
CICT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

destination of choice. >> And congested in the parks. And parks canada a ban on alcohol and cannabis consumption, and they say it's really important, as well, for visitors to check the fire danger right in the park before heading out. >> Dallas: good reminders there. The future of a community pool in our city will be revealed in just over an hour. Talk about the challenges impacting the inglewood aquaticster after this. -- aquatic centre after this. I'm very good at solving murder cases. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale tonightat 9 eastern on Global. (Clinking) New Finish Ultramax. Engineered for the ultimate clean in the toughest conditions. Dry burnt-on stains. Old dishwashers. Very hard water. Even when you skip the rinse. Its new CycleSync technology releases the right ingredient at the right time. And Finish Ultramax breaks down stains, cuts grease, and boosts shine for the Ultimate clean. Even in the toughest conditions. ( ) ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. Here's a fresh take. We think burgers taste better when they're made with Canadian beef. Fresh onto the grill. Fresh off the grill. Never frozen. Always juicy. ( ) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! ( ) Surprise! I've got Summer Fridays Masks for everyone. On my day, my besties will be glowing mama. It's this Merit. Does lips, does cheeks, I've got it on both shiny and soft? I know, right? Did you cheat on me? (Gasp!) Girl, no. It's Amika and it's Clean at Sephora. Brands like Phlur have everything you want minus certain ingredients you might not. Summer Fridays, Merit, Amika, Phlur. Clean at Sephora, is only at Sephora. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at Opticom Optical Cameras Photography. Tamar. Tamar. I don't know. I got it, I got it, I don't have it. Optimized. -co-offensive Tamanoumi. “What is it anyway?” Optical Coherence Tomography or oct. An advanced eye health scan that can help spot sight conditions early. At Specsavers we think it's so important we include it with every eye exam. Opical Turmgraphy. Not everyone can say it, but everyone can have it. And if you're an eligible senior you get eye exams at no cost to you. Plus 30% off lens upgrades for all seniors. What's behind the Blue Cow Logo? High Canadian Standards. Which means we meet strict requirements. ...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo. At Pharmasave. We see you and we care for prescriptions for common conditions, expert health advice or support for life's little mishaps. Come talk to your Pharmasave pharmacist. Live well with Pharmasave >> Announcer: you're watching global news "morning." [ ] >> Blake: in just about an hour's time, we will learn what's next for community pool in inglewood. >> Dallas: we don't know what the city is announcing, we can say it has to do with the permanent closure of the inglewood aquatic centre. Meghan cobb joins us now with more from inglewood. The pool was first set to shut down years ago. It got a break, at least back then. >> Reporter: yeah, that's absolutely right, dallas. We will find out in an hour what the city is planning to do around this permanent closure. But we know that the community has already rallied to save this pool once. Now, the inglewood aquatic centre was in the news quite a bit about five years ago when the city wanted to close it and the beltline aquatic and fitness centre as part of budget cuts. There was a save the pools campaign, and in the end, the beltline pool closed in 2021 while the inglewood pool has stayed open. Now at the time, the city announced new amenities and

students for downtown communities, including a bicycle pump track in inglewood, and the bend in the bow project, and refocusing the beltline facility on community programming. But for calgarians looking to jump in and cool down this summer, there are fewer city options. The canyon meadows in the and the sir winston churchill pool in the northwest are closing july 1st for a few months to undergo electrical repairs, and the bob bahan pool is closed until the fall for its own repairs. So the loss of this pool would just add to the list of pools that calgarians aren't able to take advantage of. We will find out what the city plans to do and the timelines surrounding the closure throughout the day. Dallas, blake. >> Dallas: thanks, meghan. Police say tims are coming in about a suspected serial killer with ties to alberta who may have victims in B.C. >> Blake: police used evidence to tie gary allen srery to crimes in the 1970's, and. He was wanted in the U.S. for crimes but fled to canada and he spent a considerable amount of time living on b.c.'s sunshine coast as well as the fraser valley. In 1998, he was convicted of a sexual assault in new westminster and was sentenced to five years. Alberta rcmp are convinced he committed other crimes in B.C. and want to hear from potential victims. >> We realize was are asking people to go back in their minds to the mid-70's. Whether it be in calgary or whether it be the 1980's in davis bay, halfmoon bay, gibsons. He moves into abbotsford, cultus lake, chilliwack. We're asking those people to take themselves back there. >> Blake: seven new tips on srery were reported to rcmp just over the weekend. After serving time in a B.C. prison, he was deported to the U.S. where he died in custody in 2011.

