
CICT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> At police are looking to speak to the driver of a second vehicle who may have information on a fatal hit and run that killed a 70-year-old man last weekend. It happened just after midnight on saturday at forest heights along memorial and 47th street in the southeast. A black bmw s5 that struck the man was found abandoned at the scene. After reviewing evidence police believe a white sedan may have been travelling alongside the black bmw prior to the collision. Anyone with information about the driver of the white sedan is asked to call police. >>> New developments in the ransomware demand against the london drugs after recent cyber attack. The online russian hacking group block bit demanded the group pay $25 million by today or it would release stolen data but according to 1 cyber security analyst the initial demand disappeared from the group website on wednesday. The retailer said it would not pay the ransom something some experts say could be risky. >> Digital data is something that can be stored and copied and shared. So what guarantee do they have that that data would not be surfacing again five years from now or ten years from now? >> Bindu: london drugs is paying for up to two years of credit monitoring for its employees. >>> In just one year nearly 100,000 people have moved to calgary according to statistics canada which shows our city population grew by 6 percent last year. The highest jump since 2026 -- since 2006. The city has a new strategy but some question if it will be enough to meet record demand. Adam macvicar reports. >> Reporter: it's no secret finding a place in calgary is tough some have to rely on a bit of fortune. >> I only got in because my brother was renting there for six years and he already had a relationship with the landlord. It was never posted online and I got in because I was lucky. But you shouldn't have to rely on luck to get a roof over your head. >> Reporter: the city approved the strategy in september and vacancy has tumbled to 1.1 percent and right side double digit increases. >> We'll be new in september and november, it will keep getting worse until we have it complete and we push forward more the actions. >> Reporter: in a new update officials say they have completed five of the 98 recommendations of the housing strategy including citywide rezoning and making several partials -- parcels available to city building. >> Realistically we have to always be self-aware about the time it takes to create a problem is almost the equivalent of the time to solve it. >> Reporter: speed is a challenge for affordable housing providers too. Home spacing society is working on nondevelopments for societies >> We have other partners who are building market housing throughout the city and we are all competing for the same resources. Labour, materials. >> Reporter: city officials are targeting more than 41,000 homes to be built by fall 2026 with more than 6000 through federal money but some councillors feel they are not doing enough to spur nonmarket housing. >> It's a few homes. Maybe 1000 total. I don't see the return on investment to be honest. >> Reporter: while others feel any step helps. >> I love the city and I want people to call it home. >> Reporter: city councillors also given the initial green light to create a volunteer expert advisory committee on housing. Officials say that the plan is to have work underway on 80 percent of the strategy on housing by the end of the year. Adam macvicar, global news. >> Bindu: a city committee has voted to move forward with a plan to encourage more calgary homeowners to build secondary suites and they are offering thousands of dollars as an incentive. Councillors mourned their tight parameters on what the money can be used for. >> They have to make sure they know all the rules of what it is before they design it and then the building permits and the instructions at the end it. There is a lot of parameters to make sure whoever is living in the secondary or basement suite is doing so safely and that's good. >> Cost and revenue nations is high so when you look at the incentives, are they enough to make sure people want to make it happen? Cost and renovations. >> Bindu: if approved the city would pay up to $10,000 when the suite is registered. There could be additional 5000 for those who certain accessibility requirements and up to $1250 for energy efficiency improvements. We spoke to basement builders calgary who say a new basement suite runout that meets the standard would cost at least $80,000. >> I think a lot of homeowners

