
CICT - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> Of the halifax region today. The reign from yesterday through south-central manitoba came and went. It moved up north after bringing 80 millimetres of rain and some spots. Winkler manitoba site 80 millimetres. Here's a look at the highs across the country. We are aiming for 16. Over the next 10 days as we round out the month of may and say hello to jun next saturday, here is a look at the temperatures and conditions. A dry day tomorrow. The first 1 in quite a while warming up to 21 degrees with a mix of sun and clouds. 23 tuesday the warmest day of the week we will drop below average for couple days before we get more on par next week and. The normal high next year 18 tracy. >> Thank you tracy. Meanwhile hundreds of millions of people in south asia are grappling with a prolonged and tense and dangerous heat wave. The region is no stranger to high temperatures but extreme weather filled by climate change is testing the boundaries of what people can tire does tolerate. >> Reporter: a hot wind loads and pakistan sometimes called auto city on earth. Temperature forecast near 50 degrees celsius. 120 degrees fahrenheit. It is like the desert only people live here in. [ Speaking Alternate Language ] >> Reporter: he said it is vary hot and we are without power many hours of the day. 11 million people are sweltering under an increasingly dangerous he. Work goes on but doctors warn of heatstroke and other health issues. >> I soak the cloth of my head injury water and work earlier in the morning said this labourer. This man says that he is so intense he has to come inside after 10 minutes. The labour say they must work to feed their families. They are accustomed to extreme heat but not this. Temperatures in the mid-forties into chapter 6 to 8 degrees higher than usual said this meteorologist. No rain is forecast so it will remain hot. On climate scientist said areas of south asia and southeast asia are expensing a new normal wear periods of extreme heat and humidity may be uninhabitable. >> The intensity of the long period of hot weather I think we'll have to make sure people know about the risk. >> Reporter: in india the chutneys using up groundwater that could cause persistent crop failures. A potential disaster for a country so dependent on farming. >> Increasing temperatures lead to more rapid aspiration and lack of water ability. The frequency and intensity of these drugs is expected to increase. >> Reporter: back in pakistan the government's closing schools this weekend for job. Everyone is suffering said this shopkeeper especially children and the sick. Help officials say people should stay inside and not travel as millions have done little to contribute to global warming and must write extreme heat waves -- right out extreme heat waves that will likely worsen with climate change. Eric's orange and global news toronto.

>>> Meanwhile intense heat also attacked mexico with dozens of people having died from the heat don't. The most intense heat is yet to come. Their face and bone dry conditions and serious water shortages to preachers sore. Water delivery has become a critical service in mexico city where temperatures could hit 35 degrees which is far hotter than what the capital is used to and unbearable in the city where all but the well-off have air conditioning. Next, a startling number is linked to opioid deaths in alberta's first nations communities help the provinces plans to tackle the issue. >>> And the laws of war. Israel launches fresh attacks in gaza. What this week's international court ruling could mean for its planned offensive in rough. [ ] >>> Google news. 's tv studio to the classroom. >> Ctv morning live weather school is wrapping up another successful year. >> I hope you have a ton of fun. Talk to to you about some cool weather events. >> Reporter: our experts cannot wait to see next years grade fives. >> I'm tiffany. >> I'm gabby's. >> Spots to bring our experts to your classroom we'll be open again and the ball. >> Reporter: local news Weather Window is brought to you in part by Birchwood Furniture Galleries. Learn more at Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Well, I think a good estate plan should be focused on you and what is significant to you. So that means what is meaningful in your life at the present moment. Estate planning has become about life planning, not about passing on. For more information, Join me for our next complimentary seminar. Back Pain? If your back hurts when you sit, get up from sitting or bend over could be a herniated disc cool thing is we went to school to figure it out so you won't have to. Life Shouldn't Hurt Check out our wicked cool locations at Golden Acre is Calgary's largest home and garden center. You know, as for our hugeselection of flowers, veggies. trees, perennials, and all your gardening supplies. But this spring we'd like you tocome get to know us for our curated brand name furniture made for living in Alberta. Make your backyard dreams a reality at Golden Acre. Located off McKnight Blvd and Edmonton Trail in the north. Come get inspired in store or online at We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum,

