
CICT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>> Kyle: Hold on, you two! [ laughter ] >> Harrison: Mom, guess what? We rode the Ferris wheel. It was so much fun. Claire got a little scared, but not too bad. And she laughed a lot. >> Summer: It looks like you've been laughing a lot, too. >> Claire: Uh, why don't we look at those pictures that we took? >> Kyle: Hey. >> Summer: Uh, yeah. >> Kyle: Harrison had a minor freak-out about Jordan earlier. >> Summer: What do you mean? What happened? >> Kyle: He thought he saw her. It wasn't her, obviously. >> Summer: But she's still in his head. >> Kyle: I know. I hate it, too. But look at him now. One ride on the Ferris wheel with his pal, Claire, and he's doing great. Seeing her safe makes him happy for some reason. I mean, look at that grin. >> Summer: Claire, thank you for being there for Harrison. >> Claire: We had fun. He's a great kid. >> Summer: We couldn't agree more, obviously. >> Claire: I hope it's okay that I'm hanging out with him. >> Summer: Yeah. I mean, Harrison seems happy, and that's the most important thing, right? Um, look... maybe you and I should get together later and-- and talk about something more regular. >> Claire: Really? >> Summer: Yeah. I mean, Harrison needs someone other than Mom and Dad around, and it's time that we start getting back to normal. We can see how it goes. >> Claire: I would love to do that. >> Summer: Anybody that can make Harrison smile like that deserves to be in his life more often. >> Harrison: Hooray! >> Cole: There's a part of me that was ready to let you rot down here forever. But that's not my call to make. >> Jordan: That's right. That's right. Because you-- you are a good and decent man, the best nephew... who didn't let me free before, but you will now, won't you? >> Michael: You're lucky this man has a conscience. >> Jordan: And why are you here? >> Michael: We're taking you out of here and putting you in a real prison. >> Jordan: Oh, thank God! Thank God. Thank God. >> Victor: I'll be damned if I allow that to happen. >> Announcer: Next week on The Young and the Restless... >> Billy: Okay, so what do we do now? >> Jill:Just keep this to yourself. I don't want anyone else to know. >> Alan: These, um, personalities, they think they're doing the right thing, Ashley. They think they're protecting you. But the fact that they exist at all means that there's something terribly wrong. >> Ashley: Well, what are they protecting me from? Captioned byLos Angeles Distributionand Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided byBell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Televisionand CBS, Inc.

Join us again for"The Young and the Restless." [ ] >> I'm afraid to make the announcement to my clients because they are going to say are you kidding me. >> Soaring airfares impacting summer plans. Just how costly it is to fly right now even within canada. >> We've noticed there has been a string of lights that seem to remain in the dark. >> Some communities in the dark with streetlights burned out. What's behind all the repairs and how the city is working at getting it done. >> Paul: pretty crazy weather blowing through calgary and derry and the last hour. Standby for more. >> There's a feeling that when you cross that first finish line. >> Linda: quite a feeling to finish a big race. How 1 local woman keeps that feeling going for all 50 of her marathon runs. >> Announcer: you're watching global calgary. This is global news at 5. >> Linda: good afternoon and thank you for joining us today. As people are planning their summer vacations and they are being met with severe sticker shock at the price of flights. Joel senick is in the global news from with more on the story even short flights just to the next province have in some cases tripled. >> Reporter: they really haven't 1 travel agent we spoke with admitted it's been hard to tell her clients the cost of airfare because she puts it prices are not just inching up. They are leaping up. Some companies like westjet say they are in the process of updating basic fair options which could include less expensive seats if you don't bring carry on. Details are expected in the weeks ahead on that. It also wants ottawa to review it's fee structure, something the albert government has been lobbying for saying it's making it too difficult for companies to stay afloat because they are paying 20 much and is also driving up ticket prices. The provinces look at ways to make air travel more viable. >> We are looking at again regional flights whether lethbridge medicine hat fort mcmurray grande prairie how we can increase more air travel within the province of alberta. These feasibility studies we have given to 10 regional municipal airports across the province will be in by this year. Just to make sure that we can find and evade of ways to make sure they can offer better flight options for albertans. >> Also today condor returned to calgary offering direct flights between yyc and frankfurt germany. A welcome return for travellers who are desperate for more options in alberta for international flights. Some travel agents are encouraging people to use reward programs if possible and opt for vacation packages if they are available to try and offset the rising cost of a plane ticket. >> Linda: joel senick in the newsroom. Thanks.

