here in banff. >> Joel: some really important tips, there are more. So we want to tell you, if you are heading to banff or any other national park this summer, you had to parks canada for any info you may need about your trip. Danielle from parks canada think you so much for being here today. >> Thank as much or have me, take care. >> Reporter: is the school your winds down some calgary students are getting down to business. They are taking part in canada's largest student business fair. Discovering the power, and possibilities. As gil tucker. >> Reporter: getting it all sorted for a special sale. Sofia figures she's got a hot

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