>>> A calgary mother is in a custody battle with child services after she says fighting with continuing care for her son who has a disability. >> Dallas: we have masked. Her identity for the privacy of her 11-year-old child who is part of a support service offered by hull services. Ed preadolescent treatment plan is only accessible by rereferral with a social worker with alberta child and family services usually the program lasts 18 months, but she says her son has been in it for 2 years, and she says it she was served with a court order for permanent guardianship after she refused to remove him from the program. >> I can't bring him home how things are. I can't bring him home to do the exact same things over and over and over again. We have a program that is supportive, beneficial for him, that we're seeing progress. That he needs more time with. And now I'm at risk of losing him because he needs more time. >> Dallas: the ministry of children and family services says it can't comment on the case for privacy reasons but in a statement says... >>> Alberta fire crews are battling 30 fires across the province today. 27 are classified as under control. Three are being held. >> Blake: over in british columbia, thousands of people from fort nelson forced to leave nearly two weeks ago are preparing to go home. Rain has helped to dampen the parker lake wildfire so steps are being taken to get the town ready for the return of the residents. Bob fraser says services including electricity and water are up and running and crews working to restore gas services. >> Imminent risk to the community has been reduced. You know, so we're transitioning to the community safety and sustainability focus where we're really looking at the phased approach to get everybody back. >> There's no specific date yet on a return to the town. The mayor says he's pushing for a monday or tuesday return for evacuees. A concrete answer will likely come over the weekend. >> Dallas: okay. Lots to keep an eye on, and let's keep an eye on the forecast, here, tiff, where we have a few days of moisture. >> Tiffany: more moisture on the way, and good news there, and we have had moisture up in the northern communities, as well, and that has helped with the wildfire situation. Lighter winds, some colder overnight temples. All have been -- overnight temperatures all have been beneficial. I'll show you the current temps in a moment, and cloud cover is sitting heavy heavily over the city, and scattered showers once again, and northerly breeze at 22 kilometres an hour, and here is a look at the current temperatures at high level. 1° earlier on. Now they're at 8°. But those cooler overnight temperatures, like I said, really making a difference. 6 right now in edmonton. 7 in lethbridge. 4 in medicine hat. High level is warming up to 20° today with sunshine which means we're going to see a lot of that soil moisture in northeast b.c., and northern alberta drying up thanks to that sunnies warm weather. Temperatures in central and southern alberta ranging between 7 and 16° with the scattered showers expected to continue. Right now, they're in central alberta, but central and southern alberta could see scattered showers and possible thunderstorms throughout this afternoon. For southern alberta, that chance extends to tomorrow, as well, and central alberta getting a bit of a break. 15° in red deer tomorrow. 16 in medicine hat. 17 with possible thunderstorms in lethbridge, and 12° and cloud cover in banff. There is a risk of patchy fog developing tonight into tomorrow morning. So keep that in mind for tomorrow morning's commute. In the afternoon, possible thunderstorms and high of 15°. Saturday, 16°. 40% chance of thunderstorms both days. That's quite low. We could see scattered showers into sunday morning, otherwise not a bad race day for that calgary marathon. 18° is the high, and into the 20's, monday and tuesday, les. >> Blake: >> Leslie: here comes the heat coming our way, and taking a look at the map. Just one vehicle left on westbound 16th avenue at 11th street in the northwest part of the city, and busy southbound, and busier in the southeast part of the city, and glenmore, the camera is not working there and it looks like it's busy over the reservoir. Busy here. This is southbound deerfoot and the north end of the calf robe ogden bridges, and it is here that we start the delays, heading to the exit at glenmore trail, and not hearing of any problems in on the go in the area, and it's just volume and I'll keep my ear to the ground and let you know if I hear anything, and busy here, and southbound crowchild trail, and the good news is with that shot, the

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