>>> Inglewood aquatic centre will close permanently later this year. The pool was built more than 60 years ago and officials say it's in need of major and costly repairs so it will shut down in december. They had the closure will create the opportunity to redevelop the land for new purposes such as housing. >> If this will be close to make additional residential housing which is in demand in calgary will city council insist developer need more recreational facilities to the citizens of calgary? >> If they can update other places they can update this place. I know it's on to cost a lot of money. They have talked about that before but if they really want to do it, they will do it. Their agenda at city hall is not the agenda of myself and many people that live in this community. >> Linda: city officials say it would cost $600,000 to update the pool and while that work will be done inglewood pool officials say millions are being invested to repair and modernize other recreational facilities to help meet the needs of the community. >>> With the closure of the inglewood aquatic centre the question now is how that affect programs such as swimming lessons in the new year? The city says by the end of 2024 at should be back to about 85% supply of swim lessons. It hopes to be back on track by next year. >> When inglewood is closed our staff will be relocated to other facilities which allows us to expand hours. We're continue to staff up as well and are continually looking to add more hours back into our schedule. >> Reporter: the city yxx to release new sets of swim lessons over the next couple of weeks. >>> City hall says it's back on track as it deals with a high number of burnt out streetlights. A city audit showed a backlog of up to 5200 streetlights needing repairs. A job that should take about 14 days to complete was actually taking on average 77 days. The city says changing contractors, severe winter and supply chain issues were creating the major delays. >> Now we're down to 10 day response time less than 500 outages where there was over 5,000 outages at 1 point. So we are thankful for the process that we've had but also just a team that we have in response to streetlights in our city. >> Reporter: the city says it has over 105,000 streetlights and its team fields up to 800 calls a month for repairs. Temper a crews and a change in systems help bring the response time back in line. A look outside in calgary right now. Bit of a wet and cool day with parts of the city getting hit by hail. This is what looked like near our studios here in northeast calgary just about 45 minutes ago. Heavy rain and pea-sized tail. Paul dunphy is an. We were in the newsroom and I could hear it coming down. >> Paul: it was pretty noisy. We got a lot of hail in a short period of time. Good moisturizer that as well now that it's starting to melt. View from global one. We have a rainbow. I think this made the first rainbow we have feature on the show from global one. But that's pretty cool. Is still raining in some parts of the city of calgary. Airport reporting 8 degrees and no rain in the morning. Variable winds fairly light. There's a cell that gave us the hail going through and had a flash orca of lightning and you can see more coming in from the north so we are not done with us. A whole area is unstable and will remain the way through the overnight and through the day tomorrow. So tomorrow pretty good chance once again we'll see some thunderstorms developing. Not look for much sunshine. Maybe a few peaks in the morning hours. Early morning low getting close to freezing. 3 degrees. Lethbridge this morning 0. 15 high tomorrow afternoon in calgary.

>>> Up paramedic was taken to hospital today following a crash involving an ambulance in the northeast around 11:30 this morning on stoney trail south of 96th avenue and when a truck collided with an ambulance. No 1 else was injured and. >>> Police are looking to speak with the driver of a second vehicle who may have information on the fatal hit and run that killed a 70-year-old man last can. It happened just after midnight saturday and forced heights along memorial drive and 47th street in the southeast. A black bmw x. 5 that struck the man was later found amanda near the scene. After reviewing the evidence police now believe a white sedan may have been travelling beside the black bmw just prior to the collision. >>> Police in edmonton have laid a charge of murder in relation to a deadly attack tuesday night south of st. Albert. The victim 15-year-old boy. Sarah ryan from global news has been covering story and joins us from the edmonton newsroom. What have you learned? >> The victim's name is broden radomske. He was a junior high student who is out walking with his mom on a dead-end road near saint albert when he was fatally attacked by someone they know. His sudden death leaving those who loved him in shock. >> It will never be the same. Christine matheson says he was like a son to her. Their sons grope like 2 peas an apology born just weeks apart. He loved camping going to like scan playing basketball and hockey. She says he was a stellar defender who never gave up on the puck and dished out big hits. Especially in defence of his friend seth. On new year she said brodin did a polar plunge with her family. Breaking the news to seth about his friend's death was something matheson never expected she would have to do. >> It's a very difficult conversation to have. This is a 15-year-old boy. This is a sign. It's not and to happen. He didn't leave me. He just kept saying no mom. A scam. Started calling his phone. >> Reporter: a man previously known to police 40-year-old keith james landry was arrested shortly after the deadly attack. He has since been charged with second-degree murder. Brodin attended lorne akins junior high school board brought in councillors to assist friends classmates and staff sank you left a big impact on those around him calling his death the worst thing that can happen in a school district. Linda. >> Sarah ryan reporting from our edmonton newsroom tonight. Thanks.

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