
CICT - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

>>> And an error on toast sumo pool susan thurso oreo unlawfully like she looks across the street from the angled aquatic centre and has so I'm sense she was 11 years old. But now her beloved pool we'll be closed for good. >> It's been here for 60 plus years. And if they can update other places, they can update this place to. I know it's going to cost a lot of money. >> Reporter: the price tag at least $600,000.3 months of work killed . Built in the 1960s the facility exceeded it's lifespan by over a couple decades and faces major repairs to its illogical systems. >> While we explore different options to explore its improvements, this prevents the need for that task does costly and time-consuming repair. Moreover there is a chance for the repairs would be required because of the facilities age. >> Reporter: some calgarian's are worried yet another pool has disappeared from the inner city, among them the eau claire y. >> It would be high-pressure. >> The population of calgary from what I heard on the news is going by what boat does all -- over 100,000 mustard. Yet we hear no news public or private recreation sicily's being developed. >> We are aware of the need to provide aquatics in the inner city and the first choice was the investment at mnp. >> Reporter: a celebration commemorating the inglewood pool is being planned for later this year. As for betty. >> I swam in this pool the first-aid open. I will swim in this pool the last day closes. >> Reporter: that last day is december 22nd. Craig momney global news e family and friends of a murdered alberta women gather this week and for an angry walk in her memory. Lauren jarvis was found dead in her home april 2023. Her downstairs neighbour was charged with her murder. It's the second annual justice for lauren mark. Family and friends want to be the focus on the way she lived. >> It's not based just around what happened to her packets based on who she was and remembering lauren for the person she was and the woman she could still be if something like this didn't happen. >> Tracy: the walk is supporting evidence victims of homicide support society a group that offers up the people that have lost loved ones to murder. With another busy wildfire season limiting university researchers say more action needs to be taken or watch she calls a missing peter -- piece of firefighting effort, mental health. Researchers from the university of victoria spoke with over 30 people affected by wildfires on social and emotional and acts on their communities. Residents say they feel a sense of grief and trauma in communities like lytton bc where they evacuated on a moments notice and were unable to return home. Those living in wildfire prone communities say they face anxiety and a heightened sense of fear at this time of year. >> I think there's an opportunity here to relieve this stuff local resources. May be something around committee support groups but also having conversations like we are right now where people are experiencing the fire season to so they can understand this is normally you're struggling this is difficult if you had that heightened anxiety during the summer months is something that we can start having these conversations with people around us and sherry were feeling that weigh. >> Tracy: researchers are looking to approach along far organizations and officials to share their findings and find ways to implement the strategy. [ ]

>>> After a deadly day and casa israel says it plans to proceed with the plan military operations in the city of wrong foot. That despite 2 separate international court rulings this week condemning israel's actions as well as the attacks by hamas. Redman chandon reports on what those rulings could mean for the region and the war. >> Reporter: the crowded city of rafah residents want to believe friday's international court of justice ruling ordering israel's halt will make a difference. We hope it isn't demented not only in rafah but across casa says this 1 in. But the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's national security advisor said he believes the ruling does not rule out all military operations in rafah. He suggests the offensive full continue within the scope of international law earlier in the week he strongly criticized the separate decision by the international criminal court to issue arrest warrants against him and hamas leaders calling it a moral outrage. The icc investigates people for war crimes and other crimes. Less than 2 thirds recognize it. The u.s., tern and russia do not. All members are automatically parties to the icj which hears courses -- cases against 2 nations. They relies on states to make arrests. Russia president vladimir putin avoided a trip to south africa last year over the threat of being detained. And icj ruling and be used by individual countries to justify sanctions. But. >> It all depends obviously on the political will and the situation. >> There and lie the limits of international courts. >> We don't recognize jurisdiction the icc. >> Reporter: prime minister justin trudeau has accepted both court rulings. >> Come to respect the court red-mac speaking of the west pompey U.S. ambassador to oslo -- on are refused to criticize canada for not following washington. >> Every nation must make its own sovereign determinations lgbtq the british government here in london which like the U.S. as a U.N. security council veto has good to size the rulings of both courts saying they only serve to strengthen hamas. Redman chandon, global news london.

