
CICT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

enforcement agency says more than 1500 vehicles stolen in canada have been identified by police around the world since february. The information comes after the rcmp integrated canada's database for stolen vehicles with interpole's earlier this year. The agency thieves are attracted to canada's abundant supply of high-value models such as suvs and crossovers. >>> Throughout the pandemic the canadian government spent billions on more than 800 million covid-19 rapid tests and the bulk of them were given to the provinces and territories to distribute in free screening programs. But in many places that will soon come to an end. As heidi petracek reports rapid testing may soon be based on your ability to pay. >> I can only give you one per person. >> Reporter: their used to be lineups for free covid-19 rapid test's. Today it's no waiting for bill who picked one up at his local library in halifax. >> If we've been somewhere where we hear someone else has covid or we've had the sniffles are something we use the test. >> Reporter: but the days of ottawa spending millions of test for the provinces are numbered. Health canada saying in a statement given the current covid-19 outlook, inventory levels and estimated demands the federal government does not anticipate the need for additional federal procurements at this time. -- new brunswick took it as a cue to announce it will stop handing them out when supplies run out at the end of next month. Saskatchewan to the same in february. >> People who are wealthy can continue to by them. >> Reporter: that bothers one infection control epidemiologist who says rapid test should still be part of the plan. >> If we say we won't have it anymore we are taking the word public out of public health. >> Reporter: nova scotian is planning its next steps as is alberta which stresses no decision has been made. Other provinces are not saying much with the plan is. Ontario would only say through a spokesperson the province has tens of millions of rapid antigen tests available to the public and would not say when they expire. But lab-based testing by medical referral remains available and for one expert is a better tool because rapid test's perform differently for different people. >> The interpretation capacity has to improve and that means the sensitivity of the test needs to improve. >> Reporter: experts agree test need to improve to detect other respiratory viruses like rsv and influenza. That innovation is in the works likely rendering these obsolete. Heidi petracek, global news, halifax. >> Bindu: dangerous weather continues to sweep across the U.S. residents in a number of states down south are waking up to another round of storm damage. Jesse kirsch is in greenfield iowa which resumes cleanup from a tornado direct hits on tuesday. >> Reporter: we are in the small city of greenfield, ireland. Roughly 2000 people. In this community at least four people were killed when a tornado ripped through here on tuesday. Take a look at the aftermath here. These chunks of buildings effectively piled on top of each other across the lawns and those structures are actually more intact than some others in the community just across the block. You can see piles of rubble covered in tree limbs and tree branches. This is the aftermath of that twister. Officials say again at least four people were killed and more than 30 people injured. Now the cleanup is ongoing at a time that is also filled with grief. Back to you. >> Bindu: that was nbc's jesse kirsch reporting.

>>> Coming up next wildfire progress in fort nelson bc and pressure were -- preparation underway for the return of thousands of evacuated residence. >>> And here at home we have clouds and some of the wet weather and it is cooler. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. Announcer: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Tonight... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,all new tonight at8 Eastern on Global. Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by CLiC Privacy Glass, now in Canada from Lux Windows. Call for a free estimate. Welcome to the breathtaking beauty of the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island. Feel the pulse of excitement as you explore our landscapes, savor local flavors, and immerse yourself in our warm, welcoming community. Experience Comox Valley. Thousands stranded on 9/11,a small town in Newfoundland that opened their homes. The Broadway musical Come From Away, September 17th to 22nd. Tickets on sale now at Where do I start when planning a garden bed? Our how-to video series can help you create water-wise gardens that thrive in Calgary. To learn more visit ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at I'm very good at solving murder cases. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale tonightat 9 eastern on Global. >> Bindu: in british columbia thousands of people from fort nelson forced to leave nearly two weeks ago are preparing to go home. Rain has helped dampen the parker lake wildfire so steps are being taken to get the town ready for the safe return of its 4700 residence. Mayor bob fraser says essential services like electricity and water are up and running with crews working to restore gas services. >> The imminent risk to the community has been reduced. So we are transitioning to the community safety and sustainability focus where we are looking at this phased approach to get everyone back. >> Reporter: while no specific date has been given the mayor is pushing for a monday or tuesday return for evacuees and a concrete answer will likely come on the weekend. Which is good news for them. Good news up and fort mcmurray as well tiffany.