would love an incentive program to alleviate costs. We are right about 25 percent of basement developments. We do about 240 a year and about 20 are basement suites. That is up about 22 percent from last year's. >> Bindu: mark graham says he will be even busier if the incentive program is approved and the city expects to see up to 3000 new suites in the first year of the program. >>> Statistics canada confirming what many of us know. Alberta is seeing record migration from within the country eclipsing all the other provinces. From august 2022 to july 2023 alberta overtook bc as the province seeing the biggest interprovincial migration with net gains of nearly 27,000 people moving to calgary and more than 16,000 relocating to edmonton. Meantime the vancouver metro area lost nearly 4800, the highest net loss for the province in more than 20 years. The trends are in line with analysis from canada's housing corporation noting the stronger economic outlook on the prairies is attractive to homebuyers and jobseekers. >>> Alberta maybe enticing for many but a new report on how provinces are responding to the poverty crisis shows the provinces getting close to a failing grade. For the second year in a row food bank canada's poverty report card gave alberta an overall grade of d-, dropping from last year's grade of d. The report says 40 percent of albertans feel they are worse off financially than they did last year. At the province got an or its legislative process and the nearly three in ten albertans struggling with food insecurities -- the province got an f. >>> The free covid-19 screening programs are over. Why the cost of any future test may soon depend on your ability to play.

>>> But first angry reaction from israel as a handful of western countries announce formal recognition of palestine as an independent state. >> The single use bylaw is no more for now. The price of townhouses in our city is searching. >> In some areas could see as much as a months worth of rain. Lightning Lotto! Hey, what's that? Oh that's Lightning Lotto, it's our newest instant win game. Hmmm... Jackpot starts at $100k, grows with every ticket sold. Get me one of them. - Yeah? - Yeah Alright. [thunder and lighting] ( ) Next! Whoa, I'm rich! Lightning Lotto! It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! [ Dramatic Music] Weather is coming. [ Dramatic Music] [ Dramatic Music] [ Dragon roar ] Today's climate can be harsh. So protect your biggest investment from the damaging effects of Mother Nature with Guardian from Cloverdale Paint. Our 100% acrylic formula means the highest level of adhesion for all of your outdoor surfaces. Guardian Premium Exterior Finishes Only from Cloverdale Paint. Back Pain? If your back hurts when you sit, get up from sitting or bend over could be a herniated disc cool thing is we went to school to figure it out so you won't have to. Life Shouldn't Hurt Check out our wicked cool locations at We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,all new tonight at 8 Easternon Global. >> Bindu: the leaders of norway, ireland and spain say they will recognize an independent palestinian state starting next tuesday. Calling it an essential step to peace in the region. The decision was met with anger from israel with prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling it a reward for terrorism. Although largely a symbolic move the eyes are on western nations to see if anyone will follow suit. Mike armstrong reports. [ Applause ] >> Reporter: in three european capitals coordinated announcements. In madrid the spanish prime minister... In oslo the norwegian prime minister and in dublin the irish prime minister each saying they will recognize the state of palestine may 28th and they hope others will follow. >> I'm confident further countries will join us. >> Reporter: the reaction from israel was immediate. The foreign minister of the country standing with the families of hostages says the move supports hamas atrocities while the israeli prime minister said it was rewarding terrorism. Israel announced wednesday it will allow israelis to return to former settlements and access had been blocked since an evacuation order unto through those and five. The settlements are illegal. Israel is recalling investors to the three countries. >> Ireland, norway and spain are telling hamas in a loud and clear voice that the october 7th massacre pays off. >> Reporter: at the news was greeted differently by palestinians. In the west bank a spokesperson for the palestinian authority says of two state solution is the only path to peace while in gaza that there is hope the new recognition leads to change. [ Speaking Alternate Language ] we have the right to live like other countries, to have a state and live in freedom, this man says. Whether the move leads others to follow is the big question. In each recognizing a palestinian state analysts say will play well domestically. >> The result of the vote is as follows. >> Reporter: 143 countries voted earlier this month to recognize a palestinian state at the un and the edition of three more is not moving the needle in the U.S. or canada. >> Canada's long-standing position has been to support and call for a two state solution. >> Reporter: one thing the three countries are saying is that while they will recognize the palestinian state they insist they also stand behind israel's right to defend itself. But what was legitimate and even necessary they say has dragged on too far. Mike armstrong, global news, montréal. >> Bindu: new data from interpole is confirming canada ranks among the world's top ten countries for auto theft. The international law

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