
CICT - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

replace homicide detective joins us in studio to talk about the file and the search for more victims. Good morning, thing for joining us. >> Good morning. >> What was your reaction when you heard this news? >> I was actually really proud. I know historical crimes invest gears across the country without work hard every day to try and bring resolution to these files and yes, I felt immense pride for the group here in calgary that was part of that. >> Tracy: can we talk a little bit about this new forensic tool that is sorta being used investigative genetic genealogy? >> Yes, really what it is is a sort of a collaboration between investigators and genealogist to try and help solve some of these very old files. The first time was ever applied or using thing was done in the nine states with the golden state killer. And the technique led to the identification of that individual many years later. And since then, ingenuity of investigators even here in canada have taken it upon themselves to start and apply some of their historical cases, homicides, sexual assault and things of that nature. And with great success. >> So this has been using other files like locally here in order to sell cases then? >> It certainly has. Really what they are doing is they are mapping the suspect through family trees essentially. So it led to a collaborative approach with the genealogists and the investigators. Looking at family trees to try and identify who this unknown profile may belong to. And it has sat for many years. >> Officers than in the seventies they had the foresight to collect some of this dna evidence even though it wasn't really being used at that point. >> At the they had the foresight to just keep the evidence. I don't think anyone back in the seventies new we were going to get to this point but really, dna technology has advanced so much in the last 25 years. And it was really only soaring to be applied in the mid-nineties. With the police investigations at that time needed so much dna and now it's just very little. And who could've ever thought we were at the point now where we could actually track somebody through their dna profile. To the family lineages. That's with the genealogy actually is. >> No you touched on this but what is unlike this meaning for investigators now and you know, people who worked on this file 70 years ago? >> I think it means a lot to the investigative teams that were involved in this for -- particular investigation for sure and they should be very proud of their efforts and their achievements this way. But I also think it must mean a ton for the families themselves were also impacted to have this mystery hanging over them for so long. >> Moving forward then in looking into what investigators are doing that might possibly link more cases, what is the steps that will be taken? >> I imagine there -- they will be looking at other crimes that they suspect he might have committed and if there is dna on file, using this dna evidence to try and link him that way. They'll also be looking at the method of operation, behaviour seen in other crimes to compare them to what they saw here. I'm sure there will be a great effort to try and track this over the coming months and potentially years. >> I was going to say how long do you think it would take for more cases to start being linked to this then? >> I think it's hard to say but obviously there will be submissions to the dna databank now that they know who they are suspect is in relation to these four cases. And then from there, they will wait to see weather or not there is matches to other unsolved files. >> Thank you so much for your time this morning. >> Thank you tracy. >> Were to get in contact with dave you can go to unconventional >> We are in the southwest wright now, this is glenmore trail and 32nd street cars to the right of your street are headed eastbound we have right-hand lane closures through here slowing down well, not slowing down which is affecting the drivers right now. For the workweek this might impact you with the growing speed reductions as well. Get a dealer on a new deck refresh code of paint and the get ready for summer sale is happening now until Weather Window is brought to you in part by Birchwood Furniture Galleries. Learn more at

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