
CICT - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #13

>> We're throwing -- flying to the southwest wright now. Cars left of your screen are headed northbound and we have a bit of the ongoing construction here with the pylons out affecting drivers cease and westbound the labelling right now we're not seeing any major delays but ahead up -- had said that this might impact you during the workweek. At your diy on with the get ready for summer sale with deals on power tools only until june 5th up and call the one, I'm louise van damme. >> Tracy: well a couple of close while life encounters are serving as a reminder for people headed out into the mountains earlier this month the man was attacked by a grizzly not far from the bc-alberta border. Came with their safety and more joins us this morning to discuss the bear activity so far this year. Good morning came, thing for joining us! >> Good morning ki think for having me. >> Okay first I want to get your reaction to this attack and clean the man is recovering but it's been described as a sudden attack, how often are we seeing these types of attacks happening? >> Well with grizzly bears a number of the attacks or defence evidence when people surprise a bear at close range, often they -- the bear will have cubs or a food source or they just have been surprised, if you have dogs with you that can absolutely cause bear to feel defensive and in this case the man was hunting with hounds trying to actually track out a black bear one unfortunate the dogs then sent it onto a grizzly bear and unfortunately when a dog is off leash and it runs at a grizzly bear, the often then come back and they start to go toward attacking the dogs. And that can then when the hunter arrived on scene and the bear proceed -- perceive that hunter is a threat as well like if you're walking our dogs off leash and they came across a bear with cubs or a food source or surprise then you would also have a chance of getting attacked as well it was a defensive attack and unfortunately it's becoming more common we are seeing more cases here in canada and united states where people are either out hunting with their dogs off leash and they're not making noise, we've had seven people attacked in defence of attacks in the last seven days. >> That's quite a number we are seeing their kim. Two bears were also euthanized into separate events in banff earlier this month. Parks canada says one was a sickly cub and the other was an adult male that wandered into the town site. Now, what are some things people can do to try and limit wildlife coming into these areas then? >> It is a tough one in banff. We do have the season right now so maybe -- in may and june females often try to sneak into town and give birth where they're trying to avoid the large carnivores killing the young. Is a time when gazebos are actively looking for elk and moose calves and they can be drawn into our community and that can be anywhere in alberta where we have the cabin season going on. So it is always important to supervisor kids when you go for a walk, keeper dog and a leash, and also make sure there's no attractants in your yard, we don't recommend people have bird feeders or hummingbird feeders, don't feature dogs outside, only dog food out or composting, and of course recycling and garbage kept indoors don't be the reason a bear comes in. Meteor hangs around your residential area because some call walk out the door and then boom, get into a surprising counter with a bear. We all have responsibilities to make our community safe. >> What about for people headed out into their home then. What can they do to avoid these encounters with bears? Of course,, keep your pet the leash. >> Yes, it is a big one for sure. Absolutely it's illegal international provincial parks to two have your dog off leash. But the big one really is noise. When we look at cases were people getting attacked by these animals they are often not making noise, they are not travelling in groups, the human voice is an incredible tool. And it's free. [ Laughter ] he literally just have allowed a couple hoops and haulers while walking, bring friends or family with you and keep your group close together and keep that dog on a leash, have that bear spray physically on your body either in a chest harness or a waist harness and watching for signs of activity so around this time of year there's a lot of vegetation starting to show up on the side of the trails in the sides of the roads and that's what people see bears and they will come down the areas where the food sources are and wright now up high, they're still snow on the mountains but they will be down those valley bottoms. It's up to us to just keep making noise and be aware of our surroundings, watch for things like overturned rocks and logs, if you start to see signed a bear activity it's time to turn around and find another trail to go on. >> Came, great advice and reminders for people headed out, thank you for your time this morning! >> Absolutely. >> Tracy: for more from nation you can go to bear