>>> We are also seeing wet weather here. >> Tiffany: we are. This is helping the situation. Throughout the month of may we've had about 36 millimetres of rainfall. Typically this month we have 47 millimetres. We are not far off the normal precipitation amount for the month of may erica still about ten millimetres behind it but eight days to go and we could reach the normal and that would be great to green things up and get our gardens kicked off as well for those of you that have a green thumb. You can see the big, billowy clouds above the city. We are expecting thunderstorms and showers. 9° right now. Looking at the live radar you can see we had rain rolling through the city if you worked outside and got rained on I can tell you it did rain. We are still seeing showers in the area and we continue to see that through the day. Temperatures between 9° and 12° in and around calgary this time. Taking a look down in lethbridge they are currently at 13. 10 in medicine hat. 8 in bath and 9 in edmonton and red deer. Daytime highs 13° in lethbridge and medicine hat. 12 edmonton. That's a lot of blue. 19 all the way up in a high level. The warmest temperatures are going to be up north. I was mentioning earlier in the show they had some moisture which is great but those warmer temperatures, the sunshine they are getting is drying things out so it's taking up the soil moisture we've gotten, the little bit of soil moisture we got from the rain and drying it out for us. There is a look at the scattered showers and thunderstorms across the province. Lightning strikes on the bc side of the rockies and snow in the rockies as well and the higher elevations. Looks like, what would that be? Saskatchewan crossing to the north of banff? Getting some thunder snow perhaps. Scattered showers and thunderstorms for central and southern alberta. Tomorrow possible thunderstorms for the south. 17° the high in lethbridge. 16 and cloudy and medicine hat. 13 and mostly cloudy and medicine hat. In calgary 15° and could see morning fog tomorrow as we are expecting that to develop overnight. Afternoon thunderstorms possible friday and saturday. Overnight could see a bit of rain which will linger into sunday morning and watch it closely on sunday because the calgary marathon is happening. 18° in the afternoon. Once the rain clears it will be a nice day. Monday 20° and we stay throughout tuesday. It does not look like a bad anne drewa to may next week. >> Leslie: we were just talking about those thunderstorms. How does it go? >> Bindu: what is the rest? I like that song. You may have heard of it. It also sounds like the next... [ Laughter ] I usually don't break. >> Leslie: usually you don't. We've caught you at a low point. Low blood sugar? A while since you had a snack? You just need a minute? >> Bindu: even my in my career I don't think that's happened. >> Leslie: I will take in the moment. >> Bindu: it she eyelashes this big. And it starts to drip out. It's really something to behold. >> Bindu: she wants me to get worse. >> Leslie: show how well you can control it. Bindu brings it back. We did get the broken been do there. Now looking at entertainment. >> Give me 1 more drink and I

will leave. >> High peanut. I will need you to come with me right now. >> I'm not interested lady. >> Leslie: hi peanut. Okay. Wolverine and deadpool off to a supersized event. According to the hollywood report 200,000 tickets have been bought in the U.S. and this is the first r-rated movie released by marvel and disney and tickets went on sale monday and it's not on sale until july 26. Preview screenings take place on the 25th. [ ] >>> The basis and family member of american rock banned traina has died at 58. His sister confirmed the death to the associated press. Variety reported call and slipped and fell in a shower while housesitting for a friend in belgium. Train formed in san francisco and their best known for drops of jupiter and virginia. You are beautiful you are a beautiful you are beautiful it is true >> Bindu: singer james blunt has announced an anniversary tour of his best-selling album back to bedlam 20 years after its release. Is he doing a striptease on the tv right now? How far are we going? In 2004's massively popular song like high, blunt is now 50 years old and is set to remaster the album and go on tour in celebration of the anniversary. We better cut this off before it gets r-rated anymore. >> Bindu: that was 2004. I like that song. >> Leslie: I liked it as well. The train song is beautiful. >> Bindu: I can't do it again. Coming up next I will not be able to read this. All set. >> Leslie: breaking bindu times two. >> Bindu: it was the singing together that got me because we were harmonizing.

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