>>> And popeye new guinea the estimated death toll has climbed generally 700 as crews continue to dig to the aftermath of a major landslide and a remote village friday -- papua new guinea. Only 5 bodies in the body part of the sixth victim had been found only. In the meantime emergency release -- release convoys are being a. But there are challenges. It blocked a main highway while local food and water sources have also been destroyed. >>> Coming up in our next hour, wildlife safety, how to steer clear from danger as bear activity increases in both bc and elbert a. But first, some delicious recipes just in time for some repair guard through greater cookbook author author j We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. car accidents are no laughing matter. Were you in when it finished treatment? but the pain didn't actually go away when you were told that's it, there's nothing more you can do. Here's some stretches. You'll be fine. But you aren't. Cool thing is, we might have some different technology and skills that can help. Your second chance starts with a phone call It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! (Clock ticking) tylenol Rapid ReleaseGelcaps are scientifically designedto quickly release medicine and effectively relieve pain. Tylenol. Rapid Release. Rapid relief. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at Lightning Lotto! Hey, what's that? Oh that's Lightning Lotto, it's our newest instant win game. Hmmm... Jackpot starts at $100k, grows with every ticket sold. Get me one of them. - Yeah? - Yeah Alright. [thunder and lighting] ( ) Next! Whoa, I'm rich! Lightning Lotto! Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Thousands stranded on 9/11,a small town in Newfoundland that opened their homes. The Broadway musical Come From Away, September 17th to 22nd. Tickets on sale now at Closed Captioning of this Global Program is brought to you by Coyote Creek Golf Resort Now booking group outings & company events for the upcoming golf season

>>> We're just over the downtown core looking at some construction through here. This is macleod trail and stony channel. We do have a rightly enclosure and also a heads-up would have this marathon ongoing so lots of different lane closures throughout the downtown core. Calgary's 5 sought after calgary and area committees are built for life calculate. Visit An global 1 and louise van dam. [ ] >> Announcer: you're watching global news morning. [ ] >>> If you are hosting a party this summer food stations and cup down toast cut down some part-time. A cookbook author joins with some recipes that will delight even the pickiest eater. >> Or just a range of readers. >> Let's talk a bit about why you love food stations so much. >> There are some a dietary preferences these days so I think we have a station that makes someone feel less awkward about not being able to or can't eating something. >> Marty eating? [ Laughter ] >> Yes so I did a braised turkey platter. Some tacos and flour tortillas and buns. Poultry specifically is such a good protein option. You can get a good price per pound so this is actually a grilled bone in turkey breast that it braised afterwards. You get a lot of meat off the bone and flavoured. I added whatever he liked to use, salsa, some peppers than just put it out. There are a lot of options for texture and labours and again if you don't like meat you can opt for all the toppings instead. >> Specs right. You look so delicious. Did you just put this up? [ Laughter ] >> It didn't take a lot but again I am all about textures that's all we have some marinated onions and sliced vegetables. >> He got all of that here I love this picnic sort of idea as well. Cocktails. >> Yes. I like to mention this this time of year because now that it's getting warmer you want these fresh berries but can't find them in the store so a great place as the frozen section. These are canadian mixed wild berries. This is sort of a spin on the traditional barry fruitcake. Chi put down some berries with sugar and herbs it takes 25 minutes. It's vary simple. I'll post this recipe later today but it's actually a mixture of marshmallows and heavy cream. I heat at a low temperature until it comes together and you get this beautiful rich. >> That looks delicious. >> Tracy: >> We work it into a cocktail as well. So this is to trick alec to show people. You add some blueberry jam into your cocktail like so and let's say you like june, you shake it up and get this beautiful coloured you. >> That's what this is 3 today is my friday to. And is the sort of the same idea over here? >> Exactly, showing in a different food stations in. You can mix in the wild blueberries with the marshmallow mixture. This is pieces of regular french bread I toasted off with honey, sugar and butter. It's like a sweet crouton people can do it themselves. >> I can only imagine what a party is like a or house you like but we just whip it up whatever's in my fridge and you come out with this gourmet looking gal. >> That's the thing I'm a pretty lazy cook this is all quite easy and I'm terrible at dessert that's why buy things like bread and toast them off. You can make a layer dessert that looks impactful with minimal effort. Those are heart iced tea used it's like a local version of a twisted tvp writs my new favourite canned drink I would say. Is slightly bubbly really delicious you can have 1 after the breaker after the show. After the show. >> Tracy: okay dan. There's a lot of inspiration I absolutely love your cookbook. >> Right now if you go through this spring section you will have ideas that mention something like this or if you can find various what can you cook, were headed into summer slots august of the best chapter because there are some of the fun things to cook. But it's available everywhere with lots of ideas like this are similar. >> Tracy: high above it, thank you for coming and damp for more information check out dan In our next hour giving new life to an older home, should more houses being moved instead of demolished to make way for new

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