>>> Next, the laws of war, israel launches fresh attacks in gaza and what this week's international court rulings good morning Weather Window is brought to you in part by Birchwood Furniture Galleries. Learn more at Hi. Peter Plummer here. Great news. 40 gallons supplied and installed $1290, 50 gallon $1590, both with a 12 year warranty. Ao Smith hot water tanks built tough for the long run because, you know, nobody beats Pete nobody. And they also build softeners Ready to roll Dino? If you want to be a partof the future.If you want to share in thewealth bei by conferenced like this, come to Inventures 2024. That's where the action is. The energy, the enthusiasm,the passion. You know what's nice about entrepreneurs? Is they like breaking rules. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at Lightning Lotto! Hey, what's that? Oh that's Lightning Lotto, it's our newest instant win game. Hmmm... Jackpot starts at $100k, grows with every ticket sold. Get me one of them. - Yeah? - Yeah Alright. [thunder and lighting] ( ) Next! Whoa, I'm rich! Lightning Lotto! ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by Beaches The Musical Theatre Calgary a timeless love story about friendship. Book tickets now at >> Good sunday morning, thank you for spending the day with us, the reign is coming down to the city and with that we also have lots of high wind gusts into the forties through portions of calgary. Forty-seven kilometres per hour and all those marathoners out there this morning's would ask her congratulations to you with these conditions. Uv index setting at five which is moderate in the city, if you are planning to get out it will be raining for the next few hours but after that a good chance to get out and enjoy a walk or something. Post ring glow, we focus on some of the positives? This one was sent in from stu yesterday, be able able shot after the rain tapered off looking north at the city skyline, thank you for this in and sharing it with us right now we are sitting at 7° with the rain going up to 15 today. Is down the stampede grounds we have that marathon activity underway a kids race is just kicked off at 930. They are giving them right now. 18°, representing 1928, 32°. We can just dream about that wright now and if you have a four-legged friend hounding you to get outside to go for a walk well, perhaps put those rain boots on and a jacket for them or just give them a bath after. It's wet. And abiy went for the next little while until this evening. Echo hanging out in a sunbeam and we can enjoy some of that tomorrow when things start to switch and we will have dry conditions and we will get up into the twenties. Here's luis event amicable one. >> We were just chasing a sunbeam ourselves actually but it went away from us but this is a look at stoney trail and sixth avenue. Cars at the top headed northbound if you were headed out in this direction to the northeast will be happy to hear very late -- lightbulb at the moment with these rating road conditions. Your child's copper ear pain can often be care for at home. Watch -- learn more I'm luis van damme. >> After a deadly day in gaza israel says they plan to proceed with their planned military operations in the city of rafah. Despite two separate international court rulings this week condemning israel's actions as well as the attacks by hamas. Redmond shannon supports -- reports on what that really can mean for the region and the war. >> The crowded city of rafah, residents want to believe

friday's international court of justice ruling ordering israel to halt their offensive on the city will make a difference. We hope it is implemented not only in rafah but across gaza says this woman. But the it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu's security visor says he believes the ruling does not rule out all military operations in rafah. He suggest the offensive will continue within the scope of international law. >> The outrageous decision. >> Earlier in the week netenyahu strongly criticized the separate decision by the international criminal court to issue arrest warrants against him and hamas leaders calling this a moral outrage. The icc investigates people for war crimes and other crimes. Less than two thirds of the un members recognize it. The us russia china and israel do not. But all un members are automatically parties to the icj which that court hears cases against nations. Neither court has direct enforcement powers, the icc relies on states to make arrests. Russian president vladimir putin avoid a trip to south africa last year over the threat of being detained. And icj ruling can be used by individual countries to justify sanctions. But... >> This obviously depends in the political will and the situation. >> There and lie the limits of the international courts. >> We don't recognize that jurisdiction, with the icc. >> Prime minister justin trudeau has except to both court ruling. >> Canada respects the court. >> Speaking on the west block the investor to ottawa refused to criticize canada for not following washington. >> Every nation must make its own sovereign determination. >> The government here in london which like the us has a un security council visa -- vido doesn't agree to ruling a both court saying they only want to strengthen hamas. Global news london. >> And papa new guinea the estimated death toll has climbed nearly 700 as crews continue to dig through the aftermath of a major landslide on friday. According to the media reports so far only five bodies and the body part of a six victim have been found and in the meantime emergency convoys are bringing aid to survivors but there are challenges they ended up blocking the main highway Dog walking forecast is brought to you in part by Lighting Lotto Know your limit, play within it. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at Opticom Optical Cameras Photography. Tamar. Tamar. I don't know. I got it, I got it, I don't have it. Optimized. -co-offensive Tamanoumi. “What is it anyway?” Optical Coherence Tomography or oct. An advanced eye health scan that can help spot sight conditions early. At Specsavers we think it's so important we include it with every eye exam. Opical Turmgraphy. Not everyone can say it, but everyone can have it. And if you're an eligible senior you get eye exams at no cost to you. Plus 30% off lens upgrades for all seniors. A refocused healthcare system in Alberta means... Some of the people in this waiting room won't have to be here. This family could have a practitioner to call their own. These patients could have more continuing care options. This person could be accessing mental health treatment. Leaving fewer people in Urgent Care who can now access more timely acute care. Giving every Albertan the care you need, when and where you need it. Learn more at a message from the Government of Alberta. - Remember those times you felt truly independent, windows down, on the road to anywhere you want to go, the freedom to do the things you love to do most? At Advantage Home Health Solutions we want you to feel that same sense of freedom. - Independence costs less during our demo days sale. Enjoy up to 40% offselect mobility scooters and foldingpower chairs. Did you know we repairthe best brands of power chairs andmobility scooters? - Test drive comfort,fit for you, at Advantage Home Health Solutions. Sam Centre lets you take part in Stampede's Greatest Stories. With a year round, immersive and interactive experience. Now open! I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. [ ] You might not know how to keep cool in your home. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." Get an air conditioner for as little as

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