
CICT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>>> Next, canada's last hockey team standing. Are you ready to join the oilers bandwagon? -Shh!-(Bird calling) No one around to hear me, except God and the wilderness. Looks like I got grizzliesand wolves as my neighbours. Guess who's notsleeping tonight. Arrow in the leg. Can't believe this. This is bad. Winter is coming. I have to be prepared. Everything's against usout here. Whoever can thrive the longest, -whoever can push through, wins.-(Man roaring) (Announcer says words on screen) Stream on StackTVand the GlobalTV app. When you live with diabetes,confidence comes from knowing your glucose levels and where they're headed. Manage your diabeteswith confidence with Dexcom g7. (Opening Mnemonic) (music throughout) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at The Simon and Garfunkel Story is a nostalgic multimedia experience with a full band performing all the hits. Don't miss them. Friday, May 24th at Gray Eagle Event Center. Tickets at (Pop music plays) Circle it ( ) Circle You let me circle it ( ) I can find anything if I circle it ( ) Let me circle it So let me circle it ( ) We're ready. ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,all new tonight at 8 Easternon Global. Yes!Ooh, it's on! Announcer: Abbott Elementary, season finale tonightat 7:30 et on Global. >> Dawna: the puck drops this afternoon for game one of the nhl's western conference finality. The edmonton oilers are in texas taking on the dallas stars, and they're the last canadian team with a chance at the stanley cup. I talked to a few canucks, jets, and leafs fans who say no way, no chance, they are not going to cheer for the oilers. So are the oilers really canada's team? Heather yurek-west looks at the state of the bandwagon from calgary. >> Reporter: you'd have to go back to 1993, the year dinosaurs ruled the box office and whitney houston topped the charts, to find the last time lord stanley's cup was raised by a canadian team. >> There's a growing number of canadian hockey fans, myself included, that haven't been alive to see a canadian team lift the stanley cup. >> Reporter: but maybe 2024 is canada's year. The edmonton oilers keeping hope alive. >> Yeah, I mean, McDAVID and the boys are making a run for it; it's awesome. >> Reporter: the oil has its hometown support, but its bandwagon is growing with every round. Even vancouver fans are jumping on. >> I am a huge canucks fans, but at this point we're rallying behind the canadian team. >> For sure, yeah,. >> Why not. >> Any canadian team. Just want to bring the cup back to canada. >> Reporter: in calgary, the heart of enemy territory... >> All: let's go, oilers! >> Reporter: see a lot of orange and blue. >> We've been blessed. We've been a full house every single night for the oilers' games. It's our sport. So it's very important. Canadians want to see a canadian team get through. >> Reporter: among the oilers squad, 16 out of 20 players call this country home. But before edmonton can again be the city of champions and make canada proud, it will need to get past dallas, and round three will be a tough fight. >> A lot of it is rest versus rust. The oilers are coming off of that intense seventh game against vancouver, so they might be feeling a little

bit beat up after that; where dallas has been off for almost a week after downing colorado in six. >> Reporter: oilers fans still have a long way to go. But the flames, well, they didn't even make the playoffs. And of the four teams left in the hunt for stanley, only one canadian team remains. So for this year and this year only... Go, oilers, go. Dawna. >> Dawna: you did it. Heather yurek-west in calgary, thanks. >>> That is "global national" for this thursday. I'm dawna friesen. Tonight's your canada is this old family farm in ajax, ontario. Thanks for watching. Farrah nasser will be at the anchor desk tomorrow, and I'll see you again in a little bit. Bye-bye. [ ] >> Tonight air travel ticket prices rising skyhigh. >> I have travelled before and it's more expensive.

>> Why experts say western canadians are being hit hard when booking their summer and winter getaways. >> Linda: remembering alberta teen after a fatal stabbing. >> Fun-loving. Outdoor. Extremely active. Heart of gold. >> Joel: where the 15-year-old was when the attack happened and what police are saying about the man and now facing murder charges. >> I have the best support. My people will be there. >> Lacing up to cross a major milestone at the finish line. Why this weekend's calgary marathon is about much more than a race for 1 local runner. >> Announcer: you're watching global calgary. This is global news are at 6. >> Linda: good evening and thank you for joining us. Plans for the summer travel season are ramping up and the price of air travel is becoming costly for many. >> Calgary-based westjet says it's trying to respond by flooding plans for a new cheaper fare category and his jayme doll reports the province also says it's working to make it cheaper to fly. >> Reporter: the striped bird is back in town condor taking flight and skies of alberta offering another link between calgary and europe. A welcome return for flyers desperate for more options as air travel prices skyrocket. Grounding a lot of travel plans. >> I'm not doing it. Things are to take since of. >> Travelling is really hard for everyone. I am happy here. >> I have no plans to fly anywhere because it is too expensive sewing driving to saskatchewan. >> Prices are not inching up. They are leaping up from what they used to be. They have doubled if not sometimes tripled. >> Reporter: this travel agent says western canadians are getting hit especially hard. Some are still booking the summer. Again twice about winter holidays. >> Come christmas now this year people are saying will go next year. However, prices are not liable to go down anytime soon because airlines have no reason to reduce the prices. We have a nonbelief the worst thing in western canada. >> Reporter: westjet says it's in the process of updating basic fair options which could include she proceeds if you don't bring carry on. It once ottawa to review it's fee structure something alberta government is also been lobbying for. It's also looking at ways to make air travel more viable across the province. >> We are looking at regional flights whether lethbridge medicine hat fort mcmurray grande prairie how to increase more air travel within the province of alberta. These feasibility studies we have given to 10 regional municipal airports across the province will be in by this year just to make sure that they can offer better flight options for albertans. >> Reporter: despite the heavy toll on pocketbooks some travellers say they've accepted it's the cost of doing something they love. >> Expensive. It was worth it. >> Jayme doll global news. >> It's the end of an era for 1 local swimming pool. After more than 60 years the city decided to close the inglewood aquatic centre at the end of the year. His craig momney reports there's a worry about what the loss will mean for the existing pressures on pools. >> Reporter: come december would swimmer betty will have to get prolapse in somewhere else. >> Not impressed. This area needs to have some recreational facilities. >> Reporter: they live across the street from the inglewood aquatic centre and have swam here since she was 11. Now her beloved pool will be closed for good. >> It's been here for 60 plus years and if they can update other places they can update this place. I know it's going to cost a lot of money. >> Reporter: the price tag at least $600,000.3 months of work. Built in the 1960s the city says the aging facility exceeded it's lifespan by over a couple of decades and faces many repairs to electrical systems. >> We explore various possibilities to sustain the facility's operations. Advancing the closure of inglewood aquatic centre prevents the need for the costly and time-consuming repair. Moreover there's a chance that further repairs would be required because of the facility 's age. >> Reporter: some calgarians are worried at another pool has disappeared from the inner city. Among them eau claire. >> It will be high demand and pressure. >> Publishing of calgary has grown over 100,000 last year. Yet we hear no new public or private recreational facilities being developed in the city. >> We are very aware of the need to provide aquatics in the inner-city and the first choice was investment at mnp. >> Reporter: a celebration commemorating the inglewood pool is being planned for later this year. As for betty. >> I swam in the spool the first-aid opened and I will swim in the spool the last it closes.

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