by Marc Jacobs. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. Announcer: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. >> Announcer: you're watching global news morning. [ ] >>> Good morning and thank you for joining a spirit topping out news at 7:30 am troubling provincial data shows opioid -related deaths are not slowing down and all barred up. A recent report shows the crisis is even more prevalent and first nations communities. Eric bay reports. >> Reporter: opioids have had a lasting effect and jody plane eagles families. >> I had a uncle lost his daughter to the addiction. >> Reporter: similar losses are being felt in disproportionate numbers by other first nation families across alberta. Data recently released by the provincial government shows the rate of unintentional opioid deaths are more than 8 times higher among first nations peoples. >> Their fighting for their lives right now, they are out there trying to, on survival mode trying to fight for the life. >> Reporter: according to indigenous services canada pros nations peoples account for 3.4% for albertans. The provinces numbers show between 2016 at 2022 that demographic represented 20% of all unintentional opioid deaths. In 2022 alone the number increased to nearly 1 and 4 deaths. >> It's very disheartening to see the disparity growing and not getting less. That tells us that there is not an adequate response. >> Reporter: doctor extra tailfeathers has been on the front lines of the fight born and raised in the blood drive she is seen first hand of the drugs. >> Art communities are suffering at her hand does my heart goes out to the families who wants people. These numbers mean something to us. >> Reporter: she wants more upper and supports for people dealing with addiction. In a statement to global news the ministry of mental health and addiction spokesperson said the problems is partnering with indigenous communities to build 5 recovery facilities. That will take a land-based approach to support recovery and reconnection with their culture. Tailfeathers fear of support will come too late. For an eternity to numbers just made public, she is worried about what's going on right now. >> Were not able to react and respond to what's happening. >> Reporter: making it harder to reverse this concerning trend. Airbase, global news.

>>> A number of albertans spent yesterday scrambling to reverse charges some tens of thousands of dollars on them on the phone plan in ways. >> The first thing I saw I got scared and was thinking all my gosh I travel a lot and I was away so I thought to leave my room and on why dwight had the $50,000 charge thinking I did something stupid. >> Reporter: the association of professional engineers in geosciences of alberta offer a wireless float -- wireless phone plan to never see roger's. On saturday many customers noticed massive charges for items like equipment and long distance calls on their invoice. >> My monthly charges $40 a month or something. It's been like that for 2 and a half years and suddenly they charge $15,000 to seem strange. Ivonne credit card announced chopped it's chopped up into little bits. So I will be able to make any credit card port purchases unfortunately. >> Reporter: global news conversion another customer was charged $19,000 with another fee of 33,000 owes pending. There still trying to determine how many people have been impacted. >>> In a statement at the association said they are aware some customers have issues with her monthly billing. They can from their systems have not been hacked and customer data is safe. As of late saturday afternoon most users have their incorrect charges fix. The association apologizes for the error. [ ] >> Courtney: good sunday morning. Thanks were starting your day with us. We are off to a nice warm note. The very similar day as yesterday up to 16 with rain on the way. Downtown currently 8 degrees for all those runners and there calgary marathon. This is how the day we'll break down. Right there there go the 10 k runners I love that when you can see them all take off. We still have the 5 k and the kids raised coming up. Partly cloudy conditions but the rain hold off. 13 degrees over the lunch hour that's when the rain will arrive. Along with high gusting winds. 15 this afternoon then this evening or teen overnight clearing down to 6 degrees and then tomorrow paving the way for lots of sunshine and warmth ahead as we round out the month of may high winds in the southern part of the province right now. Lethbridge experiencing strong winds at 20 km/h. Currently 10 degrees. This is a when the rain will roll in around 2:00 pm this afternoon a risk of thunderstorms as well. Similar to what we saw yesterday where we had an additional 3 and a half millimetres of rainfall in the city. Nice and clear to get into next week. That's the warm up everyone is looking forward to and we will experience it in the southern part of the province. We are looking for a high of 20 and tomorrow, 23 tuesday which is the warmest day of the week with a mix of sun and clouds. Potential rain made weekend and friday 16, saturday the first day of june 19 which is just above the normal height of 18 per tracy. >> Tracy: thank you courtney. With another busy wildfire season looming university researchers say more action needs to be taken to what she calls and missing piece of firefighting efforts, mental health. Researchers from the university of victoria spoke with over 30 people affected by wildfires on social and emotional impacts on their communities. Residents say they feel a sense of grief and trauma and communities like lytton bc where they evacuated on a moments notice and were unable to return home. Those living in wildfire prone communities say they face anxiety and a heightened sense of your at this time of year. >> Thank there's an opportunity to boost local resources so maybe something around community support groups but also having conversations like we are right now where people are experiencing these fire seasons and they can understand this is normal, a pure struggle and this is difficult if you had the heightened anxiety during the summer months, that is something we construct having this conversation with people around us and share that were feeling that weigh. >> Tracy: researchers are looking to approach wildfire organizations officials to share

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